Show TO MEASURE THOUGHT what Is ia claimed to be the tha most moat wonderful timing instrument to in the abe world was exhibited before the meinberg mem of the department of pedagogy wad psychology of we brooklyn institute of arts arte and science rebon recently kiy sy may the now new york world word it Is ie called peno pendulum and has ex cited widespread interest inte reit in the solen eifle world it measures accurately down to the one thousandth part of a second and la Is expected to take the place at once of the old style chrono copes in scientific laboratories the idea of the instrument was orle nally suggested by professor chas B bliem of the school of pedagogy of atie ne NOW new york university the mac hitie was waa made and perfected by J J hogan Ho ian the abe head of the mechanical department part ment of the like psychological laboratory of yale professor h E W scripture of yale exhibited it during his hia final lecture on practical psychology at the brooklyn institute it can be used with the quickness of a stop atop watch and neither electrician nor mathematician la is needed to operate opt rate the instrument constructed on the pendulum principle it measures the react on time between right eight hearing or the operation of the will in muscular movement the instrument la Is a mechanical one with simple electrical attachments the speed of a cannon bill ball cn cin c in n be determined ter tor mined by the new timer and it will tell the lapse of time between we firing ofis a revolver and the starting of 01 a runner or determine how long it akee takes a to deliver a blow the now new instrument in ia about two feet high anu to is mounted n silver and nickel it costs coats about 1200 to construct it A simple description of this now new instrument ment Is ie that it consists of a pendulum and a pointer swinging independently on the abe same axle the tip ot of the pointer swings along the face of a curved scale or indicator which is in so BO graduated that it shows the thousandth of a second to measure the time required for the transmission of any given impression a button is in pressed and this sets the pendulum in motion and registers the result on the scale it has bus been demonstrated that on an average the reflex action for sound occupies of a second in making a sight eight test when the pendulum comes in contact with the pointer a block black shutter Is raised from a light disk As the disk flashes on his bia eight the subject touches the button and the pointer is at once stopped it has been found that of a second to ie the average time between the exposure of the disk to the sight eight and the he pressure ot of the button when a test for discrimination to is made the lifting of abe shutter may show abow either a blue or yellow disk the button to is to be pressed by the subject it if me disk is blue if it is yellow the button la Is not to be touched tests show enow that on an average it requires about of a second additional to discriminate colors the hipp chronoscope to is the one that has hitherto been in use but it to is controlled by delicate ol 01 cluck jok work suld and to is easily disarranged professor scripture maintains that muscular movements are in the domain of psychology proper quickness steadiness and accuracy of movements move mento are regulated by the willand professor scripture said that students should be trained to cs cf thought baseball football and other athletic sports ports he be included in psychology one of the greatest psychological studies J be said was the game of football the reason a certain college was defeated for so 0 o many years was waa teo ause of the bad effect on the willa will of the players player of previous oua defeats and the c of the onlookers that that team would be defeated |