Show KILLED IN THE MINE SEATTLE wash april 9 A what cow wash special says eay the post folit correspondent returned at 2 am from the scene of a terrible disaster at blue canyon mine fifteen miles from this ihla oily city on lake and la is in possession or of all the particulars parti cuJara now obtainable in the ne blacksmith shop bop near the entrance to the mal main a tu tunnel 0 del lie the black sued ened bodies of twenty three dead miners while only two woof of all buo vuo were in the mine when the explosion ou occurred lived to tell the abe story of the frightful catastrophe and their own miraculous escape the explosion occurred shortly after 8 when the shift would have been changed and the miners were wen already climbing the steep hill bill froin the buns house bouse to take the places of the men killed the disaster dia aster was wag undoubtedly caused by an atiq ut of ore fire damp which was exploded oy by a blast in the breast of the gangway the aces of too the min who were in the breast are badly burned but bat a majority of those who were working in the rooms off ual the gangway were only slightly disfigured by the ore fire and many or of them nut not at all physicians and miners bay aay that the mou meu working in the breast must have ki killed ded by the shock or of the aion while the others succumbed to go the fire damp as they slid down from we ibe rooms to 1110 gangway then filled with deadly gas this gangway angway if is cached by a tunnel feet long and the elie dis distance taLco from tile ibe interjection of toe 1130 gangway to the breast where the explosion took look place la is about 1000 feet the main airs baft readied the gangway about loot leet from the tunnel and air ir lie la supplied by water power dower and which was waa not affected by tile the ulon elon kearns the only miner miller who escaped from any of we the sye that he was not stunned or even thrown down by tue toe shook though who was working with him was wall killed kearns light was not extinguished anti and he be saw no fire he slid down the chute to the gangway losing his big light in flume way and managed to make till bid way in the darkness darKo ees in some miraculous manner along the poisonous passage over dead bodies and plies piles of coal loosened by the explosion to the upon air but before he reached the trance entrance the work of rescue had bad already commenced out in the tunnel he be met a party of brave miners groping their heir way inward as fast ae the escape of the poisonous onous gas permitted arbis party anti and others following pushed heir way into the mine and carried out one by one the bod lee lea of the dead miners as wey they came upon them in the he gangway the first body found was chatot L list of the mule driver lying beside the dead animal feet from the mine entrance prom from there to the fall of the gangway a distance of atouk set bodies were scattered along as they fell from the lobutes leading to the rooms most of the be bodies showed little evi evidence deDee of struggle and in most instance loeta noes death apparently came quickly Andrewss Mc body was found buried under a slide of coal and mcnulty was upon his big and knees about twenty yards from where he be had bad been working and had bad big tied over his hid nose and mouth when the correspondent left the mine shortly before midnight the work of washing the faces and hands of f the dead men had commenced all ali that is now possible is being done to alleviate the distress of the ta families of the deceased the president of the company M E downs now in now new york bus been by wire coffins have been ordered and after the inquest tomorrow the bodies will be brought to this thi city |