Show SWEDEN AM NORWAY on account or of rumors in berlin to the effect that emperor william hap ba given girn big imperial word to king oscar oacar or of sweden aud and norway that germany would be up to in arms in behalf of sweden should russia interfere in any magner in the abe threatened conflict between ahe two iw scandinavian kingdoms the attention of europe Is ia at present on the events event 1 on the northern in official circles the report la is generally discredited dinor edited lit well known thit hit t r years yeara the be king of sweden has baa soupha the be malo main support for his big policy to in friendly rela bang witti with gormady germany but abe ore are nevertheless spreading awing to the facts the relations between st Pett recurs and berlin apparently at present are less lesa cordial than ue ul ully lually the trouble in scandinavia to la ec arely between the king and the dominant liberal patty party ot of norway I 1 ii dates back to the beginning of this century Oen tury at that time norway wat wac merely a province or of denmark stud and hail bull been so 80 for over lour four hundred years jean when the napoleonic cribb came Doil mark after the me war of 1813 1818 was waa compelled by the allied powers to sign the reaby treaty of kiei kie 0 io in 1814 by w which bich it was waa ittel that norway should be ceded to sweden the latter country giving swedish la and to denmark anil and finland to russia tits Norwegia norwegians no ns however very properly objected to seeing their country disposed of in that thai way ay they refused to accept the treaty of kiel and convoked a national diet A constitution was waa adopted adopt ef et a adnish prince elected king of and the countr country Vs independence proclaimed the allied powers powen however refused to recognize the vow new govern ment and a army under ber invaded the country freu ricke tad and Fredrick fell into tits la bands and the capital was wag threatened norway at the time being utterly destitute of the nece teary means for prosecuting a war gave up all resistance reBii tance and accepted the proposition made by tue the swed lob government to join sweden aan independent kingdom retaining the newly adopted constitution and eda ying perfect liberty KB its own boundaries bound adriea this thia seemed agree able to all parties and the union was waa r floated hv by the proclamation if f jearlee Jb arlee XIII joint king of the two the pv grets of norway since anoe that time has been marvelous marve loui in every respect yet muon dissatisfaction action has hao if late been m with the arra arrangement ox the liberal party parly are almlov kt a republican form of government anti ann evince no desire of conciliation io in their attitude toward the ohie able executive of the state the latest ad vices from des criLe the situation Itu atlon as ai serious er iou the liberals liber alB declaring their intention to any cabinet the king may cleck if not to ID sympathy with we party thus bug apparently threaten UK the constitutionally izaer indeed prerogatives of the mohareb annan t to ti select bis big own owa counselors yet it la is likely that bat this purely con conflict will involve the two countries in ID a war the fact la in that the conservative party in norway has bag been gaining ground lately under the liberal rule and there is e denoun in both chuu drits a solution of the vexed problem fact ry to both boh history rive that in when sweden and norway have best been united pr bil erity has baa been the rei recall alt while dialer di dis ater sater bee bae attended their separ that lesson can not be loci n the loaders of the destinies of the two iwo nations |