Show AN ASIATIC LE ALLIANCE for moms time past rumors have been circulated concerning the terms of peace likely to be agreed upon between china and japan and at last laal it ii to IM definitely stated abai bat an agreement agree meui nas been reached between the me arit a of the alws powers accaro accoro ing to lo tola japan the territory terr norv 0 which probably include not adly port arthur and aad wel wei hai wel wei tue gates gateb of u but also a large portion of Manc burio formosa is also aleo to be ceded to the victor juren cores will be recognized its B an In depenti nt and japan will re ceide CPI as ar ali in jem nily but what seems bema to be of greater imi im tice till the two asiatic A powers poW by this treaty form an t aud and alliance an arrouge mout that virtually amounts to but little it if so than the sovereignty of japan over china the outcome of the be war lu asia hat bai ortved that the rulers of japan art ar guided by immeasurable abiu having limited their military superiority lo in those faraway far for away reK reg looe lons thu the follow this advantage up by in ill fact a position lun of guardians of the conquered country japanese elvi lizis bluto will hereafter he reatter undoubtedly fina ita WRY way amol g the vast millions mill jooa if mongolian iroil ans have rf rab cited letea Ch nailao advaL iCeD rod and with tile the humiliating experiences the chinese Chioe have hav bow had bad tuey may be to bf be fix finious ious to embrace an ufler offer for rt f two rub necessary f r the very existence aa t the natili nati oi with the two powers united for offense an well as aa defense de fenie with some of japan Is spirit nto nio toe maisee ul the celestial celesti aln eno em pire pi re followed by the adoption 0 Ja japanese anese methods met bode and wun wim russia perhaps supporting the policy of the new alliance the most moat tre tremendous mendom political ever formed on earth would apparently be the result what such an alliance would offer fur for solution lution ao to the next generation of our race can vuly only be vaguely imagined but it to la more than probable that hat the war now ended to bul the beginning of a series or of even evena in ID which the civilized nations nation of the earth will be deeply interested students of prophecy who believe that the future k letory of the world to is more or less clearly outlined in the visions of inspired men will perhaps look to eastern asia for a fulfillment fulfilment of the remarkable remark anle predictions concerning gog and magog the names namer given in sacred writ to a greit great abitt an U theocratic power destined to manifest itself sg at the closing needs af f the world the prophetic deola declarations rations are toy by no memos meana clear and will probably not lot be un under derl stood until fulfilled but the generall general eatores are easily the num number berof of the hosts ot of the power to in as the mand of the sea and they will be mustered to po out oui over gover the breadth of the earth eart bJ they shall ascend and come like a storm in order to 10 take spoil ezekiel Eze klel 38 88 rod aad 89 rev 20 Diff different erom opinions loon have deen entertained what nat nations ons are included under taij masu oal cai name may probably be relied upon when he be says that the are intended and up ae that often any or all of 01 the numerous nume roua tribes and pe ples of unknown uk origin in the depths of asia there la Is no reasonable objection to 0 o the that bat the M are re included magog was waa t e second son aon of japhet and his bia original location beema to have been in the n rabern parti paris of media A legend tt it li iq said is still found la the he dis trioS of astrakhan to the effect that and magog were two great races subdued by alexander the gr grat at anil nu daiv in to the I 1 innermost inner n moat areces reces so of the Cauca amr travelers Tra velera sav that among the a tradition ln still lingers 11 r gen that they came colu a far ar distant laud to the southwest of obine and they expect to return in due tina time e they call wat that countey bargar and describe it as aa once beaucl ul but afterwards aha atter warda wards desolate it IS is the be land where arloan Br B loan fhe super la glorious 0 0 orce or ce lived jived thetis theoe facts are all interesting in view of the present events aud and cannot rail fail to jor with the ot of we ibe chapter of the wordloa history that la is being written at abe close of this conturo contu rv |