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Show A clear brain nud healthy body are essontial for success. Business men, teachers, students, housewives and other oth-er workers say Hood's Sursnnnrilla gives them appetite nnd strength, aud makes their work senm eas. It overcomes over-comes thai; tired feeling, i (Advertisement ) Kodak Pictures Finished. Mail us your films. Salt Lako Photo Supply Co., 159 Main street. Exclusive photo dealers. ( Advertisement.) Peel Miserahle? Out of sorts, depressed, paiifc It-back It-back Electric Bitters toqcw health aud strength. A Runrruilfcr er und TCidnc' remedy. MonejL not satisfied. Tt completely coB ert Wadson of Wost Burhngto who suffered from virulent Ixm bio for eight months. After -A! tors pave him u ho took ElecMj tors and is now u well man. Qm tie todav: it will do the sameM.-Keop sameM.-Keop in' tho houso for all HvorMjp, ney complaints. Perfectly safe ' pendnblo. Tts results will surpjBm 50c and $1.00. II. E. BucMbM? Philadelphia or St. Louis. flKe (Advortleomcnt.) Oi SPRING is not far away; we must wll make room for the new season's stock. ffpBl. THE good reputation of this store has been acquired largely by the good values 'SmKJ always found here; therefore we offer W'lffci all our high grade hand-tailored 1 j Mens Suits m ' $27.50 and $30.00 Values 1 Men who are familiar with our clothes will !$ appreciate this unusual offer i |