Show LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS elder israel brown and john W chambers vb ambera returned from europe on tuesday where they hey have been on lione InIs A siong for two years they are pleaded to return home it ft governor wet west monday appointed as ae delegates to the silver conference to be bold eld in bait lake may st 1 0 chambers and C 0 C goodwin Good wio of ft salt bait like lake and david evans evade ot of aden territorial auditor calne caine has re alved the annual statement of the finances os of orand county fir tac year 1884 1894 it shows that the receipts were and disbursements tte the cash balance on the first of the year was wae and the total in of the county 2100 achoo iri governor west thing jay granted ranted alfr fr alood and sufficient reasons rea sona a free pardon to a youth frank rice bice convicted in the third district court abbout a year ago of burglary i and sentenced to three years in the penitent enry A petition in the convicts behalf containing a number of sigua tares had bad been presented to the governor by attorney john li 13 tay bor oi A large team attached to a heavy ice wagon dragon belonging longing oe to the mountain ice company ran away saturday toe mart atari was made on third south street laser fourth west went the team ran east to first farat west passing the force farce of men working on the gravity sewer bewer then south to seventh south and again turned east after striking a number of telephone polo the horses bonea became freed creed from the wagon and finally were brought to a stop atop without serious damage bishop richard B S gibby of the third ward of provo died wednesday morning orning a from brights brighta disease of tau tae with which he had suffered for about a year he has baa been confined to 40 hla his room for the last three months the deceased was waa born in dait lake city alty on january 60 1867 and removed to provo in september 1890 lie cle was wae appointed bishop by the third ward in 1891 and has labored faithfully for the good of his ward since chat at time A wife and ana child and alny emony near dear relatives and friends frienda mourn ble departure at an early hour wednesday the two to story atory frame real deooe deDoe of W J Bh lelus at the corner of sixth and 0 streets tre ete was waa discovered to be on fire an alarm was sent in to which the department responded promptly but owing to the distance to be traveled and the heavy pull up the hill the flames bad made such headway that the building build ing and most moat of the furniture were destroyed mr shields Sli ielda to about out of the city but his hig write wife states that there on the property unless the policies poll oleg chave expired the losi lose will probably sibly exceed that amount in the probate court late lato wednesday wed the commissioner appointed to parti the eathata of fanny Y thatcher Tha tober and distribute it amon twoie abon entitled thereto hereto filed nil his report hearing will be had upon it on monday april the division gives to frank W and lawrence Y thatcher Tha a halt half each in real estate and personal property of the value of and to lutle T lynch property of the value of this rec dation Is IB made says saya commissioner C D W fulmer Ful after a meeting with george W thatcher Tha tober guardian ot of frank and lawrence and lutio lautie T lynch thursday funeral services were h held in the first ward meeting bouse over the remains of slater sister Evor everdiena diens wife of william mulder aged 88 came here with the company of emi grants on tuesday arriving at a in she died on wednesday at 11 a ku deceased was the daughter ot evert ever Neuter boom of aleyse county holland consoling remarks were made by bishop brown elders walker saunders dore and jensen hessed leaves a husband and three children ob ildren and a mother 70 years of age in wanes juose house she abe died death was caused by pneumonia contracted during tho blizzard rd lu in kanses kansas city while en an route shortly after noon friday a horse at rached to a milk wagon belonging to bish biala p john R winder became frightened at a piece ut papers paper which was being curried about by the wind and Rit arted t ti run the abo horse became manageable aud and the boy who was driving it wee was thrown out of the wagon on state street between sixth and seventh south the boy was picked up and carried into a store close by where it was found that he was not lot seriously hurt though badly shaken up after resting reeling for a abort time be got into a passing wagon and rode aown to the blah jad ld farm the horse ran directly home without doing tur fur her damage except to the milk cans an alarm of ore fire was seat rent into the department at saturday the firemen bremen responded and found the fire located in a one story atory frame and adibe building laed as a general store at east second south street the cause was attributed to the ore having be n started in the two front corners of th the store estore in one corno corne the fire burned a short time lime ano ana went rent out the other ore fire made more headway burning through the front window and catching on to the porch perch in front of the store the damage was very smell ekau probably not amounting to the insurance carried was waa about buoo on the stock of