Show WESTERN NEWS ITEMS the town of traver cal la IS eleven years old the anniversary was waa celebrated a day or two airo ago by a ball game drive and literary exercises A telephone company has baa been in corp orated at ai Sh sheldan wyo with a capital of it to is a local company and they will put up their own line arrangements are being made for the manufacture of more lumber this thin season eason in fresno county cal than ever ever before in its history says the san francisco chronicle the tacoma wash chamber of commerce is preparing for an aggressive campa campaign ign to advance the business interests city this body now h haa a membership of more than while dressing chickens A al emerson of heppner Rep or fou ud ad two gold nuggets in the craw of one chicken one of which was almost as large as aa the litte fingernail finger nail nall the chickens were raised near hardman Hard mao J D L mcgaughey the slayer of or dr J ial R plout at san francisco was arraigned in the police court on wednesday on a charge of murder awaiting the result of the del deliberations luera of the coroner 13 jury the bearing was postponed postal inspectors wayland and linn of boise idaho have brought W clark in 10 from washington county on a charge of robbing the mails aud he has baa been bound over in the sum of 1500 clark was a mail contractor a actor and was waa caught by means of a decoy package A movement is ou foot started by the business men ot of gallup ariz to confer bonfer with the people of tit st johns john ariz in relation to the establishment of a wagon road from that point to thereby giving he farmer of the colorado valley a cash market for his produce the new hotel will be erected with out a doubt says the mantl manti messenger every bu miners man approached on the subject has promised to take stock in u the enterprise A paper will be in circulation in a day or two and every man will have an opportunity to subscribe for stock peaches and other tender fruit on the upper snake river washington have been almost totally destroyed by frost front A telegram from lewiston idaho says peaches will be nearly a total failure early cherries and bartlett pears are badly hurt but other fruits were not inured injured the spring quartz mining boom is now on and a number of locators who have missouri prospect holes boles on claims where about as am much eucla earth has been disturbed as would be made by a ground hog bug in excavating its winter retreat have mining property for sale all ail the way from up to ua courier qulie quite a number of teams and about twenty five men have passed through wasatch en route to ming rold gold fields says the coalville Co alville limes they are accompanied by one robert watson said aid to be the first man to discover gold wyoming they were very I 1 sanguine of in piling up the yellow dust duat on arrival at their destination A few nights ago says may the richfield rich fluid advocate the drug tore store of dr her bert had a miraculous escape from burning the doctor who to la in iron county now bad let left a tableau mixture on one of the shelves it to la supposed suppo aed this was ignited by spontaneous corn com bustion but little damage had been done A portland wash expert on carrier pigeons says that if a homing bowing pigeon has baa covered the distance between that city and san ban francisco Fran some acme miles in nine hours the worlds world ls record has haa been not only beaten but completely smashed the best record heretofore has baa been miles milea in IS 18 hours houra and 22 minu tee F arrested arrea ted some time ago at ukiah cal for selling liquor to indi anas ane has baa teen convicted of the offense tense of there have been numerous nume roua instances of illicit liquor sales bales in the county and as a ein consequence sequence many disturbances have occurred on the ranches rancher under a late decision of the supreme court the crime to la made a felony punishable bable by imprisonment in we penitentiary sarah mcdonaugh an old woman has filed a suit against attorney john P F fairchild alias dore bore at seattle attle wash to recover 1260 which abe says saya she abe banked wita him for investment and claimant clai mat oat he appropriated it to his bla own use dore bore was waa recently a arrested taken to boston and tried for defrauding widows and orphana orp bana lians but was acquitted says saya the mintlo miner A large strike of nih high grade ore la in reported on the 1000 foot level of the centennial eureka the shaft abaft was waa but recently au sunk to this level and the ore body was waa encountered only a abort distance from the shaft we were unable to learn lull full particulars but understand wat that win present strike la in on a par with former great discoveries in this athla great mine A new ansi game has haa made its appearance in green river and is going to be the rage says we tie rock book springs independent it Is is called the cheese social and to is played its as follows lows six young ladies stand aland in a 46 row and one of them hem bites a piece of limburger lim burger cheese and the young well men pays paya 10 cents each to guess who wao bit it the i gu