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Show ISOCIETY WIGHT 10 ' IE GflEflTER EVEF Big Attendance of 7000 Yesterday Yes-terday at Auto Show Promises Eclipse. Nearly 7000 pooplo' visited tho automo-Dlle automo-Dlle show yesterday tho largest attendance attend-ance by far of any automobile show over held in the Intennountnln region. Tho show was crowded almost tho entire day, and during a nat of tho evening the spacious alBlcs wore taxes to 'their capacity. ca-pacity. It is believed that tho attendance attend-ance today will exceed that of yesterday, as tonight Is "society night," tho biggest night of the entire show. Special musical numbers have been arranged ar-ranged for this evening by Fred C. Graham, Gra-ham, who is In charge of tho musical entertainment en-tertainment at the show. There will be Ave vocalists, In addition to tho Elmer Young orchestra, which Is in attendance at tho show each evening. Novelties will be Introduced in tho manner of presentation presenta-tion of the vocal numbers. Soloists will sing from various parts of the big showroom" show-room" In the David Keith building, Including Includ-ing the balcony. There will be thrco wom-un wom-un soloists and two men soloists, Tho programmo of vocal and Instrumental mu- Studebakcr Company. "T I J) S.H. Sharman, Sliarman Auto Co. M. G. Richardson, W. C. Hendric Rubber Company. slo will consist largely of tho latest popular pop-ular music. Last night a quartette or male singers from San Francisco ontcrtainod tho visitors visi-tors with vocal numbers that were delightful. de-lightful. The Young orchestra also rendered ren-dered a popular Instrumental programme. Spectators thronged the building from earlv evening until after 11 o'clock, tho closing hour. Exhibitors at tho show are enthusiastic. They unanimously declare that tho show Is the greatest of Its kind In the history of the automobile Industry In the Inter-mountaln Inter-mountaln west. Almost, without exception excep-tion the exhibitors dechiro that they are doing a highly gratifying amount of business busi-ness during tho show. Buyers and prospective pros-pective buyers nro finding tho things they aro looking for. whether It be accessories of the cheapest kind or earn of the most expensive grade. There Is almost ovory kind of a cuho-llnc-dilvcn vehicle made on exhibition Probably -the only notable exceptions are. tho aeroplane and the motor boat. A.s far as four-wheeled motor vehicles go, there Is everything that Is attractive t the "buzz wagon" fan's heart, Including accessories. ICvcn the bicycle Is there. And the next step, with the compact little motor, Is the motorcycle. The motorcycle 13 well represented. rep-resented. In fact, nearly every standard make of motorcycle can' be found on the floor. From that one takes another step lo the trl-car, Ihe throe-wheeled vehicle which is, comparatively new In this country, coun-try, but which has proved very popular In lCurope. In .this country the trl-car, with three wheels, is confined to commercial package carrying at the present time, though the motorcycle with tho side-car attachment Is a three-wheeled pleasure vehicle which Is rapidly increasing In popularity. pop-ularity. From the twoL wheeled motorcycle or tho three-wheeled motorcycle one Jumps to the small sized automobile with little difference in the cost. Then, after strlk- M. L. Smith, Alkire-Smith Auto Co. ' lug tho four-wheeled vehicle class, the purchaser can go as high as he wants to. He can buy or sec a m6dost roadster for two passengers, or he can And a got vjcous and luxuriously equipped limousine that would satisfy tho most patrician blood. IL is a complete show typifying the greatest Industry of the twentieth oen-iurv oen-iurv in all of Its branches. The attendance attend-ance is breaking all records, and thus' Is calling attention to the Increasing demand for automobiles in tho west, and indirectly indirect-ly to Its prosperity. D. S. Eddins, Western Representative Maxwell Motor Car Co. |