Show DO 10 HE BE the GAr christian idian statesman to whose assau assault it on the the NEWS made brief reference a short abort time since has haa had another attack of the horrors on oa the subject BUb jeci sad and io in its asua is ous of april 6 bewails tue the prospect proa of cutata adamis ad mission in saying baying that the bestowment of statehood upon a territory with a population dominantly predominantly mormon cannot prove anything else than a toli political blunder of the gravest kind 1 I P then it declares that the original forces of our national life must be cherished and aad promoted ili anki and urges that such elements as the mor should be assimilated into bar mony with the principles of a pure christianity founded on we the word of god for the consolation of our much worried yet illogical censor we will say that from a religious point of view the mormons cormons do out not care a whit utah becomes a state or oot not they know they are in harmony harmody with the principles of pure christianity and that god is able to take care of his work wora and will wiil do so sos state or no state hence hatice they are not troubled about that mater mat er utah people mormon odd and non nod mif mormon MOU who are seeking stat statehood hood are doing so as american citizens who want choir rights under a republican form of government independent ut creed or party so bo farm far f concerns concern the assimilation for which such a strong desire Is mani footed it if the statesman which alleges that the cormons mormons are yet below the averel in intelligence 1 9 will compete with them on the basis baila of the bf principles principle set not forth in the word of tied god which it assumes to acknowledge an aa a textbook text book it might secure an addi adali atonal measure of intelligence itself and thus discover that the interiority to at present on its ita own side bide it might then improve the quality of Us its own articles article in at least having them loop lei abusive and more consistent when it tackles the n mention of name emi to excite i to batted and bigotry to an intense degree prom from the edit iclal article in question it would be quite easy to con conclude cono luie cluie that the antagonism of the statesman to we the cormons mormons M wes was because the latter are superior ru to christians generally boti to in the of their and their adherence thereto indeed no BO other logic A 1 phaltion po altion can be from the statements of fact buchow but however true this Is as aa to the real reason it would not be fair to presume such to be the intention yet the article points out eat that there are elements of power inthe in th mormon system of some of which chat at let least multitudes of our citizens have little conception firstos first of all is the in tense tenae earnestness of the mormon people this earnestness la Is in most marked contrast eon with the cool indifference as aa to tc their religion of multitudes of professed christians christiana who hold the mormons cormons in a kind of contempt but when the time lime of trial comes this anted e religious earnestness is ii what counts I 1 la Ison only lyof ol 01 such stuff that heroes and mar martyrs tyris are made another aspect of this intensity of re legious devotion la is seen in the ibe en hust busi adm of the great gat gathering hering 4 at the tabernacle in salt lake city all parts pans of the service are full of spirit among the mormon people at large the use ot alcoholic alco boilo liquors liquor and of tobacco prevails to an exceptionally small extent and all such use is i discouraged by the leaders wih wib abe e temperate habits are naturally linked industry and frugality it is lurther further stated that A special feature ot of the mormon hymns as indeed of their entire system of balth Is 1 the eminent place given to lo the of the kingship of christ aud and the me certainty certa loty and weariless ne ariless ol of hr his coming rel feln to then it ray payi r f this assured confidence in the approach log triumph of their as the principles ot of the kingdom of uhri chrit t to be set up in the ear h too is one of the sources of their unbounded enthusiasm it would be well if christians generally who believe i hat christ la Is king would make their heir faith in that kingship as aa vital and practical a principle of their conduct as do the mormons cormons Mor mons Preci s i and if christians gan orally woul i d that the assimilation bouli hed though thourl not DOL in ID the form the statesman might desire for then christians genet ally would be christians Ii deet ahe would be latter day saint commonly designated as mormon Mora ione our arieno could look dot do boilers better however bowene r that thai follow the advice which be gives to christians generally anti and to that higher plane by making cariela Cb riela kida kin alp ship as aa vital slid aud practical a principle ol 01 big bib Coo conduct dilot as an do tiie the Mor monr DIP since the cormons mormons set net bob such a worthy examples example as ai confessed by we he statesman its if berating of them surely aurely to la mott ina with its ita counsel councel tu to others it urge that the people of the united states must build the entire national superstructure on a public confession coo fenlon of christ as aa our nations savior king and our acceptance of his law jaw as aa 1 and aya edys that with such auch an ac knowledg jentof the king of kings we shall ball assimilate every element of out our national life into the unity and perma once of a genuine chriatian Chr state S yet when the mormon people give the most moat emine eminent tit place in their system and actions to the ibe thought of to t e kingship of christ 12 which the abe man exhorts all others to do it ravel and rants over the standing ata LO 10 our welfare surely our ought to be willing to let lei the X murmont amons do what it says would bt b righteousness to in others othera and not make ouch an all unpleasant in iua about it in all kind bees nefa anu ana charity chanty and with an earnett desire for its ita repentance and converst n that thai its sins sine maybe may be blotted jut we beseech our friend dt pleas prease be consistent don dont donit it berate the ahe moi mons for their superior eu practice oi 01 true rue christianity |