Show GOOD FRIDAY clooj friday to is observed throughout a great part of christendom as the 8 anniversary of the passion and death of the be founder of the christian religion ligion in many countries it Is cou coo sideres the most moat sacred in the entire cycle of festivals festival and Is consequently marked with particularly solemn olema ceremonies the origin of the custom of f abe crucifixion to probably to be found in the jewish dabit of celebrating the passover on a the fourteenth ol of nisan niban in memory of the exodus of Egy which occasion be pascal lamb was slain alain and its ita blood aprin sprinkled kled on the door among the churches it soon be oame came a common practice to prepare for or the celebration of faster baster sunday by a preceding vigorous vigo roua fast teet and in this thie way good friday gradually became an institution of the church although without foundation in a divine command in the roman church on that day the altar and officiating clergy sire are craded in black this thia being the only day on that color Is ie permitted passages P geabes of hoses habakkuk fix ex odus and the psalms and the history of t the passion are read in the churches then follow prayers for the peace and u alty of the church for the pope the clergy all ranks ranke and conditions conditional of men the sovereign elgo for the onte cate crumens chu ebu mens the sick and afflicted here and and gentiles ater fter which comes the ceremony known an aa the adoration of the cross in acne soane catholic countries it to ia usual on that day for the faithful to spend much time in the churches where they are supposed to meditate chiefly on the sayings of the savior on we the or aaa traffic la Is suspended aua bonded as an far possible bells belli and organs are silent all to give an impression of grief and sorrow lo in the greek church towards toward evening of the day a dramatic representation sen tation of the he entombment taken takee place on which occasion much contempt to Is shown to the persons persona whose duty duly it to ia to represent jadw jud and the jews lutheran cheson this day are also generally draped in in the be anglican church the special feature of the services to the reading of the story of the passion as an related by john and collects based on the prayers prescribed for she he roman church looking at the records of the past pait it appears to be beyond dispute that ecclesiastical festivals with peo ullar ceremonies based only on the auth rity of man have proven their insufficiency t pro promote the end for which they were instituted true faith and a life in righteousness are not brought into existence by an occasional into regions region above the gaily daily life any more th thao a a the natu nature to of a be fish h on oan n be changed by an occasional leap out of its natural element in order to benefit mankind religion must not be a mat ter of exceptional festivals and imposing ceremonies but a force influencing everyday every day a tiona spectacular religion is as an useless as aa was sau dau Is a armor to the shepherd boy in his combat with she he giant in matters relating to worship the only sate safe rule to follow to that which rests on divine authority the brat christian tiang with apostolic sanction gathered once every week on the he first day to commemorate the death of their crucified lord they did so 0 o by partaking of he be emblems of his hia death and renewing their heir covenants to serve him this under the perceptible presence of the divine spirit resulted in a continued now flow of spiritual life into the CUB of the believers manifesting itself in a more or less carist like conduct it was waa when the original of the church became a thing of the past that various substitutes became necessary belie loua ions festivals may be clapped among such by their general inefficiency to promote the true welfare of man they prove their liD ass aa a special feature of good friday this year it la Is stated elated by an E Enle vi copal clergyman of south carolina that the various bodies of our planetary system today occupy exactly the same mains relative position to the sun eun and to one another that they bad on the day of the crucifixion it is claimed that this has hae hot occurred bince that day |