Show AT HOME AND ABROAD SAN BAN april 12 robert robart Stoven sous estate will probably prove to be worth between and most of this thia will be irom profits from hla ble books but bat a share bare of it will be from the estate of his fa father tiber the famous lighthouse keeper colo april 12 it la now understood here that the prisoner at pocatello idaho for whom requisition has baa been obtained is not james jamee me donald said laid to be the murderer of detective al moore but bob one of the other two prisoner pris who escaped at the time of the shooting washington D C april 12 the president Pre aident made these appoint ment today geo W movers meyers register glater re of the land office at miles milea city moot mont mineral land for helena land district montana edward H movile of buffalo miles milea of helena and lymal ja Z barnes of appleton wis mineral land commissioners for missoula oula land district in montana wm aff Marr arrison leoD Georg georgetown etow n ga frank M lobbey mont wm V HOD kine prescott Pr eacott ark mineral land commissioners for boseman land district in montana jame A johnson John ioa boseman Boe emani moot mont bishop P blackwell florida mineral land commissioners for the bouer dalene district idaho addi son on A crane harrison Harria oo idaho wallace Jack BOD miss misa albert J pearson Peare oo woods field 0 washington D C april 12 official advice received at the japanese legation today from japan indicate that an understanding how haa been reached between the japanese and chinese and news of a definite conclusion of peace may be expected any time the exact terms terme of pence peace cannot be ascertained but it in understood that in response aae to the repeated requests of the chinese plent pleni aries for an abatement of the demands originally made by them the japanese have grant ed some concessions brief so 88 the foregoing official mes sage age Is ie it marks marka the close of the japan china war barring we the possibility of course of some unexpected hitch bitch at the lat last moment the announcement of the exact terms of peace is yet to come but from what to known of the negotiations thus far the general nature oi of the peace terms to la evident the two conditions which have caused trouble are the permanent occupation cu pation of port arthur and the payment of while no official information is ii available and no tat ement whatever regard regarding lug the terms of peace can be obtained it is probable that it la Is on these conditions the japanese plenipotentiaries laries have yielded just how much they have yielded on the occupation of port arthur may have a vital consequence it if they have yielded entirely it re moves japan from all occupancy of the mainland and from a stra getic command of the quit gulf ot bechill leading to pekin at one time japan was willing to occupy port arthur for a term of years and this may be the middle ground of agreement although it is conjectural at present pre flent the purpose of a temporary occupation it la in said aid would be to prevent china from rearming arming re and retaliating against japan for a term of years yeara at least if the money demanded has been reduced little significance will attach to that tact fact that it will lighten on chifala burden SAN francisco april IS 18 dr W 0 wilcox the demonstrator demona of anatomy of the california medical college bad a narrow escape from death friday at the iho hands of a 8 maddened madu ened morphine eater dr wilcox returned from the college of the faculty about 12 in the patients sitting room stood a young man of about 26 years yeara of age with that sallow of complexion which be tokens the excessive use of some deadly drug his eyes glared fiercely and he trembled with suppressed excitement he told me he desired to see aee me urgently said dr wilcox in speaking of the affair 1 I detected that be wag a morphine rend fiend and as I 1 do not care to treat such patients pat lenta I 1 told he would have to elsewhere I 1 entered the broom and despite my protest pro teet he follower followed me I 1 threatened to remove him whereupon he be burst buret into tears teara and begged I 1 I 1 would give him only one shot of the drug I 1 hesitated and his manner became threatening in the next moment I 1 was waa in the presence of a madman the morphine fiend now oom banded that hat the request be comp complied lisa with wilb on the operating table lay a keen surgeon aur geona a knife with a blade six inches in length the madman s attention was waa directed toward it and JD in another moment he had possessed essed h him I 1 m self of it me or will out your heart out P he hi mede dr wilcox did not lose loee his hii presence of mind or evince fear he laughed at the follows fellows threat 1 I thought of calling for help jl said be but I 1 feared thai skia would precipitate pl matters mal tera tue toe fellow showed by his hia conduct thug that he thought only of of wreaking breaking wre aking vengeance on me and in fact he had forgotten all about morphine I 1 stood near my drug case and me first object that my eye rested upon was esix kunoe bottle of chloroform I 1 quickly grabbed it and had hardly done so 10 when the fiend made a lunge at me with the knife I 1 removed the cork and as aa he followed me I 1 dashed some of the liquid