Show JOSEPHITE conference KANSAS any crismo mo april 9 tae expect id message from heaven was waa notre not receive jat attebe the Joseph josephites iteI conference at al independence today president joseph jr spent peat the entire day with toe the twelve apostles apo etlea and the delegates dele gatea to momentarily expecting to hear bear that revelations revelation a from on high had been made there are two vacancies among the apostles which have existed ajr many yearn and which cannot be filled until it ilia to revealed of god to joseph joesph and the apostles ap ostlee who the new apostles apo atlea are to 10 be nothing having come atter abter today loog long sitting bitting revelations are not now BOW expected at this wetting mett log A lively debate was wae occasioned in ID the conference this afternoon by the iesu lution introduced yesterday instructing ting the bishopric tu to mature plans or the institution of the order of enoch ane deP delegates are for organizing the now new order themselves thema elvea becore the rhe meeting adjourns the order ol of enoch was provi fd a lor for lu iu toe tae cevela bious ut of 1833 to 1837 it la Is a eort of cooperative plan wrier whereby eby albe rich people of the render reader opportunities to the poor tor for bettering their condit condition lon the ara first to oner offer testimony this morning was an independence saint about 80 years old 11 1 I am sorely afflicted 23 he said aid in a trembling voice and have been for five or six fix yet I 1 have walked a mile and a halt half abib morning to be with you I 1 have bare seen devils cast out the blind made to tee see I 1 a and ad the leaf dear to hear so BO I 1 know there ig 18 a tf true us god and that the church of the saints sainto to ig his church it to my ambition to some day be seated on the throne with abraham isaac and jacob mrs wright irom from vermont told how she be had bad become a saint 1 I was wag visited one night by an angel P said she ge who came and stood by my bedside with a square piece of parchment in his bis uplifted hand band 11 1 I have come comas to tell you that joseph smith Is a recce nihed prophet of heaven Y the angel aneel said elder george edwardf edward of southwest missouri sala late one evening in southwest missouri a voice came to we me from heaven beaven and said you are called to lift up the lamp of the gospel s and I 1 have ever since been engaged as a servant of the lord KANSAS CITY mo april athe apostles of the reorganized church of latter day saints now in annual conference at independence went into secret session today joseph smith head acad of the church presiding Hiag very important revelations are expected during this week it is not impossible that today secret session of the twelve apostles will be productive of results there are two vacancies vaca ocies among the apostles which have existed many beare these can be filled according to the doctrine only by direct command from god it Is ie hoped by the saints present at this COD conference fOrence that this commandment will be given some time this week KANSAS CITY april 10 at the conference cou ference of the ibe church of jesus jesua christ of latte rd day saints saint at independence MO the question of the organization of the order or of enoch Is if being discussed today the order in ie to be organized for the purpose of purchasing large tracts of land which will be rented or eold bold to the pourer poorer classe at a living jiving rate another feature of this thie order will be the establishment of operative cooperative co fac tortes and shops and other manu manufacturing industries the question que atlon under discussion today to la whether the time has baa come for the fulfilment fulfillment of this revelation efforts florla to change the conference aea aiona from annual to biennial bi bl annial and leavette leave leavet the be management in the handa bands of the twelve apostles apu etlea were defeated another meeting of the twelve apostles bishopric and presidency was waa held beld behind closed doors this abis morning and important results are hoped for by the church the elders elder spent the morning to la special prayer that god may direct his will to the conference KANSAS CITY mo april 10 contrary to tc expectations the quorum of twelve and joseph smith did not bring any revelations today it if the quorum d es ea not have a revelation soot touching some gme of the great matters of church government some of the saints will grow very weary fidoe the beginning ot of this conference the most moat intense interest hue has been shown in all ali the session the principal attraction being joseph smith sou son of the great prophet and himself a seer fleer of highest standing anding at but tile the head bead of the church has not revealed anything beyond presiding pre alding over the business bua inese he has ha brought nothing to alleviate the anxiety concerning the vacancies which have existed fr forty years yeara in labe quorum of the twelve the rank anil and file appear to have reached the conclusion that there is 00 much buob one man power in the the president preside yat and the twelve have been in the habit babit it to is claimed of disposing ot of all mooted quett loris by quietly referring them to the next conference ione one year hence this hm b displeased the and now they propose to have a change in the of presenting and passing upon questions of interest to the church the story of joseph smithy coaver bation tion witti the angel moroni from which ehrum the mormon church was wae the main feature of today s sea ees malon ion of the confere conference tice the tory story was waa told old by mrs catherine salisbury Bali ebury joseph smith smiths s sitter abler and the last baat our eur eivor of bin bia immediate family mrs salisbury to la 88 years yeara of age but she he claims to recall the time of the wonderful vision as it were but yesterday she told how the angel had come to her ber brother in the he night hud and had bad stood in a glow aglow of white light midway between the floor and the ceiling of hla his room and had talked for hours telling where the he golden record was waa to be found in the hill bill of cumorah Cumo rab and then she told bow the plates had been round found and after much tribulation on account of mobs of evil men they were translated and how bow the me church ol of jesus was founded at the afternoon session the resola tion alon providing lor for the estabi aliment of the order of enoch was laid over until the next dext conference the only other business of