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Show SIX DIVERSIFIED AREAS Workshops Are Important Feature Of College Summer School Plan Six workshops will be held In connection with the College of Southern Utah summer session, which will open on June 6. Two will be in art, two In education, one in music and one in photography. photog-raphy. One of the workshops In art will be conducted by Harry Lelth-Ross, Lelth-Ross, nationally recognized wa-tercolor wa-tercolor artist from New Hope, Pa. It will be a concentrated workshop In watercolor painting, and will run from June 6 to June 17, In the morning hours. The second art workshop will be under un-der the direction of Gaell Llnd-strom Llnd-strom of the C S U faculty, who is another nationally recognized artist. This workshop will be In art and crafts for elementary teachers. The workshop In music will be under the direction of Irving Wasserman, Logan pianist, who is returning to C S U for the third summer. This workshop in piano literature will feature local lo-cal students, and will run from June 20 to July 1. Education Workshops In education there are workshops work-shops In teaching arithmetic in elementary school, which occu- pies the two weeks from June 20 to July 5; the second workshop, In the teaching of science in elementary ele-mentary school, will be given during the two week. period from July 5 to July 15. Both will be under un-der the direction of Dr. Reese P. Maughan, chairman of the C S U division of eduction. Dr. Maughan has had wide experiences in the field of elementary education and guidance, and also has been a teacher of science subjects. The field of teaching In the sciences sci-ences Is one of his specialties. Elementary Supervisor Supplementing the work of Dr. Maughan In the division of education edu-cation is Mrs. Arietta Williams, elementary supervisor of the Duchesne Du-chesne school district. Mrs. Williams Wil-liams will teach two courses running run-ning through the entire summer session. One education class will be social studies In the elementary ele-mentary school, and the second will be special problems In ele-menary ele-menary school teaching. Mrs. Williams has been elementary supervisor In Duchesne District for the past five years. Prior to that she taught In Idaho for nine years, having been principal of the Malad, Idaho elementary schools for two years. She Is a graduate of th U S A C, where she has completed her work for the M.S. degree. She Is a member mem-ber of the Utah State Language Arts Committee. Experienced Photographer I In the field of photography, Bert Allen, manager of the Utah State Agricultural College photography pho-tography department, will conduct con-duct a two-week workshop from July 1 to 15. One of the highlights high-lights of the workshop will be a trip to the colorful All-Indian l Pow-Wow In Arizona and lnclud-i lnclud-i ing much of the fabulous south- west area which is a photographer's photograph-er's paradise. Mr. Allen has had experience as a commercial photographer pho-tographer as well as his work with U S A C. He Is a graduate of the White School of Photography, Photogra-phy, New York City, and has studied stu-died with William Mortensen, Laguana Beach, Calif.; Charles Bartlett School of Color, Wichita, Kan.; Harrison School of Portraiture, Portrait-ure, Hollywood, Calif. He has done a great deal with motion picture photography, color photography, photo-graphy, and the making of films for television. He has also logged over 1,000 hours of areial photography. |