Show THE DEAD now N peaceful be their rest PO S ea in salt lake i 01 olt april 9 1895 of 0 id age mary port born in hawton hampshire HamD shire england march 7 lyla BURTON in the sixth ward salt lake city olav april 11 1895 hannah burton barton born july jelv 1 it y 1888 in warwickshire Warwick shire england ELDREDGE at coalville Co alville summit utah april lath of old age nancy lehet county the I 1 late ate ira eldredge Bl dredge in the eighty third year of other her age cooped at west Jordan Salt lake county horace edgar april cooper son bi frederick A and mary E cooper of chui cism of 0 the heart in salt lake city april 14 lm of rheumatism of heart ernest eugene son of david f P and annie anderson andersen tn in the year of his hia age RESLER in the fifteenth ward of this city at liu a in april b t 1896 1895 of convulsions lawrence harlow son of anson and annie kesler keeler aged 11 months and 2 days ORROCK at richfield Kich field sevier county utah march of la is grippe mary orrock ormal age 75 years deceased waa born may la in File shire scotland moved from glasgow Glae irow fc to liverpool england in 1855 she gattl gathered ered with the ahe saini a in 1869 lived a few years in salt lake laka city when she removed to t she died aim in the faith and in the hope of a glorious resurrection ADAMS died at bluff san juan county count april 1 brights disease minnie montez Morlen aen adams beloved wife of franklin J adams and daughter of lars and damelis Oa melia of sanford Ban tord conejos county colorado the deceased decea aed was born in parowan carowan iron county december 21 1874 she was a faithful latter day saint and took an active tive part in the sabbath school and was secretary of the young ladies association of sanford tor for several years at farmington Farmin gion glon april lo 10 IM 1885 of dyspepsia esther holbrook walker aged 66 ve years 9 months and 19 days bister alst er walker was born orn june 21 1818 near bristol Somerset shire england she was the daughter of johnann mary Thomae Thoma eHo Holbrook brook she embraced the gospel in bristol about 1848 was baptized by bv bro george hallida halliday married joseph walker in bradford yorkshire T february Debr uary emigrated from neath south wales in 1868 and settled in farming ton ion sister walker was the mother of seven ean obil children dreno only two of whom are living |