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Show Wants No "Mopping," Spcclol lo The Tribune. POCATELLO, Idaho. Feb. IS. One of tho most Interesting cases brought beforo be-foro the justice court of Pocatcllo Is one ln which Editor Scott of the Pocatcllo Chronicle asks thai Street Supervisor Hargreaveb bo compelled to keep the peace and nothc allowed to "mop up tho floor of the chronicle office with the editor," as It Is claimed Hargreaves has threatened to do. Hargreaves Is a city official who rents a horso to the city for road working purposes, and Iho Chroncle has seen lit to criticise said official severely fors the same. This has brought on threats on tho part of Tlar-grcaves, Tlar-grcaves, it. is claimed, and Editor Scolt asks tho court to place Hargreaves under un-der bonds lo keep the peace. |