Show MEXICAN COLONIES COLOMES elder bluer george lonsdale Tea Ton adale sdale president of the mexican marblo Dar Will blo bloD 18 in ia the be olty city ic recently arrived from mexico to 10 attend she kb tie Ut oeral iveral conference he was interviewed ly by a reporter botay to ta relation to the ibe con aoa dillan and aad prospects of tr the people in that country during the interview rider teasdale said bald I 1 am happy to report a steady progress in all our settlements it will give you ao an idea of our advancement to lo state that when we first went to colonga diaz so as to Is our general cue CUB torn tom we built a school house feet in a short abort time that was wag enlarged by an addition this thin being insufficient for school and meeting purposes a larger building was added feet baet and two other rooms in front an upper and lower room at coloria juarez their first building was feet this being too small a T was added two an upper ond nd lower isho ana now they are adding two more rooms the building being S somewhat C the shape of a oroee cross at colonia dublan the saints have built a very creditable school house feet A 10 feet high witla a 14 foot stage an evidence of the falth and works of the tew few f la millea there As A with the school chool house so it has baa boon been with all our steady improvements we have five colonia diaz colonga dublan colonna juarez and colonia pacheco Pac beco in the state of chihuahua 1 and colonia baxa oa ca to in the state stata of sonora bonora the mexican colonization and agricultural have now started another colony colonis colonia morales we have two sawmills saw mille a tannery three grist mills mille a cannery four stores f five ve school housed two building and furniture establishments we raise wheat leorD rye oats oate sugar canes cane all kinds of fruit and vegetables and have a market for all our sur surplus surp lur he stated that thai one of the colonists in dublan brother phillip hurst bad written him under date dale of marob march blot some gome items be wished his friends to know who were going to mexico the letter said teams and cows can be had cheaper here than there all climatee cli mated but where part parties lies have them and wish to bring them by rails rail one oar car will generally be sufficient for two small families improved farms with water rights can be bought if needed september is in the best time to come here at too toe end 0 of the rainy a season when there to la plenty of wild hay buy to be ha ba i for the cutting plenty of corn fodder for shucking the corn plenty of molasses for work on the cane and all winter to put iu in crops and got get climatee cli mated 11 elder teesdale teasdale added that it was for all intending going to mexico to observe we the following instructions bond a list of the names I 1 ages and occupation of all the family then a list hat of what they wish to tase into the country free of duty the be colonist privilege in teams wagons furniture and provisions etc it lie Is also necessary to send a certificate of c good citizenship representing those wighton tj ta colonize as ai good citizens honest and reliable etc this information inform ailon should be sent to henry eyring colonia juarez chihuahua mexico for those wishing to go to the state of chihuahua Ghibu abua or to george C williams colonia oaxaca via bavie pie sonora bokori for those wishing to go to thesta the state teut af sonora brother henry eyring or goo C williams cwilliams will supply all the information needed it is in wise for au all wishing to go to a now new country to go and see ee for themselves instead of relying upon any description given of a settlement or ke its prospects the beet beat way to accomplish this is to go to doming deming N M and from there to the settlements the he closing of the cus CUB torn tom house honee at palomas has baa worked a hardship barde bip for our colonists as they have to go by el paso and cuidan cuidad to juarez which Is ig not so convenient william derby johnson jr bishop of colon a diaz will answer all questions guestion and sand make team i arrangements arrange menta for anyone wishing to visit the colonies loniea oo and see eee the settlements or country for themselves it if timely notice la Is given we have all the organizations of t tn tie relief belief so societies cletter young mens mena and young ladies mutual improvement associations sabbath and day schools primary associations for the children and choirs in every settlement besides four dramatic associations an AD excel lent brass band under the able leadership of bro J J at colonia juarez when we consider this progress has been made in about eight years he be continued it reflects favorably upon the colonials they are wor workers kert no saloons gambling houses or other objectionable defile our set le ments mente we are endeavoring to be an exemplary people and live t ie gospel ot of jesus christ that thai we ess which is t toe be secret of our su success coose I 1 in conclusion elder Te teasdale adale stated that the colo adisto were on good terms with the federal and state governments and had received very kind treatment at their hands the mexican authorities are anxious to have their country settled with sober indue arious people and are giving encouragement to that class |