Show colonized COLONIZE 1 among men who have been thrown out of empl employment from one cause anil and abott another or there Is ia much inquiry as to suitable places for colonization where they can make their living as tillers ol of the soil or as mechanics in a new and growing settlement rather than exist on a mere pittance in crowded cities or drift into a condition of pauperism the pullman strikers for instance have been considering the advisability of establishing a operative cooperative co cc colony in the southern stater they have baVe also had haa called to their the advantages of the arid wea in both of thase directions they probably would find success it if eferts were properly encouraged cou raged for in neither place is there rf required a change of customs sud and mi boda such as would be required we were rethey they to emig emigrate tAtO to some other country men out of employment by strikes elsewhere also alao have been making similar inquiries some affected in brook lyn have turned their attention to the the detroit strikers having been enthused by the reports from venezuela of unoccupied areas fertile aoi oil and delightful climate are giving attention tu to that country with a view of attempted colonization unfortunately the advantages of that location for settlement by those reared in a temperate zone have been given a too goo roseate hue and it if the Detroi proceed an aa at present aue Rested there Is grave danger of disastrous failure the luxuriance of tropical vegetation and the cheap acquisition of land are not the only requisites of success even for people who are willing to work A lom less fertile soil might be far more responsive to their efforts in a land to which they are acclimated by years of residence no americans americana or europeans have yet made a f access of south american colonization lor for the reason that the climate however delightful I 1 ic maybe may be at certain season still la is too trying on people from northern climes cli mee and undeveloped venezuela with its if malaria and vermin la Is burdensome to the most molt vigorous american colonist colonial the canadian emigrants who thought they could better themselves in australia returned this thia week weed having met with complete failure they now are convinced that even in the sometimes some timea obe erless areas of canada there here Js ia more hope for them than at the he antipodes australia is ia a fine country a grea great country but aa they drew draw near to it the enchanting view lent by the distance diata oce and through glowing re ports of immigration bureaus passed away the cold bard fact was apparent that the difficulties were not lope lens there than in british america to some going they seemed even more inhospitable in the districts it was almost impossible to make a start without deanson means on which to proceed in the more thickly populated fated sections abe there were strikes upon strikes leading to several riot note of which only meager in formation mation or reaches american shores the many thousands of unemployed could not find means mean of living jiving for themselves theme elves and the opportunities were still less for the canadian emigrants in melbourne on march 12 the unemployed held a mass meeting and adopted resolutions pisa pleading ding with the to call parliament together at once to sanction productive works work that the unemployed might be given something to do and thus thua be saved from starvation tar thousands Thou gande upon thou ande of men were in the procession which marched to the government officer cep where their leaders interviewed premier turner who promised what aid he could give alve with these scene before the canadians Canadia aa it to Is not to be wondered that they were convinced that canada was a better place for them than was wag australia there are big alo men here bere who are looking for places suitable BUi tabie for colonization niza tion crowded in the cities they see eee no hope of relief and wonder where they can go to better them selves they look east west wear north and mouth and hear bear and read of many MADY places open for settlement some of which might be eminently suited salted tor for their condition but to ID many instances ine taace they look too far ott off As AB the detroit people are wearying their eyes on cho venezuela vision and as the canadians were deceived by the distant view of australia ralia so there are people here who tancy fancy they see gee in the distance that which to is not discernible nester nearer home vat por their own welfare these should seek opportunities closer at hand band it mr smythe and others who can tell the people of the east of the wonderful progress rs af utah oan can see to ft L r unoccupied lands the certainty of success for many of the honest sons BODO of toll how bow to Is it that those of this class right here her will not look upon the same pic tare for the dwellers in these theae mountain vales valea there in ie abundant place for colonization in these valleys of what advantage will it be fr a oaten mun now hereto here to leave for anew a new country and to toabe W two men from elsewhere live lire where he has failed tue people in these shone valleys should maintain them elves here there in no occasion for the present dwellers dw ellera to seek homes elsewhere in hope ot of doing 4 better that accomplishment to la out of the question qiea tion others will come here and will do well why cannot those now here bore do equally equalia as aa well or better than the newcomer they surely aurely have all the intelligence and the experience per peri lonce ence that they can hope to start with in a now new land glancing Olan cing over this territory what to la the condition presented from the colo alza tion point of view there are in the ahe cities lauy men who cannot obtain oin employment sufficiently remunerative safi therefore they want to move out they are asking where they oan can go what in ia the outlook for planting colonies olon iea with the exception of three or four of the most moat thickly populated there is abundance of land and water for colonists coloni ats who will do pioneer work from B R en 0 1 3 and cache counties on the north to kane sad ad washington on the south there are opportunities almost everywhere colonists need not expect to find broad and ad well watered valleys like salt alake and cache unoccupied no olony that can tart start out oat now dofa a prospect but bat of such they ito ido need in at least twenty of the of utah anere is field for new qt atlen tt len lers equal or superior to anything they can find fiad of vie valleys occupied by the latter day saints sainte this thia fact gives reply to the inquiry where to colonize the he Mor mormon people among the mormons cormons the in habitants batol tanta of utah in utah unless there in ia special reason for selecting electing bother location |