Show BRIEF LOCAL paragraphs farra farr s woolen mill which has baa been closed for a number ol of years yeara haa bait bei beet i t ur chased by a practical mr bervey platt toe the mill la is a two ivro 4 PI t milt mil havila two sets aeta or of oarda cards ano and is situated oo on 0 ie rive ivr r toe water is of good quality for scouring wool some SOM WOO men were weft met at to work yesterday and it Is IB expected that by the tan fail fifty or aidt bands will flud find toady employment MOAB grand co utah aaril stu siu 1895 we bad a here bere this last lael week it commenced to blow great gu aija tie from LI te LIO O on the atu then on the alb blow icebergs from the tbt then the night of the 5 h he be most moat of the be fruit van can tell better lu in a few days day tue tito sprinta abrio f were in loom peaches bad commenced anu ome pears pear were wera also alao lu in bloom 0 N WARNER some time last fill all a young man carl Berg bergstom Atom of this city was fillou by a falling ruck rock in a limu lime y at ai coo tint of the accident appeared al ai the time in the privous of th ih have becu endeavoring ng to rather some ome money for los benefit 0 01 tue widow and I 1 he children ob ildren witia tait to to ti at ai have been t donations dunat louR inic from 26 25 cents to 6 the ommittee io in charge of clife able charitable work wish to aprea their beir appreciation ot of too lue willingness with which friends frienda if f the stricken family bave to abe call fordoms for dona toe territorial board of equalization latt lat issued the following circular to county asses sort 41 fur for the year 1896 1895 the board becom mends nanda ebat range bw be at a 8 per bead st at per head bead orsea mules wide aud codr at their oab castl value valde the board expects axi ca that the rom each aou comity will show abow wat the assessors aBBea aora have bave assessed affe aeed accordingly ud d ID 10 making assessments oi 01 I lve ivis vis stock block tie are r quested to bear li it mind that the returns of the shipment oi 01 wool sh h w r that abat IL a large pro anlu of the sheep bep to the territory Terr llory escape moment A similar conui tiou itou it Is IB believed belie bell avoul veu exists in tu to range cattle cc tj earn I 1 ug real estate tate the board beliva believes anet many acres of land became taxation by use of ef the abe plate are required to furn iab this will be avold avoided edL the board again earnestly calls attention to we the necessity of diligence be ing in assessing all property subject to tax taxation an aa the needs of the territory are great at the meeting of taxpayers taxpayer in the probate court room wednesday after DOOD the following financial statement prepared by be selectmen was waa pre it shows the actual cost of run ning the county in 1894 and the estimated cost of running it in ID 1896 0 0 a OB 0 1 acs EXPENSE 0 o s 1 salaries paid officers S 70 70 00 paupers haupers Pau pers insane bic 4 47 0 of boole books stationery and printing 2829 10 jall und and prison A BW 38 afi M 00 gen mis min expenses 47 luoto W criminal prosecution inquest and interest Ini erest 2186 62 1750 0 Jf toads rivers rivera and bridges not including bbate road aai 92 ua total cot cost of halt bait lake county abw except state rod road ana and IS joint boint building 56 00 set eat got ina extra expense ag ense to be incurred in IM 1895 in ad addition to general expense of the county in previous ears taking tak ing census eti mated S 00 investigation 00 maintenance J 0 U B kunj 00 00 interest on at 8 per cent 00 cost of bond ejection el action 00 grand total for 1895 KO 00 RECEIPTS IM 1894 license nm 26 colwy tax 85 35 F pines nee and forfeitures for ei tures 2 MSO real heal estate redemptions ons 20 sa pauper rent and sundries 65 so total 39 3 RECEIPTS IM 1880 licenses 00 county tax 00 redemptions ons W 00 2600 00 total so |