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Show American Legion flux. Sponsors Poppy Day Mayor Arnold Anderson this week Issued an official proclamation procla-mation declaring Saturday, May 28 as the American Legion Auxiliary Aux-iliary annual Poppy Day. Mayor Anderson encouraged citizens to observe the day and to purchase poppies to help needy veterans and their families. The poppies are made by disabled dis-abled veterans, it was explained by Mrs. Alfred Bess, chairman of the Poppy Day sale. The money that Is collected from the sale of these poppies is used to help those veterans and others who have disabilities, whose families are In need of help and to help widows and their families of our boys who gave their all in the defense de-fense of our country. Saturday morning the Auxiliary Auxil-iary Unit will canvass the city with the popples offering them for sale. Mrs. Bess said, "Your support of this project will be greatly appreciated ap-preciated by the local auxiliary, but more than our appreciation will be the veterans and families that you aid. I "Give generously, give what you can afford Saturday when the Auxiliary members approach you," she urged. |