Show SENATOR FROM WEST VIRGINIA senator stephen B elkins who i is to represent west virginia in tbt abe upper branch ot of the national congress Cong reea for the next six years and who la is now in california in expected in salt lake in a few days to remain a a abort t time i me viewing the sights and acquiring information ji regarding the development and resources of utah mr elkins to ie accompanied by his bis wife three and one daughter the party left washington io in february last to lo make a tour of the abe west for pleasure plea eure and recreation they bria arat went welt to mexico and spent pent several weeks io in that country from where they traveled to california wuen cuenin in the embt mr elkins ie tri otly in politics and it was thus that he be defeated william JL aileon io in the for senator ae A few jusys ago mr name dome was waa mentioned in the dispatches as a possible poa aible candidate for the preal benoy in 1899 1896 he mods made the tate meni however that be had no ambitions in tuat direction as a a was good enough for him at time he took occasion to announce himself as a out silver advocate cate but that Is as far as the senator joes goes into politics on his western tour he desires it to be understood by those who press presa him for opinions on the subject that hat for the time being at least no lie does not know anything about it he is is taking a rest from its turmoil and is learning something about the country and its people but it senator elkins left washing ton to escape politics he be did not fail to bring with him the faculty of saying pleasant things to the people en route in mexico bud and since he be left it lie has bee pis praising taing the country he be is doing the same thing with respect t california and when he be comes to utah no doubt he will see here bat tuat he will describe as an praiseworthy in california the party pany are the guests of leading bu business men who do not fail to exhibit the material ai advantages vantages of the state slate so that when the senator and family get home they will be able to tell of some of the la resources and possibilities and the use the people are making of their opportunities while senator elkins has not visited salt lake or the pacific coast previous to this trip he be still nas boo had bad some asso in ID the west he drove ao an ox team cwm to santa pe fe now new mexico in 1862 and a year later was waa elect id d a member of the that territory he afterwards returned east and was waa sent to congress his britt election to the house being in 1878 hip hi wife to is a daughter of ex donator H Q 0 davis of west virginia they were married in 1875 prom from salt lake city the be party anticipates going direct to the east |