Show OBITUARY NOTES SAMURL SAMUEL ellingford IDAHO FALLS idaho april 9 1895 samuel of ammon ward died april 9 b h and wa buried on the oth a A bot bom n marob march ks 3 1828 at bergford england Eu glaud bap baptized ased february 22 2 2 1850 1860 by elder ebenezer gillis ed 19 1877 to richville Kich ville morgan county utah and came to lo idaho in 1885 he ws 01 lined an elder in may 1851 and a high priest in august 1084 1884 bru bro Ellin ellingford glord wa 4 one that wa wai i always at the front when needed he be took considerable conid erable interest in teresi in helping the poor in or out of the Chu his hia past kindness kindi kind ess will he lonn long remembered bythe by the saints in and around where he hast has lived lied communicated millennial star plemie please copy HANNAH HANAAH sister hannah heath died at swan lake bancook county idaho after a lingering of dropsy on sunday april deceased was wai the wife of presiding elder goo geo reath heath and A as 64 a native of broad hinton wiltshire eng bog lead land she was born may and was baptized into the church by elder john jones november 27 1861 and confirmed by elder eider matthew bezant she with her family emigrated to zion in june 1877 and look up their abode at swan lake deceased was a firm and staunch believer in the truth of the gospel and died as she abe had lived a true latter day saint she was a loving wile wife a devoted mother a friend to all and a faithful daughter of god she leaves a husband three married children and two grandchildren besides numerous friends to mourn her loss loas the funeral occurred on the ath andaas and was largely attended millennial star please copy WILLIAM christensen fairview fail view utah april 10 1895 on account of the long distance istance and poor mail facilities between this place and vernal utah this item has been delayed thus far but bat still we desire through the NEWS columns to inform the many friends of the late elder william christensen that he departed this life on the 26 h day of march 1895 after a severe illness of five weeks brother william christensen was born in copenhagen denmark feb 18 1841 and came to utah with a family of saints when he was but 11 years of age after living many deais years in spring ville he went to fairview county in among the first settlers settle seul erd rd the following year adar after having made a trip to the missouri river to assist in bringing in the emigration in ox teams he married his bit first wife and proved a faithful honest industrious and very useful citizen land and saint he went to conejos county colorado in 1880 to assist in the settling up of that new country and there as he had done before held honorable positions of trust among his co laborers in that work last fall seeing his health failing he went to ashley utah to find a place more suitable to his future comfort and intend intended edl to make a permanent home there when he be was overtaken by a disease of the stomach which terminated fatally his remains were interred at vernal where every possible assistance was rendered him and his wife in their trying circumstances he leaves a large family and many friends to mourn his loss communicated SAMUEL RIDOUT samuel ridout who died at hooper weber co county tinty march 18 1895 was born at holt wimborne wim borne Dorset shire england march 13 1826 he married mary ann hart may 16 1852 embraced the gospel in 1854 1864 in southampton conference was ardai ordained ned an E elder ider fe february bru ary 25 18 ja under the hands of job welling and james G witley willey and was general book agent tor the conference for several years and filled the office to the satisfaction of his brethren his wife died june 1868 firm in the gospel as revealed through the prophet joseph smith desiring him to 10 take her three little daughters to the valleys of the mountains two sons and one daughter preceded her he married frances gumbrell Gum broll in 1864 and in june of that year left his bis native land father brothers broiher sand and sister for the home of the saints kle he crossed the sea on the ship hudson and the plains by bv ox team in captain W hydes hydea arriving in great salt sah lake olty city the of oct 1864 H I 1 lived ived in the ninth cintli ward one year then moved to round bound valley morgan county to bishop E hunters farm where he resided three years year then worked on building the U P railroad af er that was finished he returned to great salt lake city resided in the nineteenth ward for two years and worked for W H hooper in 1870 hg he moved to hooper among the first to settle that place and ana made himself and family a home he was waa known as an honest faithful and constant worker in july 1879 he was called to be superintendent of the sunday school filling that office faithfully and punctually in 1886 he was ordained a high priest his testimony was strong in the gospel A few days before his death he counseled his descendants present to hold fast to the faith he was a kind Jh father ther a loving husband and a faithful friend he leaves two wives four daughters sixteen grandchildren two great grandchildren to mourn his bis death but not without hope as they are members of the church mill star please copy CAROLINE ELIZABETH DYE the demise of slater sister caroline elizabett elizabeth dye took place at her residence in the th twentieth ward salt lake city on the th day of february pneumonia alter after a comparatively short abort illness and her remains were buried from the twentieth wen ward feeling house on the following friday the services were largely attended the principal speaker on the occasion wa president goo geo Q cannon whose acquaintance she first made when a girl en route to utah she was the daughter of james and harriet woods was born at cobbal surrey england on the of august 1837 at the early age of fifteen afteel she was baptized with her mother into the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and seven years later emigrated to utah with her brother she sailed with a company of saints from liverpool on the william tapscott Tap april 13 1859 arriving in salt lake city september of the same year having walked nearly the entire distance across the plains for the first three and a halt half months after her arrival she lived jived with the family of elder asa calkin at whose home she was married by president brigham yo ing to george cushing a young man whose acquaintance was made soon after reaching the valley brother cushing had been in atall some four years previous having emigrated from in the year 1855 1865 she bore her husband two childrens chil drena daughter and a sou son when the latter was but nine months old she experienced the sore misfortune to lose her husband she the management of the eleventh ward cooperative store which was handled to the entire satisfaction of the stockholders of the institution she had already made the aag acquaintance of booher robert dye who came from the same place as her deceased husband he having been left a widower she was induced in the year 1872 to join her fortune with his in mar whom she had one daughter in order to 10 meet the requirements of their now enlarged household sister dye entered into millinery b business it commencing in a very small way but owing to her natural business aptitude and perseverance her business gradually grew until she became the leading milliner of the chiy in 1879 she and her husband made an extended visit to her family and friends in england in the year 1887 brother dye died of paralysis leaving her ber again a widow soon aber his deabi having been in business SOMO some sixteen years she closed her business establishment pretty much worn out physically herself the change irom from a business to it a home lile ii i e was a delightful one to sister dye oft has the writer heard her express thankfulness for the relief from responsibility f as well as for the pleasure which the change and opportunity to rest had brought to her added to this was the pleasure afforded her by being one of the ladies selected by t the he first presidency to devote their time t the work of decorating the temple immediately prior to its dedication this was compliment she esteemed most highly the labor involved was indeed inde labor of love and the delight it gave her was such as those only can appreciate whose souls were fairly longing for the tee completion of the temple of the lord she became a member of the wo mans suffrage association in the success of whose work she took a lively interest by reason of her I 1 long ong busi bosl ness life together with the many friendships formed with visitors calling U upon her from time to time lor for the pur purpose one of visiting the grounds of her cottage t e home made so attractive and beamut beautiful ua by her late husband while she herself her self telf was engaged in business she was widely as well as favorably known was one of our best beat known and most moot respected citizens from the day she received the gospel a trusting loving girl to her death mormonism to her was all it purports to be she was conscious to the last and her death was so peaceful that her children and friends were in doubt that her spirit had departed sister dye was a pure purel beautiful woman modest and reU retiring ring yet vet forceful and decisive when defend defending irig the principles ot of her religion or the character of friends with the latter day saints was identified every impulse of her nature with them ohe ehe left home and friends to dwell in their love and fellowship she died whatever of reward it shall please the father to bestow upon them to share it in their society will indeed be heaven to her communicated |