Show TEMPLE CITY NEWS following la is from our logan correspondent under date of april 16 several parties are prospecting eting for foi coal near Petera boro with it in re poi potted ted fair surface indications there to la a lair fair prospect of a compromise in the nation come and that publication may soon eoon be resumed president ellas elias 13 kimball of the southern mission aion paid a brief visit to hla his mountain home during the latter part of last jaet week i the sunday afternoon meetings in the various wards have been klecon tinned and meetings meeting of all the wards have been resumed in the tabernacle the Y M M 1 I A entertainment at wellsville on saturday night was not a financial success the conference on sunday was well attended though and many valuable instructions were given A one fine of 60 50 each was wag imposed on the tour four men from providence who were found guilty of killing flab fish by the use of giant powder an appeal was waa taken and bonds given an old gentleman who was paying more attention to objects on the aid elite of the street than to the road on which he be was traveling was thrown from his hie buggy by a collision with an electric light pole ou on saturday the abatta of the buggy were broken and theold the old gentleman Is head was waa bruised the meeting of we be logan wheel club for the election of officers resulted to in the he election of george F thatcher Tb atcher president C E montgomery vice proficient and ana captain and H B smith secretary and treasurer A fine club room has been rented and la Is being furnished bicycling in more popular than ever A bolt dropped out of one of the shafts of a buggy allowing it to fall down on the horse Is logo legs andl Caused a runaway wm Brang brangham liam jr the driver fell between the buggy bed and wheel and was dragged for some distance his left ear was torn nearly oft off and he be was badly bruised bruie ed his COW corn jacob Wes waa thrown out on his head bead when the vehicle ran against a telephone pole pele and was waa nearly atu stunned n nod the palace hotel was sold at sheriff ts sale eale last saturday as the property of the murdock block co at the suit of kathron kathren nelson the lady bid to in the property which la in worth at a moderate estimate for the trouble has haa been that bat the original builder and subsequent owners owneta were too heavily involved at the start and it took a fair income to pay interest on the debt if properly handled bandied there Is no doubt it would be a paying investment as the building is ia a line fine three story brick with all modern improvements prove ments it was a matter of much rei regret gretto to the members of the delegates from cache county on the occasion of the visit of the convention to logan on saturday last that through a blunder the representatives of the salt bait lako papers were excluded irom from the hall hail in which the banquet was held and were therefore unable to report the speeches spee ohe made by governor west delegate squires and prof paul mr squires presented the college with a handsome group picture of the delegates and made a speech eulogistic of the college the governors speech was also highly corn men amendatory mend batory atory of that institution and the rapid progress that had been made ample AP apologies were tan tendered dered to and accepted by the newspaper men for the unintentional affront that had bad been placed upon them and they afterward dined at the hanks hotel as the guests of prof kerr of the B Y col love lee |