Show telegraphic NEWS CHICAGO april 8 A special to the datig daily bows wows from washington says ay 1 I am deeply gratified by the stand senator palmer has ban taken against the proposed free silver convention in illinois said Raid president cleveland t one of hie bia callers today the president discussed discus ead the now new sliver silver movement in considerable length and deprecated the action of the illinois state committee politicians who are acquainted with senator Pal palmer mers private views on the silver liver questa u read between the lines that hs his published interview this morning wax was a 0 plain warning to his party that it if the be J june une convention declared lor for free silver he would leave the party and carry with him a large following of the democrats Democrat io FuE PUEBLO jaLo colo april 10 A union of all the coal and miners of colorado now new mexico utah and wyoming became practically assured at she semiannual semi annual conven convention tiou of district no 15 of the western united mine workers of america when the proposition was unanimously approved by nineteen delegates representing coal miners in the be territory iu in eluded to in the district final amalgamation is expected to be completed at tile convention of minor miners at ogden may the project was first suggested lug by the minere who were asked to send delegates legats de to convention to discuss the matter the letter miscarried however and no representatives were present the coal miners ordered a request sent to the orous erous workers for permission to 10 have coal miners represented at the ogden convention this request will undoubtedly doubted Jy be granted and the amalgamation will be effect oo indeed it may go beyond a simple union ol of miners of all classes cla lor for a plan was discussed for the abe organization under one bead of all industrial workers another discussed was the formation among the mine workers ot of an insurance association tor for the pay meet of sick accident anil and death the plan was but tue final action was postponed as on other minor mat term ten till after the ogden convention the election of officers resulted as ae follows fol lowe howells Ho wella coal creek vice president T li L reese castle gate utah secra secretary tary and treasurer Jabo hick Hicks coal creek executive board wm stokes caddo luat v utah john travers Tra vere wyoming geo clark louisville colo joe JOB currau go sopris ris colo haw r YORK april 10 dr J H worman the editor ot of outing last received a cable dispatch that will help to throw some light on the bicyclist frank G lonz the dispatch dia patch said that lonz boa bad been traced raced to a kurd village about eighty miles irom from Erse roum he reached there on may 10 and the villagers say aay he be was murdered philadelphia april 10 the bodies of sadie badie tf stinger linger aged 12 years and william bradly aged 18 were found today lying beneath a tree in 10 the edge of cl a grove at fifty fourth street and farrington avenue both bodies were terribly burned and it is supposed the children were struck by lightning during the heavy storm yesterday afternoon terno ter noon ov aney bild left their homes in search of wild flowered flu flo were bons ids ida april 10 governor Mc mccohnell Counell botay appointed dele delegates gALes to attend the silver conference to meet in salt lake may they are colonel 0 V bryan of halley who the tip top mine at silver city mind aud the red bed elephant mine at halley judge W B heyburn of osborn aou and captain J W plummer manager ol of the de da lamar mine at de lamar naw YORK yoeun april 11 A special to toe Sho eren from newport B R I 1 says mrs mra cornelius Corne liue vanderbilt Vauder bilt appears to jie be opposed to the oude aude to in art lor for she he bag h ordered sweeping changes lu in the character of the interior decoration of her villa here the decorah decorations showed many undraped draped figures copies of masterpieces of famous artists notwithstanding their arti artistic merit mrs vanderbilt objected to toem and aad she ahe to la new having the nude with drapery A fine in the ibe billiard room an unclad woman with several children obil dreu olk ginging oi nging to her particularly ticul arly mrs vanderbilt Vauder bilt and the figures are now being draped CALCUTTA april ll 11 A dispatch from simla dated at noon today says bays goi col kelly commander of the british forces forcee attempting to resell reach chittal from since march 25 has succeeded in crossing the chandar pass pasa and was about sixty miles from chittal on april 7 the marob march of the troops was wag arduous and a brilliant military exploit the pass is in feet high bib and impassable to beasts of burden the pioneers I 1 had to carry field and moul tain guns curing the last sev en wilts through deep snow now with the weather intensely cold cola the troops suffered from frostbites frost bites wilen these advices advises were forwarded to simla the the enemy was in a position twenty miles dhzant from the force commanded by colonel kelly and an on engagement ga was wag expected it is ia learned that lieutenants fowler and edward ed warda belonging to the britten british garrison at ai Ch chittal itral and reported missing lor for some time past were invited to a polo match at ai reabun where they were ousby seized and their escort consist jug ing of twenty bengal sappers sap pera was wae overcome by supori BU parlor ur numbers dumben and illi another report says ays lieutenant fowler bowier was killed by a foster foater braher of amir ul mulk the present ruler of Chit chittal chatroo roo who assumed the rank of alter after having murdered his bia elder brother nizam ul uj mulk the late mohtar of Ch chittal itral anther another 0 dispatch dispa tob from simla says the labett news newa from the front points strongly ugly to the cul collapse lapse of the power of umra etien it to la added the fanatics upon wh wha so help be relied and who have hitherto offered moat serious resistance si to the britian forces are nw NuToN april ll 11 A n au authora aut borl dative t of the terms or of peace being negotiated between japan and chia has bus been secured from official sources the statement is made in order to clear up much misapprehend ion eion arising from speculation the terms are as art follows first the independence of gorea corea second abe permanent of the island of formosa to japan third an indemnity of a chinese coin worth fourth the permanent pei manent occupation of port arthur and the immediate con territory fifth A now new japan china treaty opening the interior of china to commerce the money indemnity tg is expressed in labels aaela instead of the japanese yen A tadej Is ie in reality