Show BOLDEST ON RECORD DENVER colo april il 11 A special to the gnes from cripple creek colo says the mall mail and express wagon which connects with the midland terminal railroad at grassy was boarded today about two miles from this city by two men who overpowered the driver robert smith secured an AD express package containing and escaped on horseback the nold noid up took place about on the be summit of tenderfoot hill on the highway between cripple creek and grassy a station on be midland terminal railroad the mail and ana ex press wagon drawn by horses horse driven uy oy messenger Mee robert smith was on en routs route fromOr emay to cripple creek with mails and express matter received at grassy on the morning train from denver and colorado springs two men sitting bitting beside the road accosted smith asking for a ride he drew wp up his team and one of the men climbed up to the most leaf beside him while the other mounted the baggage behind As aa soon boon As aa smith started to drive on the man behind baruck him on the head several times with a revolver the blows blow staggered but did not dot stun him the man MAD on OD the seat with him AO also drew a revolver sod and levelled bevelled level led at him commanding him to got get down walk to lo the heads beada of the borses and hold bold their bridles brid lea he complied and while be wac covered with gu ripped and rifled the mail and express pouches pou obea after securing which was wag being shipped to one of the cripple creek national banks and several other valuable packages they unhitched the two leading homes mounted them and rode oft off rapidly into the mountains Smith iwho who WB was very weak sod and blooding bleeding profusely drove into the city as quickly BB as possible when be drew up in front of the fargo express office he be fainted and fell from rum the seat abat he was revived in a few minutes and related what had bad befallen him within twenty minutes from the time the robbery was committed deputy sher iffe sterling rod and jackson and am M men started to decour scour the bills in searce of the robbers rob bere who have bare so 0 o small a start that it Is oot not believed they ahey can escape A message has haa been sent to canon city for blood bloodhounds bounts which will be put on the trail of the robbers it if they are not captured before they arrive the package secured by the robbers was a consignment from denver by the eisile fargo express it has not dot yet been ascertained by whom it was shipped but it to is believed to have been forwarded from the first national bank of denver to the first national beak bank of 0 this city another package coa chataing taing is also missing it is believed the robbers came from denver and know knew that a large money package was in the wagon it the thas been learned that the package was a consignment to the bimetallic bank to be used iv in paying minera iners in the robbers crossed over cow mountain and near gillette dis discarded the stolen etolen horses borses then took a horse borne and light buggy they had secured in we timber and drove away toward al cambre As soon moon as an the course was determined word was sent to this place nd and 50 heavily armed men cut across the country on horseback toward high park where they hope to intercept the robbers robber over men are scouring the country many of whom know every inch of the me ground |