importance considered wae waa a motion to transfer the publication of tb herald now issued at la anoni la ia to independence the matter was laid over until tomorrow KANSAS CITY april 11 the quorum of twelve and joseph smith were la in executive session until midnight lint last night and this morning early the session esclon was resumed ot of grave importance to the reorganized are being consid considered eted at an undercurrent of restlessness among the laity having awakened the leaders to a that something must be done to overcome the spirit of tion manifest each day since the ibe con clerence le renoe began at 2 o this afternoon the buc quorum was waa still in secret session it to ie believed the conference will adjourn next monday laymen are hoping that revelations as aa to the filling of the tb Visa vacancies ucles in the quorum will be given there Js ie considerable rivalry between kirtland ohio lamon iowa and ana independence mo for fol a location fr for permanent independence ace I 1 iea of course now dow recognized as the new zion but the saints located here ebore are fearful lest kirtland or la moni wrest the honors from that place KANSAS KANBAS CITY april 11 at the gatter afternoon noun session of the reorganized church the principal business transacted was waa the selection ot of the next place of meeting to be held A april april 6 1896 the contest content for the conf conference erenos between Kirt kirtland lands 0 and aed lamont ia went to the ohio town by a vote tote of to after a heated healed debate A reto lotion was wa passed endorsing the use ue of bentt in all districts where the log ing elders deem it necessary necea sary as ae the he abat available and effective means mean ot of reaching certain classes the resolution was presented by a committee appointed on the question it was decided that i the he board of directors of the lamont la is college now building shall coli consist of nine mem berm two 01 whom are not to be members of the church KANSAS CITY april 12 the in session at independence are in trouble it appears that a lengthy revelation purporting to be from god was received by joseph smith a year ago which made some important disel coures and tatt the twelve in a body have not yet en horsed the revelation some members of the twelve claim to have received ived testimony of god as to abe truth of the revelation but others cannot see it in that bat way tte too revelation in dispute says that the on supposed vaca li cy I 1 in n the preside presidency acy was nut a vacancy in tue tie eyes of gou god david H smita who was the third member of that body is not dead as bad been supposed by many of the council but Is insane and is now COL fined in toe me illinois asylum and nas has been so confined fur for the last twenty years david H smith is a brother of the present presidents president and a large number of the church ministry reward tue revelation of last year as an an indication on the part park of joseph smith that tie its did not intend to receive any revelation filling the vacancy until him bis broller dies the revelation says saye my servant thomas W smith it io in my hand and his bishopric shall be continued for a season it if no ne fully recover he h will enter again the work it I 1 take him to myself another will be appointed in his himstead stead when the quorum is filled P many of the elders claim gods god in his infinite knowledge would not use uee we word if ip in speaking of the be result of ehg illness and recovery ot of the same revelation chides the mem diem bore bers of the church for dos DOC placing lull confidence in the president and his hi revelations of the will tue tas twelve not bol having approved this revelation as of god are causing much unrest A cumber of the elders eldera and ministry are discouraging prophet worship and one of we the young elders boldly announced that toe he was not a worshiper of the prophet but simply a follower of christ and proclaiming the A resolution WM was discussed providing for the tb appointment of a board of directors of the saints college now lamont li amoni la Anum A number berof of I 1 he delegates wanted the college to be exclusively a sain sainta college and that no outsiders oui sidera be allowed on the board of directors director the committee decided to opt dpn n the college to all and place two outsiders on the board of directors the question of a meeting for the conference in 1896 brought up more appo the evening session was waa protracted and developed a serious split in the con conference forence at the general conference two wo years yeara ago a resolution was introduced stating that it was the sones of the church that in the administration of the aso the teachers teacher deacons and laity were not empowered to even in the passing of the plate or cup it was wae thought at that time that it was waa all allotted opted but tue the minutes failed to show bow it that way and so today the same game resolution was waa again brought forward by apostle lambert aud and taken up for argument the counselor of ef the president preel deot W W blair said the views expressed in the resolution were not in harmony with the rules rulea of the church and that b be a was bound to accept the abe utterances of the president pre eident as the best exposition 0 of f the rules of the baere toe tae ze ia laws a of the abe charen ceuron needed an explanation or exposition the chosen man of the churila was the one above all others best beat prepared to make plain the meaning of the word this brought out the real issues issue behind the matter was president smith to rule and interpret or was the several al af the delegates took aides op on the question a debate debaie lasting sever al hours bauro taking place when toe the vote was finally taken on the resolution it was adopted by a vote of to 20 the president then read the abe list of appointments made for the coming year it contained several hundred names anti and included the following iowa east nebraska minnesota noite tn and south dakota north illinois and wisconsin iri A M H smith J B R lambert ambert JL european mission james caffall Caf lall Q G T griffith the canadas J H lake aake Misto Mia url and kaneas jor joe luff michigan and northern indiana E C briggs rocky mountain mission H C Q smith new england states stater W ff kelley with nova new brunswick Brunsw lck ohio virginia west virginia room sylvania eyl vania now new yolk bolk new jersey delaware maryland and district of columbia adds adde i colorado east Wyom wyoming west nebraska and now new mexico Q G WG illen |