Show THE EUROPEAN MISSION millennial star april 41 4 ARRIVALS rhe me following named utah eiders eiden arrived in liverpool per american america 0 line steamer ohio on march james C brown of sandy dandy willard C burgon and john H walker of union thomas thomaa stokes stoke of draper albert boilard Co ilard of huntington jobb B mcmaster Mc Maiter of brigham city and john redington bedington fayette all well appointments elder james C brown ban baa been appointed to labor as tr reveling creveling elder in the welsh conference elders elder willlard williard C burgon bargon and john H walker j have been appointed to labor an aa traveling elders eldera in the ghe birmingham Birmin Kham abam confer conference buce elder thomas stokes stoke has baa been appointed to labor as traveling elder in the conference elder albert collard has baa been appointed to labor as an traveling elder io in the cheltenham conference elder john B mcmaster MoMa ater has hag been appointed to labor as traveling elder in the scottish Boott iab conference elder john redington bedington has baa been appointed to labor as aa traveling elder in IB the london conference CHANGE OF ADDRESS the address addreal of the conference house bouse has baa been changed from catherine street to bentinck street doloss ter yorkshire |