Show wrom for this chile paper RELIEF BELIEF REPORT FROM ALMY RFD BED CANYON uinta wamion Wy april 11 1895 in my list of cash donations a low few allya aya since bynoe I 1 entered from john winner winder which I 1 understand tand wab wa denb nt to the president of we tie summit stake and la is therefore included in the 4 labode received from bluer W W cluff S on the instant the follo following wink bode from summit stake EvaD atun jt oreen river and cheyenne on begali V f of 0 the bereaved families of alms alma are iati t band mend and are belog distributed anong ong these in like the fol twing towing order one pound of fluur per day y and 20 pounds ot of potatoes potato ea per J month for each member ut of the famille og milid and otner other accordingly TO DATE APRIL 11 1895 oue ojue carload ui provisions una and ury dry anoda irum irom brummit stake slake burough W r W blutt esq as ao foli folio owe ws A of potatoes pota t poulua ot of flour 10 cases of aggs r ao as of tea leu and add baking 60 2 eloka of turnips li 2 aoka of 0 carruth car ruif ruti 3 backs aora of sugar augar I 1 aate or of beant bad 1 sack eack ot of rolled oarb I 1 box boil ot of clothing clo Shing and la hats buie I 1 bux ot buiter bui tr about 50 or 60 ab ut pounds ot of bacun and bo 60 pou utis ot 01 salt bait and pickled beef arru oreen areep river biver one box of y clothing trum from the ibe rev 17 ThIr leway from Evan evanston ono one cawon load of a wagon load of cloth ing from the isaiah committee v pounds pou adb of potatoes lotfi poto toes from U C a pardue luma of the pacific hotel JL 1 understand tand a carload of pro rw lf f Is ie ou on the road from cheyenne v for the belef of the sufferers at almy but bat it has baa not yet arrived 1 xam given to that most moat of 40 the widows who belong to the A church will remove down into the settlements ett lemento of utah as aa soon eoon as their r cealma upon the mine owners shall no be J settled these have beau presented to C them through their agent A JE brad k k fury u ry esq if I 1 am rightly I 1 informed c no 6 C aj P mine will cum commence mence I 1 full work on munday monday the instant and most of their old hands bande workmen will start in that thai day daj the only work that to la going on at no 6 5 mine is 19 a cleaning olea up and ana opening out the slope lope X ana am informed that hat mr joseph bird late fireman to IB appointed to the lately fill filled ad by mr james jamen bruce as mine foreman mr bird la in a man about 86 36 years of age and boa bad an entire lifes life s experience in mining and jig well informed on the true principle of ventilation I 1 am inclined to think he be fully understand how the cases of the mine should be governed he fie la Is a remarkably steady man and one ou whom the company and the workmen may depend for tue toe faithful discharge dleo barge of his u duties in the mine mr bell late fireman of no 6 C P has been appointed to succeed mr william graham as mine foreman mr graham Is 18 leaving the mine at the request of his hie friends to take ke up a homestead in utah mr X thomas har Harl wedge late coal digger under the compary com to is also alao r to the office of a foreman these two men are both practical miners the former to i from wales walea and the latter irom scotland they are well acquainted quain ted with the firedamp fire ore damp and black alamp of the mines william bull bell to ia an old faithful servall and ove one who understands his bla business busine aa anil and will faithfully do his bia duty we heartily approve of this arrangement and be lieve have it will brink bring about an improved state elate of management manae ement in the mines mince RICHARD B R HODGSON |