into his hia face it stopped him for a moment and in the be interval I 1 soaked my handkerchief with abe fluid he sprang atme at me aguin again and the next instant I 1 grabbed bin bia right arm with my left band and with etke other held the saturated aatu rated banaker band her ker chief over his hia mouth and nostrils he struggled furiously furlou aly but as M he waa physically weak 1 I succeeded in holding him long enough to give the chloroform a i to do lia its work he sank to the floor floer completely anesthetized I 1 then gave him a shot of morphine and when he be became conscious he disclaimed all knowledge of his attack upon me and left the office I 1 never saw aw him before and hope never to see bee him again dr wilcox escaped without st ft scratch but his cost coat was badly cut washington D C april IS an ominous lull has baa occurred since we the first brief dispatch cae from japan that an understanding had been reached the concessions leading to the agreement have not been reported and it is to is stated they will not be made known for a week or ton ten days day there is ia no doubt china has ha appealed to russia run and other european nations against the terms japan originally proposed an interesting question arises arise as to whether the unmistakable threats ot of russia and the appeal of that notion nation fur for intervention by the powers was antecedent or subsequent to the me peace understanding reported yea yesterday be between china and japan ta toe view of the state depart department meng officials is that the advises advices aa vices irom from russia are really based upon the status onatus of the abe peace negotiations several days ago and that since then the japanese have been materially modified and are now assuming such shave as am to make them more agreeable to russia or to other great european powers SHANGHAI april IS 13 the today reports that the japanese have prevented re rented an ultimatum to viceroy ll 11 S hung bog the Clit chinese nese peace oom missioner miB iloner demanding that china so accept or refuse the terms offered by japan no later than tomorrow the paper pape saye the japanese reduced her claim for money indemnity by you yen and is also aleo satisfied eatla fied with the cession of the shing king peninsula on which port arthur stands and will not demand additional territory it la is reported the peace party is willing to accept these terms but the hunan party in ie holding out QUINCY Ill april 18 judge epler adams adame county court has practically franchised disfranchised dis nearly all of the 1100 1100 men at the soldiers home the rob bins bine ruth both election contest was on trial and the legality of the ballots of soldiers at the home was being investigated A veteran named john testified that thag he had a wife living in peoria to whose support he be contributed from his bis peno pension ion and judge apler decided that the special act of the legislature permitting the soldiers to vote here her applied only to such of them hem as had bad no wives or had abandoned them he hold held that the residence of the wife was the legal home of the husband and that shag the old soldier could dottolo not vote here when he bad a wife living in another city most of the veterans have wives in other cities of the state springfield ills april 13 18 the illinois magnificent state house caught fire in the senate wing shortly after noon today and in a few minutes it looked as it if that mat portion would be gustad the fire are in supposed to have originated in one oae of the she committee rooms but from what cause is 18 not known the fire spread rapidly and soon the whole immense building filled with amke so it was with great difficulty the firemen bremen found their way through the labyrinth of hallways and rooms of the upper part of the capitol oa pitol in the wing of the building where the fite file was raging the auditors auditor Is office state treasury and the she offices of the insurance commissioner and agricultural board are located wild con fusion prevailed among be abe clerks aed fid soon the halls balls were filled with excited girls and women the cheele of departments remained cool however and in a few minutes all valuable papers and records were locked up in the fire proof vaults vault the senate chamber was speedily gutted and all 11 the expensive frescoing ruined mined captain williams custo custodial diab ol of the capita capitol said ald there were heavy fire are walls between the north wing anu the dome and that there was no ble danger of fire reaching the dome he also said there was no pos chance for the fire to reach the south wing at 1 45 p pm m the flames were under control Is ic Is estimated the to the senate clug will amount to to most of the abe damage will result from and water RAWLINS wyo A april april IS ai book bock springs wyo charles mcdougal night watchman of rock buck springs and deputy of sweetwater county was shot and killerby kil kible lelby 1 by the bartender in georbe harriss harrlie Harr lae saloon about 2 thib morning the bartender accused aused mcdougal Mo Dougal of being tot toi intimate luti mate with his wife the nien luen began shocking ting at each other botti both emptying their guns mcdougal MoD rugal r re dived a wound in the right bre breast all t from