Show LOOKING WESTWARD CHICAGO april 12 william A chairman of the national irrigation committee offered ores acres of land in etab montana and washington for sale at 1250 an acre on ion basli or mortgage payments from the platform of the first methodist church last laet night the offer was waa made the speaker fl claimed on abe authority of congress and the gover nors aora of toe states in the territory anil ana in the interests inte reata of the colonization scheme which mr smythe la Is promoting there were no purchasers in the audi audience eLice of but the meeting aroused so an which may re ault in the securing of lands land and homes for destitute families miliea fa in pullman and enough more from the city to make up a good emigrating colony the meeting was wag called by the ts association which is ie composed largely of clergymen of the city but the audience showed that the labor element was greatly interested ed speaking ot of utah mr smythe said bald or many reasons brigham youn dt sorves to hie ranked among the greaten grea teak ot of americana american he founded a great commonwealth rather than a church irrigation was waa with him a discovery dr covery and he grasped it ite possibilities he said it was practically an insurance aurance in policy on crops crop and made possible the raising on a single farm of 0 nearly bearly everything a family needs needa he founded a state elate on industrialism or with the best preventative ol of oily city coD congestion the farm village the mormons riB have taken out of their soil boil with an n annual income or each farms of 1855 mr smythe made comparisons be tween the sou anu the people of pullman the former were landed proprietors with increased values acorn tag to them and every man a participator in the banking system the rho latter were helpless belp leBB to tenants nants with increased values accruing to their employers plo pl yera sod and compulsory patrons of corporation banks banka and stores mr smythe aid capital would take a family to the west pay for the irrigation of forty acres and sustain them until the first crop it families miliea fa 1 had no money they might mortgage the lands in advance and an effort was being made to secure boure funds funda for this pur lu roose nose the rev bev C A wardine of pullman fullman made an appeal for help tor for the be seventy pullman families famili eB who wanted to get away their plan was to go south he said mr M H madden of the typographical union also spoke |