goods and on the fixtures LEHI utah april 16 Yeat yesterday erday rumors we were re extant that a man bad been murdered on the lake shore about fifteen miles west of liebl lehi near what is ie known as an pelican point A party left here for the scene and brought in the remains of a man who evidently had been murdered several days ago there being two bullet holes boles in his bis body one of which had entered near the collarbone collar bone on the leit left side and ra rana uffing downward came out under the right shoulder b blade ade the other ball entered the center of the be breast and ami went straight through his body the corpse to la so BO badly decomposed that it would be almost impossible to identify him no one here la is able to even guese who he in i the coroner jury majury wo are now sitting on the case at its meeting monday night the on waterworks water works took up the question of the water supply of the city and proceeded on the theory that albere la Is a possibility of the coming summer being a dry one hence it Is prop sed aed to improve the supply apply from present sources in all ways way possible it is thought that by the performance 0 of worn work in parley parleys Par leya s and emigration canyons the diw can be greatly in creased 0 re a ad in the latter especially work can c a n be done to good advantage the city engineer bus baa that by driving a tunnel near the headwaters of a group of springs the daily flow can be augmented many thousands of gallons omeara corum dod clawson have been appointed a committee to look after this matter there la in some talk of purchasing a water right in mountain dell precinct in parley canyon elbridge abridge tutu tufts a well known resident ot of this city dropped dead very suddenly about 8 thursday Thu raday he returned ned home yesterday yester daj from his hia reach mouth outa of the city apparently in the best beat of health in the evening he be went to jacob AWs alta saloon on fast temple tenille street where he met some friends and took a drink with th them he then stepped loto into the back room but immediately returned and dropped to the floor dead only two gasps ea caping from his lapi after being lifted to a chair by friends lendi fr mr tufts was waa about 58 years yean of axe age and leaves leave a wife and five children besides a large circle of acquaint ane anci a to mourn his bis death debeers dr been Beers pronounced it a i casoff oae of heart failure the body was removed to his home on sixth south street opposite the exposition building elder bider evert Noute boom of ogder was wa among the visitors to be office monday afternoon bay ng recently returned from his bla second mission to holland and belgium he lots left his hi home borne sept 17 1892 and being honorably released from his hie field of labor arrived in this city on april elder N labored in the netherlands minion during his absence and reports that part of the field in a pros proa berous condition there have been quite a number of additions addition to the he church recently and many are eagerly inquiring into the principles of the gospel in the company travel ing with elder Neute boum was his hie sister everdina mulder who took alok i on the train aud died the day afier her arrival in this city as already told in the NEWS she leavet leaves a husband and four children ob ildreD who have the sympathy of many MR ny friends in their great affliction coroner berg received a letter from john rogstad of ogden oden thursday stating that bat the dead man found in hobble creek canyon near april aad 2 ad was undoubtedly berre berra jenshu a relative of mr rogstad Bog atad jensen left ogden last november to go to mantl on a prospecting trip and bail bad not been board beard of ofal since noe mr krogst id sent ant korpa of cloth of the mater la from which he be made a suit for jensen a abort time before he left the samples amples match the suit bait and the de of the body found agrees with mr rogstad s description of jensen the deceased bad 30 and a watch when he be left ogder and whether he be bad disposed oi of that or it was taken from him at the time of his big death will never be known he bad a wife from whom he was wag divorced and several children living in the family formerly lived jived in monroe sevier bevier county thursday slater sister hannah burton of the sixth ward of this city passed from this life in the fifty seventh year of her age for a long time she has ban been a sufferer euf from cancer in the face her death being due to that slater sister burton received the gospel in in england and emigrated to utah over thirty years ago she ahe became a widow by the accidental death of her husband bos band one of her sons la Is elder 8 M T seddon bishop of the filth ward of this thie city she became the wife of brother john burton by whom she had bad several children she was highly esteemed by her associates and ac in the ward she ebe labored tor for many years yeara as aa a teacher in the alief society she was true to tober her as a latter day saint A husband several children aud many relatives and friends mourn her departure during a long illness she has baa borne up with grea great patience rod and fortitude complaint was waa made at police headquarters saturday that hat sheep were belog being allowed to invade the