the effects oi of which he be died in less than eta au hour the bartender was wa shot hot through the left baud the shooting occurred in toe saloon april IS 13 A special t vines limes irom buck springs wyoming as sat 1 charles mcdougall mcdougal deputy sheriff was shot and instantly killed by R rf br f tender wayne roe robe in george mar har rim Is t saloon about 2 a m today the bartender ar teoder accused mcdugall of being too with the former formers lor mers is wife they began shooting at each otner mcdougall Dougall Nc received a wound to in the tbt right breast from the effects of which he died in an hour the bartender was shot through the left hand band nov april IB 18 john T jones jonea was arrested this afternoon on CD complaint of special agent hirris charged with taking from lb ih mint ball was fixek at 26 honeys heney suspect 10 lo san ban pfau gleco has hired W W foote to ut u fend feed him with william woodburn Wood buru jones gave ball with 11 M yerington ex governor colcord john jobu itose and JUs jublle lle bell sureties four more complaints are on lite flie the preliminary lim inGrY examination comes thursday before belor judge ejude hawley april 18 the chief ol of the herviou of the treasury reports that into the shortage agent at the abe barsou mint bad culjis ni nt t d today in the arrest ot of a man who Is supposed tu to be responsible for one oi 01 the ecat skillfully eki Kully fully contrived cin plaris plans to det derauf ratio the government ev r carriou into execution the rho following tele gram was received by chief hazec rum from one rie of the agents of the lila bureau on the L geue carson CARBON nov nev april 18 have at ar drevlou huun T r bouef ex APOL afe sistan rand refiner ot of carson canon city mun is this day any fur teon louly talking taking anu carrying away gold bud aud silver met alvil i property properly e el the abe united ot of the value of ball bail Sib do de fondant in custody of united states marshal signed the secret service agents have been working upon the cases for six ix week and have drawn the lines so closely the lofficial who Is dudei arrest that chief hazen feels reasonably certain that his conviction will bit be brought about SAN FRANo FRANCISCO isco april IS 13 A hor crime was unearthed tou bouay ay at aith the emanuel baptist church lu in tills this city one of the sunday with her scho scholar larr entering tile the to lu arran arrance ste the easter round we the body of a young girl fully mutilated in tue pastur pasture s betuu a joining the he main auditorium he clothing cloi blog were torn anu sue bau evidently been outraged beton before she abe was killed the body was subsequently identified as ae that of miss william residing in ajames but a member ai emanuel bouren lu in abib city sue su was about IS 18 years yeara of age and remarkably pret y titie she left her employer employ ete afternoon alter noon to attena a festival estiva in the church last remain all night with tier trian dib and aau As in the bec rAtIO matloub rat louB she wore her best beet ft ciuck ock 9 and carried an older droba drear to 10 wear while working in the church when the entertainment clusty gamt evening she ehe tie ir to have an ear a closet cluett ane study to heue h auke her attire the sexton belaev tug every one had gone turned out tin lights and left the church the girl had bad two male friend a cental whom she had bad not no taen seen daely aud a dolhai student whom she ahe of t cn ce ald bad her and whom noff her fiends suspect of aho murder F T 1 ie name ta Is durant Dutant aroi iier ii er at erday asking her br to meet him in IB bao francieco isbit mimi mik williams was waa and refused b u dudi zaour but salu she he walo be at ai be in tile the church wax r durant see and converge cou verge will britti ner bom boin miss WAil iamb and duraj t were at the lea leatica tiva no oue one saw elthea oj 01 them leave the charca churca at its ita con elusion SAN SAM FRANCISCO cal april 14 rne rho j bastla church ulu bartlett Ba street beaw eon twenty citco no abid d twenty abird in this city has baa been the acene of two ot of the most atrocious murders burdt ra ever cum miLten iti in atie ne state stale yesterday trio trie muti jut laid d autt bady us ul was found in the library ot of the edifice roday the jaude bully body of blanche LL wont moni was found mounil in the tower ul of the ume church the same baud tue tu authorities believe both girls anu W H T Dur durai attil t the young man or both cri ints to is lu IL custody blanche lamont and minnie W lliams were nj obeis of tb ht emaluel baptist church and members of i tho ho sunday class tot former was waa a pupil tt bt the normal schol on oil awell P well street in this the latter was waa a lu in 1 b family in Alame uv across tile uny bay frim fri m the city both wore were 21 years yearn vid jd brunettes and pretty anu modest gir s both bad been the recipients to lo ait eLtin n trim a aurig medical student named W H T durs dura t who is also the librarian of we the church anu secretary eore tary of the young peoples People fe so bo clety clely of the As an soon as the news became known immense crowds surrounded the church and had to be kept back by the police the chief of police sent or for rev dr gibson pastor of the church and the report |