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Show DEW TO CELEBRATE RESULTJFJLECTIO! Colorado City Plans Public Meeting in Honor of Moffat Tunnel Bond Issue. SALT LAKERS INVITED Governor Spry May Represent Repre-sent Utah; Congratulatory Telegrams Exchanged. A public celebration will be held In Denver tomorrow and Saturday In observance observ-ance or tho 3,000,000 Denver-Salt Take railroad, which will be built through the Continental divide. The bonds for the appropriation carrjed by a two to one vote and a majority of approximately 5000 at a special election held In Donvor on Tuesday. President. V. F. .Jensen of the Salt Lake Commercial club wired the Denver Chamber of Commerce early yestcrday mornlng commending Donvor on Us action ac-tion to bond the city for tho building of a project which It is said will bo of great benefit both to Salt Lako and Denver. If possible Governor William Spry, who Is now in Washington, D. C, will attend the celebration In Denver Saturday. The governor was asked by telegraph yesterday yester-day by the Commercial club to represent Salt Lake and Utah at tho celebration If ho could arrange to do so. It Is not known, however, how long official business busi-ness will keep the executive In Washington. Wash-ington. Mayor Is Invited. Mayor Samuel C- Parle, who was also invited by the Denver Chamber of Commerces Com-merces lo attond tho celebration, will be unable to bo present, owing to aovoral matters of importanco which will occupy his time for several days. President Jen-son's Jen-son's congratulatory wire to the Denver Chamber of Commerce was as follows: Representatives of state commercial organizations rejoice with you over bond issue victory. Govornor Sprv is in Washington. We are making effort to have him in Denver on Friday. Fri-day. Will advise later. If Governor Spry cannot attend, will endeavor to have Mayor Park with you. Citizens of Salt Ixike and Utah rccogulzo bond Issue as salutary commercial event nnd as the impetus needed to stir our people io action to construct a railway to meet you half way. It Is another step townrd the obliteration oblitera-tion of already fading state boundaries bound-aries and the closer drawing together of two great communities. Answer Received. The answer from the Denver Chamber of Commerce to Mr. Jensen's ,wlro was as follows; Denver wants Salt Lake to join us in celebrating Unancliig Moffat tunnel by city of Denver. Wo will celebrate event Friday noon and also on Saturday night with grand pa-rado pa-rado and fireworks, "We want your club to have prominent representative representa-tive here Friday noon. Suggest also that Salt Lake hold celebration Saturday Sat-urday night, same lime Denver celebrates. cele-brates. Can you get mayor or governor gov-ernor to come to Denver? Result Pleases Spry. Special to The Tribune. WASHINGTON, Feb. IS. Governor Spry, when his attention was culled this evening to the result of the election for tlio Moffat tunnel bonds, expressed satisfaction satis-faction and said that ho was greatly pleased that tho roads had been authorized author-ized and the building of the tunnel thereby there-by assured. "Tho completion of the Moffat road would In effect give Salt Lake City an additional through line to the enst and would be of untold benefit to both Colorado Colo-rado and Utah and the cities of Denver and Salt Lako City," ho said. |