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Show rust in JSr your bathtub i . usually means it's time for you to get a WATER HEATER ! the heater that can't rust... I P nj because glass can't rust I cl 1 i I ineani rujty water better lif&rtt&i'1 lfet')Cam . nd mty water he.teri 1 always get worse, never IIORHT EAST . FURNITURE - 1 '-' 1 '" - '--J - '- People of Inherent Good Taste II GET MORE UW from GLENMORE I vlenmore ITHM.m I J Ioiimo r- " MORE taste... j j "lj MORE quality... ! ! rm MORE enjoyment... i i BB Clenmore ' PROOF ticMT f J, L -Tp-Every drop tliatilled and bottled by GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY QlAnt ligation, o $voctuctj Tna&fonf Louisville, Kentucky Jrv Don't Be a v lkW LITTERBUG 4 m gaaaa : t - Cedar City Lions Club Kc;r Save Livestock Use amou$ All-Purpose Sulfa 1 SULMET Sulfamethazine Lederla A - 1 A wonder-working sulfa for th treatment of such diseases ; - Calf Diphtheria Shipping fever Neero Foot rot White calf scours Blus bag Baclllary sntorltis Acute mastitis Pneumonia Coccidiosle " Septicemia (blood poisoning) I Economical Quick acting Once-in-24-hour treatment... f iut . u. s. rt. c. f CEDAR CITY DRUG 137 North Main Telephone 55 Launch a day of IF U M most anywhere! Every week-end is a vacation with your own trailer outfit ! I Like to explore new waters? Go fishing ... water skiing . picnicking? Just say the word and we'll start you on your wiuy with your own budget-priced Evinrude outfit. Thousand anr doing it every week-end . . . discovering a whole new vowM leisure living ... on the water! It's easy, it's FUN . . . and iu's inexpensive! Ask about our "Play while you pay" plaa. OUTBOARD BOATS f We'll fit your boat to your i sl? nrrdi the riht iue and .tsV?Cwi' type for the kind of fun Cr you have in mind. Fore- y , -r most makes bi values! I 1 1""""""' Lf.' EVINRUDE MOTORS i'-r-AF We've got 'em those new i!r:T whisper-quirt Evinrudcs the fiv'j' r''u 'zc k'r rvrrv x,at- rt us 7 i '" 'P vou ma,cn k0'1' and mowr tsf? or fmfSt pcrrrmancel jSagvo f B0AT TRAILERS Jf ' With the riht trailer llli and loat combination, launching and haul-out t,t re My.' You can roam far from home; yoor oul- fi lit safely tows at your regular highway speetJU HUNTER HARDWARE & APPLIAI1EE 79 North Main Cedar Qty,rssiii Get more (tin from summer trips. with this handy. . f$0?) f Mil travel booldet (tMC I See "UTOCO LAND " with this i 12-page S- PICTORIAL POCKET SIZE 1955 EDITION v v?y jjj of "HIGHWAY ADVENTURES" ;ri l containing TRAVEL HINTS and SCENIC f 'ntfiTkf itr ATTRACTIONS For your motoring ' ' V, $ V. j j j (' in Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, I j ' .-""y 0 ill ' t We invite you to drive into one of your "ft, 'T iplV J'l t FRIENDLY UTOCO STATIONS and ' AH ' ASK FOR THIS BOOKLET. - ' fem km w I iii mi nam i iirwr mm iiiir ' K jJfkBsssxua U toco Gasolines Are "Tops" i!C H Refined for licit Balanced Performance in this Area HAPPIEST ' " " VX MORE POWER f' motoring Ctlr STOP AT 2f& GREATER ECONOMY utoco stations wilhJ3 Longer Mileage Cleaner Burn!,ig " pw ., f- Non-corrosive Clean Rest Rooms jT ' . SMOOTHER OPERATION Xw'Wnrl High Anti knock No Vapor. Lock Specialized lubrication I w I J Vrt J ) ' Quick Starts . Fast Warm Up 1 - Vrji- f Smooth Acceleration ff jrX ""tT ' You expect more from UTOCO and you get it ! A,i and tMW.. ! . i i f t i f f |