Show THE DEAD SHALL LIVE I 1 during the present century there have been many reforms in ID the preaching of so called christian doctrines and to a R considerable extent there has hag been a weeding out of fallacious ideas such much as infant damnation hopelessness after death eternal subjection abjection to put ashment ieh ish ment etc these theme changes have been a direct result of the preaching of the gospel as restored in this dispensation tion and a consequent grinding ot of the false dogmas by the progress ol of light and reason the uninspired preachers prea chera that Is if so far as divine inspiration is in concerned still seek to blind the pe ale by declaring as a part of that which is subversive of basal Chr christian principle and are adding new fads and s which they esteem to be suited to their whims or the carrying out of belr purposes A typical illustration of professing christians christiana assaulting a fundamental principle of Is in chewn in the recent sermon of dr J 8 thomson the Ual unitarian who was requested to state the he position tion of his bin sect on the he resurrection he tok t ok up the instance of lazarus Laz arup claiming that he was not dead at the time the miracle was performed r but that christ by ais his spiritual power arrested the process of dying says bay a mr thomson he was not yet dead he was asleep in death but bat the sleep was not yet yei so profound as an to be an eternal se separation aranton of spirit and body A cord or cords binding together mortal and immortal parts had not yet been sundered the spirit was slowly or gradually separating itself from the body christ summoned the departing spirit back to the earthly tabernacle before absolute death had taken place rhaba elisha pe er and paul restored to life those who had just died and in the case caselt of the daughter of jairus and the son bon of the widow of nain christ also called them back to life before they had been interred A resurrection of life into a pu trifled body never took place As to what be says never took place y the reverend gentleman evidently does not possess a knowledge of all that has baa occurred currea oc for in that state moot he denies a fu oil ad amenta ot or christianity clearly and forcibly expressed to in too toe scriptures and main abbed tarried by the facts acts and by reason jot job declared declare the principle that though worms should destroy his bis body body yet lia in his bis flesh ne he should gee god 26 27 isaiah also teaches the dead brza wi will bull ll live together with my dead body shall they arise 29 christ himself was the first to rise from the dead after that the graven grave were opened and many of the visinta which I pt arose and women received their lead dead raised to life again the body of th lord lay I 1 in n the tomb but a short time and therefore saw a i corruption P which fact was commented upon as specially notable but there to Is not the slightest foundation for a supposition that the saints who came out of the graves after the resurrection and went into the holy city Y all had bad died within the 1 brief time that elapsed be between tween the crucifixion and their resurrection and tite therefore that their bodies had not known corrupt corruption too the doctrine of a resurrection coming I 1 ng to every body even though it be petrified by worms or con can 8 umed by fire is a direct teaching of real christianity As an the apostle john declared all that are in the graves shall hear bear his voice and shall came forth also alao the apostle P paul aul lu u christ shall all be made alive but every man in hie bis own order christ the he first fruits jesus body oama came from the tomb waa was re occupied by his spirit and became a living tabernacle taber oace of flesh and bones bone an aa ibe first fruits tr uita of the resurrection his spirit and body were reunited after he had passed through the ordeal of deatti deat all men follow as aa subsequent fruits fruita in being restored to life each in his bie own order whether be has lain in the grave one or a hundred years yeara or more many of the saints to in the grave were included in fruits immediately following lowing ol the Savl orsis resurrection enese were not called back to life before they were in berred P As AB to absolute abao lute death PP or can an eternal separation of spirit and body Is thereto there ia no such thing in the process which ends mortal existence and Is ie the of consigning the body to the be tomb comb in this case death is i we the process of change by which man enters en ten another sphere the spirit and the body or elements of tabernacle are separated in effecting that change but the certainty of their reunion to is so absolute as aa to la the fact of their uola in passing from mortality if a la Is to be made in the tha mean lag ing of Id dead eadRy and asleep in death then thin state of separation cannot be balled ailed dead 01 but only asleep in death for at most moat it la Is a temporary condition from this condition called death every soul is redeemed by the atonement ot of the lord all men die and ad all ball live again A resurrection of every body takes place and the petrifying petrify ing or decaying of the body has ha no BO effect whatever in preventing that result full this is ia cardinal oar dinal christian doctrine doot and that which depart demarta or seeks beba to deny it to unah ristian according to the ib incontrovertible testimony of 01 the scriptures and the inep irei witness of the lard the atonement of christ was a harmony with natural law and by the same law of progress reee his hia action la is made applicable to the resurrection of every saul the united fiody doicy and spirit bato is ig born lives and dies on 00 abis planet it to la the inviolable munificent law ot of deity explained in the aspel plan atie resurrection of jesus christ B R doebet of the world in memory of chien the he raster day Is observed in many no na as being the anniversary of it aie occurrence la in a living accomplish oo cant which proclaims the be absolute aul ailment of the great law or principle 11 I 1 christianity that ilabe ibe dead shall ahall live |