Show waitr AM abill alb when the rational national board of irrera ilon ian experts expert lately appointed by the agta down to work and to 10 making reports thereof there t ubi to im be a advance in the be on lentan aing aud appl appi cation of trio acne science cleece of irrigation in taits countin for a ficle noe it is 18 and must 10 1 0 to in having ID point of form the of lotical perfection aud and in ID point of matter the character of real lruth 11 ll as aa dir air W hamilton describes ucb knowledge to bf be wonderful progress bas baa been made though the be irrigation methods of the west yet it Is a fact that mt application in many respects boo baa re gutted in the lose of 01 MUCIA much of he wilt ben tit nt that otherwise mient have t in proof of this thia it to but necessary to rec aill that hat in the abe experience of irn gators gaton in ia this ahli territory Terr Terri Kury tury there hm boom bu besu much damage to crops and property by the use ue of too much water in respect reaped to this suggestion it la Is well known that there are many people who an idea that too much water cannot be given too to garden and farm crops there are in waby many localities and perhaps to in every district where any considerable number of people have some ome perano who won d irrigate the same piece of land every day in the week it if bey had bad opportunity 14 a record were made it would be found that such in are not the most successful ardener or farmer la in fact labout the only thing that keeps them from being complete failures fal lurea to in this line la Is that they hey are prevented through their P needs nedo and the lack of water from gett ida sufficient of the liquid to d drown row n their crops altogether yet it Is not only these exceptional individuals who overdo irrl galion abe evidence po nta to the fact that the fault to la general among culli gators of the soil iol do bo eager nas teen been the scramble ramble cc for water when it was waa scarce that when it to 1 obtainable in abundance the tendency of the over but unwise man is i made to prevail too much water to a taken and an unhealthy condition la Is the be result note for the present and pasc condition of utah potatoes poka torB once their fame was wat bat hey were the beat raised railed west of the missouri river that being the deetion of to which they had bad access this thia was waa in the dayi when there was waa much lose lem water oed mood in iril in ration gation than now that tame fame has passed way iway and our most molt experienced and farmers may bay the quality of hi he utah potato falls short of what it was tor for tits the sole reason the fields where bere it to is grown are over irrigated then again lubern fields are ed aud and dest destroyed from the same anae cause bade obade and fruit treis fall fail for similar reason to a ways waya the misapplication of irrigation has baa ben been be n an AD injury in the same line it to Is not difficult to ico go into the earliest fettled sections of tale tain territory to flad find the be evidence of an use uee of water so in the im ona ana over molt t soil ui it in in weber county edere it was wa stated bated recently by a high authority on such subjects much land jaud had bad bren bt eo ren ran jelea toosi useless urel efla by thin means irom from utah county come similar re while lu it salt lake county in stances of able kind are i ume umro ui and many farms farma which were formerly pro motive now are tali inu because ex irrigation on them or on tic higher land contiguous to forcing the water and alkali to the of the awer l fields obese are extreme commet jaaes and do n it represent the greater lose jo which 0 wee mea to many sections by crops being short abort because they have bave been too freely irrigated ulea and fruits like mao man are injured and enfeebled by g biting to enuch water aa well as aa too little ii 11 by its ita investigations the national boari of experts can tell every larmer farmer ff ardes or er anu and horticulturist how bow much water the grain the voile tabler and we fruits beel to la a riven locality and od when it should be furni ahe tecy will hav hate pl ced irrigation un on a solon tillo best baags anait am abc the gnamm of p ople w where here lr its application can be made one of the he most moat beneficial of the arto arte |