Show PROVO ITEMS following to la from our provo correspondent under date of april 16 and 17 last night at 11 o sheriff brown was waa telephoned for from liebi hobt when he arrived he found that a dead man had been discovered at pelican point on the west side elide of utah like with two bullet alos h le in his hia body and had bad been taken to liebi lehi for the purpose of having an inquest hold held over the the body Is ie supposed to be that of oliver A blade atio has baa bad trouble with his bia about land on the west weal side bide of utah lake for several yeara past the dispute was settled abet to in favor ol of slade blade by the secretary of the interior and he be was waa given judg ment in the first district court for the land last winter tue too other parties part iee hanson and id hays my refused to vacate and it a writ of ejectment was wa served on them a short time ago they agreed to leave in a week and were given that time then they immediately corn com fenced to remove the buildings and trees from the land and slade blade commenced an action against them for conversion which to la now pending the inquest was waa till today and deputy marshal fowler and sheriff brown this morning started for lake shore with the expectation of making some arrests of suspected parties another rumor says bay that the man who la Is killed la is hanson it Is ie difficult to obtain any exact information oo on the subject so as the officers positively refuse to say eay anything in regard to the matter apparently laboring under the belief that hat the murderer will try to escape it if the particulars so BO for far as aa chown are given to the public wm cobol cabel or W wro m H cabs cabel was brought over from spanish fork yesterday for examination as a to so hia bin sanity he has been in spanish fork about two months and to utah two hearp coming here from colorado cabot cabel to is about 66 56 years yean of age and was born in now new york which state be left years ago and he be has a wife now living jiving lost liast saturday evening he become violent and began to pelt the people around Rock bills saloon at spanish fork with rocks and beer bottles bottle ailt it was then thought he was wae drunk but as he commenced assaulting the citizens yesterday morning when he wab let out of jail 1411 the officers flOers Of concluded to bring him to prove the examination was continued for one week during which time he will be held bold in the county jail fail and treated by county physician allen alien the motion of judge sutherland before the jordan dam commission yesterday asking that the findings in regard to violation of contract be par was denied thereupon judge sutherland asked for a continuance for two weskit w which blob was granted by consent of the attorneys attorn eya rep representing the utah county people this morning deputy marshal fowler returned from lehl lehi where he be has baa been aiding in the investigation ae set on foot to discover the ir of the murder of harry hays or of hanson whose body was wae found on utah lake near pelican point monday evening the murdered man whose name Is in hanson to is a stepson or albert hays hayr of eureka and has been living on a ranch near pelican point for several years he had bad not been seen for about a monta previous to the time his body was discovered his mother mrs hays learned about three weeks ago that the stock on her suns ranch wao waa not being attended to and went from eureka to investigate when she arrived there she found the animals starving and no one appeared to havo have been around the place lor for some time she let the me cattle and horses out and returned to eureka without instituting any search for her son tole can be explained by stating that he was of rather an eccentric and disagreeable deportment and she concluded that he had bad became angry at something or somebody and bad left the ranch to return when his bin humor was better the mystery is deepened from the fact that two swo young men from lake shore cousins of the deceased are also missing together with their team they left for or dansons hansons Han sons ranch at about the time be is supposed to have digap feared and their relatives supposed opposed they were still there and were greatly surprised when it was waa learned they were missing the cost coat bat and one boo belonging to one of these boya boys was found in Hac sons cabin the theory of the officers is ie that all three of ane men have been murdered it fo s thought that hanson hanion was killed first and that the others were put out oi 01 the way in order to prevent their making the discovery of his death and raising an excitement that would lead to the identification of the murderer in conformity with this thia theiry the lake will be dragged near the place where hai body was waa found oliver A blades blade the man who has bad a land dispute with hanson and rays haya to la not suspected by the officers ficere of he la is now in lehi county prosecuting attorney gash and assistant U 8 attorney wedgwood went to lebi this morning for the purpose or of taking part la in the examination of witnesses before coroner berg hanson hansona Ha naona s bod body y w which b ich was I 1 in n a bad badly ly decomposed conditions condition was taken to benjamin lost laet evening for interment work wom is now being pushed on the ext extension ennion of 01 the water mains to the cemetery the citizens are doing the trenching drenching tren ching and the pipe has baa been bought by the city council with money collected in advance irom from parties who will use the waters on their lute lots |