Show HONOLULU conference I 1 HONOLULU Sandwich islands april 1 1895 saturday morning march dawned bright and fair on tb the hawaiian metropolis honolulu for several weeks past the Jda hawaiian wallan saints sainte residing in the city and suburbs had made earnest preparations for the semiannual conference conie con rence terence of the honolulu branch many were busy during the day arranging for a feast to be given on the morrow dy by the salute saints under the be direction of a committee headed by sister makanoa Ma kanoe president of the primary association and one whom many elders in utah will remember on account of her kind sets acts and devotion to the work of the lora at in the evening the mutual improvement associations assembled conjointly lectures Lieo lures on the gospel songs etc were creditably rendered by the members the lectures and gen oral eral mode of conducting the work were taken from a manual prepared by elder matthew noall on 00 sunday the saints assembled in conference oo on the stand were elders matthew noall noal president of the hawaiian mission W H mendenhall J JB R jolley peter honna hollins kalawaia Kala wala and E C dibble kalawati Kal Kala awata wals spoke ot of his bis labors as a missionary in the branch during toe past few months elder W H mendenhall spoke on the life of christ exhorting the he Sail lits to follow the shining examples he had left ue elder houns honna missionary from the hawaiian colony in utah spoke ot of the blessings the saints are receiving in the temples in zion conference adjourned and supplying the wants of the inner man was then in order pol was the staple article of diet and was eaten with fish bob beef pork etc in quantities to suit the lo individual cinto tiste those who partook of the repast were not a fow as the meetings were well attended in the afternoon the general and local authorities of the church were presented and sustained elder john R jolley was the first speaker and dwelt on the first ples plea of the gospel elder noall followed clearly explaining the different degree of glory to be inherited in the next world by our Fat father berle oh children ildren elder eider E C dibble thanked the saints for their efforts to do right with the hope that they would not tire in their labors the choir sang the anthem light Lilg ht and truth translated into hawaiian by elder noall mud and the conference was adjourned sojourned ed at F rm m the sabbath schools held a review the exercises consisted chiefly of short abort lectures with questions and answers on the character of the godhead restoration of the gospel life of christ etc interspersed with song adonga and dialogues dialogue a the spirit of the lord was felt in our midst and all appeared to feel well paid for their labors the saints were urged to attend the he mission conference to be held at lale laie commencing april 4 ADIOS |