Show UTAH IS IN THE EXHIBIT abe NEWS readers will remember abe be visit of st paul and minneapolis to this thia city a few weeks ago ta inspect the asphalt street pavements rho occasion of this trip of inspection wae As that st paul la is of its if streets et reeta and ana the municipal authorities wish to use the gaoat suitable material available seven of eight years yeara ago the minnesota Minne euta capi sol paved lie its principal streets the rage then than was waa for cedar block chiefly bruss it was waa less leea then than other material but leaa ins than a decade years has shown that the cheap pavement of cedar block laid on a foundation Is IB the most costly att all for instead of hav ling ing a street covering with ft a reasonable amount of repairs repaire would be practically indestructible tattered pavements to la the last stages of decay are teaching the people the ott olt learned lesson that the he best beat work and material after all la Is the cheapest cheape Bt one effect of the efferth of st paul officials to secure a suitable oui table paving material la in the establishing of a paving exposition in that city As A fir the show how for wooden pavement that la Is indicated by the fact that there is ia only one exhibit of this thia class in the display cedar block on a concrete foundation in the other materials material are asphalts asp halts gra granite sanu stone p paving AV bricks sto etc which are represented in diversified form an feature to is the 1 1 as it Is IB called a now new discovery which it is said has haa not bet geologists geol agog as aa they have not yet been able to classify the be stone atone it possesses remarkable uniformity in color and aau texture closely resembling very fine grained granite aud and is or of a bluish tint it 16 has baa a cleavage tn in two directions and in ia easily prepared for paving these features with its capacity to bear weight which la is nearly one fourth greater than granite cause it to find fiad much favor as a material notwithstanding this how ever the asp asphalts halts are in the leadie indicated in the edit nal remarks of the st paul pioneer press which recites the fact that an indispensable element of any good pavement to ia the concrete foundation and goes on to say of all the materials which have been from time to time proposed as aa surface cushions on this bed of concrete the survival of the fittest has had left three only as candidates for public favor the exhibit therefore ia 18 confined wholly to these three asphalt granite and brick anck of these the asphalt easily takes taken the first place it is nearly as durable as aa gra granite te the fhe contrast ot of its ibs smooth murfa surface with the rough face of the beat ha hammered ered granite as displayed in the echi exhibit it explains the preference shown for it in most of our progressive cities for both residence and business streets there is but little room for granite in st paul except on ol of or on a very few streets if any where the traffic is in or is likely to be abnormally heavy at present there is in no street in st paul where an asphalt pavement would not sustain the attrition of the heaviest existing traffic the brick pavement is in a younger candidate for public approval As bricks are now made for this purpose purpose in certain uncertain localities they are very hard liard and oppose an almost flinty surface aceto to the wear and tear of traffic they have been extensively used in detroit kansas ansas cit city des moines and elsewhere they amse make a smooth and handsome pavement so far they give evide evidence nee of durability ity but they have not been sufficiently tested to justify any positive conclusion on this point this brings up the consideration of the asphalt exhibits exhibit which include the display of the trinidad lake product ty hy the warren dobard company of new york fork the bermuda product by hennessey Hennee sey co ot st paul ant and the utah ula product ot wasatch ruck rock asphalt by the wasatch asphaltum company of this city the I 1 tier atter attracts much more attention and favorable comment than either of the others of li it the pioneer press say i the exhibit ot of the utah asphalt was of more than ordinary interest as an it diners differs essentially in its character from the pitch it 0 h lake asphalts asp halts it is in claimed for atis this asphalt that it is the best paving asphalt in the world it in ia superior to the swiss land asphalts asp halts in that it ft contains a much greater proportion of asphaltum the paying paving material is in formed by the admixture of an asphalt gum gam which as found in its native state is 99 per cent pure asphaltum with the lime rook rock asphalt and sand to reduce it unlike the bermuda and trinidad products this asphalt does not have to be refined but comes in a practically pure state and has to be reduced to lower grades it is claimed that the utah deposit is the largest and richest deposit of asphalt in the world and the only one in the united states it is insoluble in any acid and is a valuable commercial product not only oan can it be used for paving purposes either in the form of blocks or as a sheeting but it is used for flooring and roofing tiles as a filler as paint and in many other ways As a paving material it is claimed for it that it can be made either hard or soft is waterproof water proof acid proof will last longer will not crack is more pleasant to ariae ride over and is less noisy than any other know pavement the only place it is in use thus far as a paving material is in in salt flail lake city where the extremes of climate are very marked A sample of it which has been down on one of the principal streets of that city for over three years showed little signs of wear the tae statements contained in the forgoing paragraph way may be old news dews to utah peo people pie but coming from such quarters they are vow good news they show that the great value of utah d resources to Is being recognized without her ber borders and instead of the old idea that naught that to is good may come from this territory a revolution in sentiment is manifest in the eagerness displayed to herald the good qualities of our native products utah asphalt la Is a sa as e and sure foundation for st paul in the purpose to which it is in adapted and yet it is only a little one among the many good things that are offered by this his territory for the last tug ing comfort convenience and bone bene fit of man |