a weight li ir steed elead of a coin it la Is considered silver money while the face value of would be equivalent to la in silver it la is said eaid the actual value would be between and iu in gold I 1 the fifth term as to the now new treaty includes various trade trad 19 features such ch as a free access of chinese rivers there ther la is up no demand for territory on th then mainland outside of port aribuk and its ite surroundings surrounding C springfield ill april ii 11 I 1 AA A move aae awas 1 waa net met on toot foot by representative senta tive jones of green in the lieis lature today which it if carried practically sever ever cook county cuica to go irom from the state elate of illinois it was wait in the shape of a joint resolution andi and provides that the me question of giving look cook cauty separate government shall be submitted to a alto of the people the resolution recited that the rapid and unprecedented growth of Jhio aico renders it necessary for special laws SO 10 be enacted at every legislature Jegla lature the interests of chicago are in many ir ic stances directly opposed to those 01 01 tile the state at large and therefore injustice must be done to one section in order to benefit the abe other it la Is therefore received t anat anere be submitted to thim the people for their rati aion or rejection at the next beneral election lor for members of the general assembly an amendment to take the place or of section seven of article ten of the constitution chis amendment provides that on and after january Is 1698 cook county atall be governed by a general hagem bly composed of seventeen senator and fifty one representatives provision Is made for division of cook county into district 9 and the general election laws of the state shall govern the elec lion of such senators and representatives this general assembly of cook county shall pass the laws necessary to su minister justice in that county coloty all present judicial officers shall hold their respective offices until ane expiration of the terms for which they have hare been elec elected Dimis ozi april ll 11 Dick edwards Edwar alias beliy leroy of the murder of mire hattie haynee committed hereon here on the night of may 17 1892 and eute to lite imprison went died sunday night in hunta I 1 TWO prison it was waa believed that edwards edwarda killear three of the women and wounded the fourth on that eventful night he maintained his bia innocence to the me gamt anu and when approached for a confession replied that be had nothing to hayand died with the ahe secret looked in his heart beart consumption was the cause ot 0 death after two mOD thial confinements confinement in the west edwards was wa known as a coyote dick he was well known in salt bait batee where he be was wag charged with the murder of a man named callahan Cali aban in 1891 he was waa also alao credited with the murder of a woman in chi goaec barp NEW york april 12 fix BI senator warner miner miller has baa recently been in chicago he has bag discovered diao that there are many iree free wiver silver advocates in that part ot of the ibe country he says anyei f abe be prairie seems to be oo on fire with a sentiment of free coinage I 1 believe the feeling permeates western states atalee ST PET BROBURG april 12 it at is ia stated on excellent authority abat russia bike baa determined to make diplo opposition to the annexation by japao japan of avy any portion of we be asiatic continent the russian army and navy in the far east are being ren forced with the abe view of supporting shift the russian government has haa resolved not to interfere la in armenia lo in order to have a free hand in ith cb far baet I 1 washington DC april 12 mer odith dub H kidd of indiana who has been AMOU a dewber of the dawes commis commin won ion for the past two years has resigned IRS be ikas baft been appointed appoint ou a member of vile the commission to negotiate with the ute indians indiana to ascertain if they will accept the modified agreement gre ement for their fe nauval from colordo colorado to utah this moves leaves three places to fill on the dawes f it is expected that these will be filled soon boon and it la in bought ought the new members will be ex cabalis of georgia ua montgomery nt gomery of kentucky and assist asail al commissioner Commiss ioDer of indian affairs armstrong april 12 A special to the climes from colo says a baan was arrested there when boarding abe train who la 18 believed to be one ut of ate be cripple creek express robbers poughkeepsie N r Y arril april 12 avery xavery attempt to ret got upon the trail of shak train robber perry and toe the gang 4 of soaped escaped convicts oun victa from Mat mattaway mattawan Matte tawan wao natte a asylum for criminal bad ff tiled led up to noon today further in falls fails to throw any light on th myat iry of the escape exideal aleut leut allison has questioned sharp all 11 helpers who bad keys to the in i but each stoutly insists that be did id not loot unlock the be doore door and bas baft no knowledge how bow the prisoners got out washington D C april 12 xa V B fa conail dekay dakay at berlin alieves an american physician has ban covered a means of curing con emption lupus and perhaps cancer ala report tu to the state department may ays the coming medical congress con gregs likely to give no little atten n 19 a discovery made by dr louan a 8 native dao of NOW new York who announced in german medical rs rg the extraordinary action of nute ite injections of a extract from the brazilian plant on the liao lymphatic stem this in a sense completes the leb rated J heil bell serum 19 1 9 9 acting Voir ably on patients whom serum not eu cure re the key to the uie uia ore rs Is i this by successive in LIOUS LOBS of minute doses of as arphine in the veins he ives res at a gradual stimulation ae lymphatic system that syn ays increases the white corpus corpuscles cles in a blood which in some way not rood reed upon certainly overcome anti and ader der harmless those poisonous par dejea I 1 to 0 the blood that produce disease ae e discoverer strongly advises hans to try pilos arphine antho in ane early es s of consumption and indeed in diseases involving the lymphatic stem m he has baa satisfied himself that borins roas ft trustworthy test for the sence noe of tuberculosis in man end and I 1 mal al the report closes a state ent of a case of lupus of 22 years rat ration toti regarded as incurable which relieved immediately after the first ro tion and is now almost healed NEW YORK april 12 at a meeting ff irish nationalists here resolutions onis cere adopted congratulating the cuban I 1 upon the success of their patriotic efforts and hoping that cuba soon be added to the list of re A bleeg |