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Show La Grippe Leaves Its Victims Prostrate. Some victims of la grippe never fully recover tho health of the lungs, and persistent per-sistent coughing is weakening. The quick action of Foley's Honoy and Tar makes it valuable in severe la grippo coughs. F. G. Provo, Bedford, Ind., writes: "La grippe left mo with a severe se-vere cough that Foley's Honey and Tar cured, and T am back o my normal weight." Schramm-Johnson, drugs, "the never-substitutors," five (5) good stores. (Advertisement.) Little Girl Cured of an Awful Cold. "Two years ago our little girl had an awful cold that settled on lifer lungs," sava Mrs. Win. Galbraith, Hamburg, Ham-burg, N. Y. "We were greatly worrier! wor-rier! about her condition. She had a porsistent croupy cough that clung to j her despite all our treatment, until I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy This preparation relieved ' that dreadful enngh and choking and , effected a positive cure in tho course i of a few days' time." Por sale by all I dealers. (Advertisement.) Bad Is a poisonous and dangerous thing. It affects evory orim nnd function and brings about that low condition that prodispcac to moat diseases and ailments. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA co roctc it, and makes puro blood. MofssTyp Now Does Her Own Work. Lydia E. Pinkham's V egeta-ble egeta-ble Compound Helped Her. Ironton, Ohio. " I am enjoying better bet-ter health now than I have for twelve rTiTT.p yeare. When I be-JifjSO be-JifjSO gan to take Lydia E. ' if !2itwJrt ' pinkham'3 Vegeta-m,&Stv- bIe Compound I W y?S coud not sit up. I V "2F had female troubles 'Cm -v- h an3 was very ner-V ner-V !j V', : vous- 1 used the liV-r remedies a year and AyV v" ' yy and for the last eight &.v y months I have worked for other women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough for I know I never would have been as well if I had not taken it and I recommend recom-mend it to suffering women." Daughter Helped Also. "I gave it to my daughter when she was thirteen years old. She was in Bchool and was a nervous wreck, and could not sleep nights. Now she looks bo healthy that even the doctor speaks of it. You can publish this letter if you like." Mrs. Rena Bowman, 161 S. 10th Street, Ironton, Ohio. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three-fourths three-fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ? If you liave the slightest doubt that JLydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Vegeta-ble Compoundwill help you, write toLydiaE.PlnkhamjYIedlcineCo. i (confidential) Iynn,jrass.,f or ad-rice. ad-rice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. in if nil TONGUE IS Cl If Cross, Feverish, Con Give "California Syr Figs." i A laxative today saves ai tomorrow, Children simply take tho time from play to ei bowels, which become cloggei waste; liver gets sluggSh sour. fj Look at the tongue, mol coated, or your child is listl feverish, breath bad, rcstlea cat heartily, ful. 0 cold oi throat or any other children f give a tcaspoonful "of Syrup of Figs," then don't" , cause it is perfectly harmless tow hours all this constipati flour biln nnd fermenting w gently movo out of the b you have a well, playful cl A. thorough "insido cleaa ofttimes all that is nec should be the first treatment any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fi Ask your druggist for a SO-c f ?;hrnia s'ruP of Fig has full "directions for babil of all ages and for grownn printed on the bottle. Lool and see that it is made byi fomia Pig Syrup Comnany be fooled! (Advcrtisom'ent;) When the bowels becomg you are uncomfortable and,5; this condition exists the wori You can get rid of this mis'a by using Herbino. Take J going to bed and see how fii nest day. Price 50c. Sold by Johnson, druqs, "the n tutors, " five (o) good store (Advortlseincnt.) j In Clever Hats ; P Fashion's Latest whims direct from the wcj master designers. 3 '"Knox" superfine siyles $5.00. j "Roxford" $4.00, and "Beacon" $3.00, are mac the Knox Manufacturing Company. "Stetson" Hats from $4-Q0 to $15.00. I "G. & A. Special," $3.50. See our windows. Come in for closer inspec if Gardner h T A dams Q I The Keeley Treatiie I For Liquor and Drug Using M 1 Where the health is concerned experiments aJM I Our treatment has been successfully administered I thirty-five years in hundreds of .housunds oC cases. I We arc still at the head because we keep up to dal 1 No sickness; no nausea; no collapse. H 1 Improvement begins immediately-and continues wfl I Write for particulars and printed matter today. Ml I All correspondence strictly confidential. M' j The Keeley Institute! 0 Lock Box 1607. Dept. A, 334 West South Temple 1 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, W If it's the Keeley, it's a cure, y |