guessels guessers gue asera essers kiss the other five girls 9 irle while the unsuccessful kin the one who bit the choose beaver Ugo nian last saturday superintendent B R maaser rooe received tved notification that the second territorial apportionment of school moneys for beaver county had bad won been made and the sum of placed to our credit tb this is gives the sum of per capita the amount to la much less jesa tor for the year than was expected and our trustees are I 1 in a bence in bad boado I 1 deill they will tull pull through and make ends meet mrs alanie dathe athe committed suicide at her bar home two nilles milea sacramento cal ca on the lower stockton ton road on tuesday afternoon by shooting the ne back part of her head off with a shot abot gun her husband Is employed at a brewery in sacramento he said be b could not account for his wiles motion action when he left home libe was wan apparently in good spirits and did nut not complain ol 01 anything being wrong mrs mra dathe bathe leaves three young children lizzie williams aged 16 left the rI residence dence of her gua ruLin at virginia daon saturday and at was waa found in the rooms of a young man with whom she ehe had been keeping kompany against the wishes of her guardians she was wan returned to her home by a police officer and ana next morn alg swallowed an ounce of carbolic acid with suicidal intent ID lent antidotes Antido tob were and the poison poisonous fui done dofie to ie not likely to prove fatal montana montanan Mont anaa ia new usury law makes it unlawful to charge a sc greater reater rate of 0 Inter interest eiki than 12 per cent per annum on any piper paper whatsoever where no rat rais to in apeci specified fied the ledal rate is ia fixed at ai 7 per cent per county olty city town or di alati let warrant shall beat bear interest late reat at a greater rate than bau 7 per cent the penalty penally fur charging more than 12 per cent oo on private or banking loun loons ball be a deduction ot of twice the amount of accrued emerett with costs added son ban francisco francieco CAron chronicle iole jules julee of truckee Tru okee cat cal has baa given gait bait lake parties a baud un on tiia his mint mine at meadow lake for in iii tb bund bond it to ie specified that work must bt b commenced just junt as an roon poon as the be know disappears sufficiently to enable tb company to begin work it lie Is salu alu that mr of tan Pran ciBo I 1 who owns a claim in the meadow lake country will begin working bh on an extensive scale in tbt pring ing the silver kirg says the park city is ie ore again and the tb rou nou ito getting into good very rapidly the boys are beginning t ti pull lair fair luada anti aad will rou on lie bringing down the usual weicht of six eix and seven even tong when silver MOO eta up to ta or 80 cents cento the king will a largo large number of western mines that thai think they are heavy of goud good ore new 9 ground Is IM being c blocked out anu and new can be put on OD any day the sheridan aidan wyo enterprise say f that Mes george W and J C campbeli of harrison Harr county up bof are in town arbo 40 me here an aa the rei ol of bout farmerr farmer to examine and report on the country if their report tr ili ariti ati factory there will be a large im migration ot t rl far noera to sheridan county they intend to least farma and raise crops able F ummer summer and thus thua got get I 1 radical axtt of what ean be done in the way of farming in this country the tombstone ariz prospector ay fists it 18 19 in ric 1110 pt 01 11 from an hority of the inor inca potation of 0 a of NW new N W 0 kleinb lo jno allete to work a group or of mines minea ii 11 tombstone t tom the to ie capitalized for 1000 divided int im shares of 01 a var value of 10 aeb such the sum of bus baa been beau paid in BB as a working capital the rame of the coms company atly la in the Go goldei liei queen mining comp company compary aby the plans plan have nit all ail koen pel footed yet yei lu it n qan be positively stated abated that in ide of thirty days day work will be commenced on a large scale on some borne of the choicest virgin ground in this district from the dumber of capitalists and mining men being attracted to this thie section says the arizona aliner it begins to look as if nothing loulu pre vent a general mining boom the be bent of it all in ia too that where capital bus bac been invested and work systematically and for the purpose of developing the properties purchased rather than fur for the purpose of btuch jobbing schemes iee the very best beet reau it nave been obtained in nearly aveo instance in this thin section where there has been a failure it has ban occurred from the property being borki d fur for eti att ck jobbing purposes eee mud aud not for the production of bullion bul join laramie Lia ramie Bo boozang the tural furs depart depan moo mi tso i BU it assaid aard la is a now new forake plant called caline ea at the ibe rate of 8 per hundred the new discovery cornea from an inland in hr pacific off the coast of siberia reliable authority asserts t tot the plan will flourish flo uriab on either wet or dry so aoi its ita crop is