Show ON RAILROAD LAND the union pacific ban baa leased boren of lie its land to cattlemen oali lemen in wyoming and hereafter the utah sheep beep owners enera who have been tending their flooks upon the railway sections oan can do 00 0 o only upon leasing leifling lea fling them from the union pacific land and water boox company which notwithstanding its saine name really has no interest in we the railway but is in an aggregation of cattle owners ownen the land embraced la in the lae to this company includes all 11 II we the railway notions Beo tlona west of hilliard Hill lard on the tee south couth bide aide of the tho union pacific track buck and west of carter station elation on we the to ti the utah lint line except our lour louona around each station and a strip on the south of the railway track abich the union pacific land depart aleut baa reserved grounds mad and other benefits to the for some ome years yean past pact the railway has been paying taxes 0 i this land md ad about acres farther east so 0 o the railway men say aay and they may have concluded to get some benefits out of IL lt the controversy between L cheep and cattlemen helped them to do ahle for both have bays been roaming over that part ot of the country the cattle own era aft were trotting getting the worst wont of it 16 for 6 tee sheep destroyed the range therefore they were only too glad to accept the tee railway offer to leue lease all the he union pacific lands landa in the disputed districts diat not of course the alternate government section chiou to still open to all parties part lef the railway company however has evinced a desire to be fair to both eattle cattlemen men and sheep beep owners ownen hence bedoe the tee lowers lea flers of the land are advertising advenia ing to sublet the he whole or any part to chowe now occupying it this to la in accord with an express provision provi aion in the original lease by which the railway coin pany insl In elated atad that sheep owners ownen who bad regular herding gro there should be protected in ia the same aade by his hie provision the sheep own ore era and most moat of them in that section botlon gre are utah men who keep their herds on the wyoming range paying taxes to abo w tote late have bave abe privilege of leasin leasing 9 land at a low figure it is ia believed that this hla movement will prevent the clashing of the abe cattle and heep interests inte reata because both will be confined eon floed fined to their respective localities indirectly associated with the same lame ie abe recent rise inthe in the cattle market and the effect it will have on the price of sheep A short abort time ago a business man who was wae one of salt ball alake JLia bei ln councilmen made a trip to texas on his return he advised aa utah and wyoming cattlemen to hold for better prices priced as aa be felt sure cure they were coming soon oon some heeded headed hie big advice and profited by it others thought it was wag boom talk and old bold before the raise in price is a proceeding which they are now lamenting this gent gentleman loman now declares that cattle will go up still further to io price and that within ninety days daya beef will be hipped dinto into salt lakato lake to cupply lythe the home demand even it if this latter should hould not dot take place the rise in beef Is I 1 sure to benefit the sheep interests upon epou this basis the be declaration la Is made that within a few weeks the be utah sheep market will find itself in a better condition for than has been known jor for years and as ae the mutton raisers rai aeta prospects go up so 0 o will we ane prices of bogs and poultry so there will be a rise in foot flebbe all along the line the prospects pros ecta thus presented are quite flattering to the stock raisers and receive their force from a strong probability of being well founded they will revive new hope in many who have been long under the ban of discouragement coura gement |