wheat field of mr pratt located just west weel ot of the north side aide of the race track in the southwestern western part of the city that gentleman stated elated that he had been troubled with the sheep abeel for two ur or three years year but bad never entered before now however he has ten acres acrea of nice wheat which the sheep ar are ruining and he be desired to be protected there is a four wire fence between the street and the crop he says may but the sheep which hick are being driven along the street are allowed to goas they please and the fence duea does not keep them out an officer was sent immediately to the place to invest I 1 gate similar complaints are frequently made irom from the eastern part of the the road that leads up emigration canyon the one mounted policeman if not enough to keep watch of all the different roads where sheep are being befog driven and protect the property from being overrun there have been a number of instances ot of late where diseased meat meal bearing the stamp of the inspector has bas found its way into the market and but for the honesty of too toe dower dea er who came into possession poe session of it it would have been out up aej sold by retail to an aa unsuspecting and unprotected public two carcass carcasses es reeking with tuber tu her have recently found their way into tn we shop of a single butcher both of them were carefully examined by a NEWS representative and the astounding discovery made that they had bad been inspected aad bah bore the stamp of officials employed by the public for the purpose of preventing poe venting meat unfit for food getting on the market the last of these was the carcass ol of a two months old lamb seen been this morning and its ita condition was such ouch that even the most inexperienced person should have detected the presence pre Benoe of the disease the lungs and the glands subject to attacks or impairment by the tuberculosis were filled with a yellowish translucent pus duo and with this removed the most meat disclosing no other evidences of danger could have been retailed to the dea dealers lerlo regular cus CUB bomers the consequences of such laxity in the administration of the Inspect inspection iun law la Is anything any thing but re outing assuring the trip of the constitutional convention delegates to logan on saturday afternoon for the purpose of visiting the agricultural college was waa an exceedingly pleasant and instructive one the excursion exour eion was under the auspices of the cache county delegation but under the immediate direction of chief clerk dan spencer of the union pacific so BO far as railway transportation was concerned on arriving at logan the consisted of three day coaches and one baggage oar car was immediately surrounded by hundreds of welcoming citizens who immediately took the visitors in tow and with the music of two bands started them to in carriages through the town when the college campus was wag reached on the beautiful elevated plateau above the city a seventeen shot salute from cannon was fired nearly two hours bouts was spent to in an inspection of the abe buildings rod and grounds the spick and span epan condition tion of every department the high order of the work therein and the general appearance of the institution as a whole won many words of praise tor for the management from president paul down the tour of inspection over an blab orate and delicious lunch cooked spread and served by the girl students of the college wras was par taken of an address of welcome was dolive delivered by president paul and responded to by colonel squires of salt bait lake governor wet west also made a tow few happy and appropriate remarks in the evening an excellent musical program was ren rendered derod in the thatcher opera boune for the benefit of the dele delegates gater it was highly appreciated and shortly before 9 the homeward run was wan commenced at 1280 salt bait lake was reached rod and the delegates only know knew of the excursion to cache as an a thing of the post past they will long remember however that as guests of their north ern cc delegates and constituents they were given every attention that a hospitable people could bestow what effect if ROY any it will have in 10 the abe matter of consolidating the utah university and agricultural college at lagan salt lake or elsewhere tims time will probably soly demonstrate about 6 oil elook on saturday evening a fire occurred in the of the sears glass paint company on first south between eist and west temple street which resulted in a lose joss of many thousands of dollars and the painful burning of mr john sears at the hour named mr sears descended into the basement of the store to draw some with him a small bicycle lamp for illumination while in the act of drawing the var blab the gas was ignited by the flame of the lamp getting betting fire to go other inflammable material and enveloping ve mr sears in flame he rushed up the stairway swiftly his clothing on fire and his big hands band and face severely verely ae burned his him brother nathan wrapped a 8 gunny gunnysack sack around him extinguishing the blaze and an alarm was immediately sent in by this time the fire had made considerable headway and a ad when the department arrived it was burning fiercely fler oely biome large |