simply from 90 to tons per acre 1 er anjum grow aug unchecked t a height or fourteen teet feet it should be our cut ihn about cicur eel high the la in made that the plant will grow freely on art arl I 1 sixty acres of a quarter section to grow the pis plait 31 mud anu the bundred to stack black it when cut B ise idaho statesman the county commissioners will lu iu all probability proceed t t test teat the validity of finx anig warr onta tO for commissioners 1 fees etc which they claim in ID view ot 01 the report f exi ex crt Bu bekart icart to te be fraudulent or irregular Irre ular vular 1 I be con conr missi oDers yester fritsy morning were pres witti an opinion from be aitio attorneys to lo the ernect that the county could prevent redemption of me lue abb lopint n wais waa accompanied compa nied by a proposition from th alturi attorneys leye to to all decet er actions fur for 10 per celt or of the am ur avi alej the county the lee lea allowed in all similar cases placed in their A number of citizens and ranchers ran obera tt bt poplar a town eight miles south wet of porterville cal wearing haliko and other disguises went to captain hayes house the other night or the abe pur burpoe poe ae ot of ord ordering erinc frank potter who it was wag alleged had bad been misbehaving himself with a woman anu and meter KeLie rall ija in the putli to leave the coun countie tsy or OP e room they were leo elved with two hotia one tx ex supervisor r ellla bills in the calf and the oiher ball deitering eit ering martin seiti Is a right slue lue abuwi aboa the abdomen wounding blui putter on a borso and there bad been no pursuit oi 01 him A stylishly attired youner women woman committed commit teJ leJ suicide on ledue day fiegi t i ly y jumping off the oakland cal boat lutu into me bay shortly beor ore 10 be rushed up to llie ticket at the terry out ani abed at ked for a t adist t w Oa klaue she ai B pared i ervau and exacted the gate mud aud passed on t the steamer eamer ai after surveying the low few pa wengen gere who were ton on board she abe sat eat down in a secluded corner mud and pro ceedee to read a letter in a few rain mill aten the boat started and the woman woma n arose and walked aft when the steamer was within a short abort distance of 0 goat island the passengers were borri harrl 1 fled to see nee her bar jump over the be railing I 1 into the water A life boat was 1 launched and a search made no I 1 1 irace ot of the young woman was found I 1 and the ibe search was abandoned laramie Liar amle boomerang A passenger who arrived iu in the city on no 8 this tuesday afternoon reported that wagers at fort steele recognized a mun MUD passing that place as an a man whom ue believed in 1888 murdered two wealth wealthy Y tourists from pennsylvania near point of rocks bocks north ot of rock book creek wyoming Wy min and stole atole their entire outfit mud aud dicag feared irom from the countey count y wagers at once telegraphed to the marshal at carbon to arrest the man he was wan taken in by the ibe marshal when be arrived at car bon and was locked up he to ell his bis name dame or talk but be la in thought tu to be the long wanted want man sure eure misfortune seems beeme to follow the family ot of policeman harry morao moran of su francisco says the chronicle abree of big bia four ODB have met mel with violent deaths athin a tow few year beare the last laet io in the chapter of totalities was waa on i ut adaa w wuen u on 11 earn an ano wason a visit to iu et oakland came to sin ao untimely end by being burned to death lasa liat year walter moran who had just attained big hlll waJo majority rity fell fr arm m a V loncia street car and met a shocking death rho rhe young man had bad been married but bat a tow few mou montor thim A few years previous charley was waa accidentally killed by his walter waller the accident happen d on a ranch where the buys boys were weirs visiting in the southern part or the state late both were for the ibe oon con irol of a guo gun and this weapon was accidentally discharged the me contents striking charley and ending bis big life mario mane burroughs the actress Mo tress is still in private life amri louis jlouis P F blasgen with a fair prosit pr prasit ol of ren adult g go ao remarks the sian san franchi co thronieve thronie thron feW fe even under the batio elastic anu and is cemino law jaw of california Cali lomia the amorite lav av has not flu d it as easy to sed se cure a divorce as abe he imagined the failure ol of miss burroughs to testify and her bar sudden departure from the city are taken as a vitual trial the evidence jude san jermon delanus be certain it is that the abe aceret a set mg to have suddenly too lost all interest in her heir fuit which love jens than two week agog ago promised an early decisive and mu mo satisfactory conclusion As aa matters mallrs now stand marie mane ano ana haften are still huge busi and aud wife as an firmly as aa he law jaw can make them it if they wait to be topa rated bya by a california divorce there to is every pro poet that the character of butir relations relt rel ions will grill nut not be changed oti on thip hip alde hl of ft the grave |