Show 14 noi mui SMITH the attention gf tato has ban been called to the fact that I 1 the b press dia patches last week reit arding the ibe COB terence of the reorganized church of latter day saints at missouri in the tbt quotation ut of an n alleged revelation concerning vacancies VACAl cies in ertain i offices jn in that churuti the names of david H smith anti and thomas VV smith were given gi van B wi as to ca a vey a somewhat misleading idea of the proceedings proceeding at that conference A 0 py of the revelation referred to time ha now bern berd it beara the late of april 15 1894 the part deal dea ing with the vacancy in ila the first preal chetley it JB is not yet expedient in we me that trie the quorum of 0 the presidency dency mud anu the qui ruin of the twelve apostles shall be allou for reasons which will be goon een abia nd known ul to yuu you in due Slit luje tio my servant david H smith 1 yet in my hui but d auti aud I 1 will do my will in tho aft time lime for ito ite the paragraph quoted in an editorial of the nims NEWS on the proceedings proceeding of the son difference conference ference and also in a correspondence published refers to thomas W smith the exact words worda are arc por the same bame reasons in me that bat it to not expedient to till nil the quorum of the first elret and the twelve who are apostles and high priests prie eta it to ie not expedient that a patriarch for the church should hould be indicated and appointed pol doted my servant thomas W smith to i in my hand band and his blabol ale hall be continued for a if the he fully recover he be will enter again into the work if I 1 take him to myself will be appointed in his bl stead when the thea q scram lorum la Is filled the subject la Is referred V ti lo in volumna because of a deal beaire reto to re sent it with greater accuracy than V it was possible Bible to do from the necessarily brief account received over we ibe wire the fact demair a as aa previously stated tate that the members of 01 too the church as ae far as aa can be judged by the proceeds edl go of the as reported are divided on the question que atlon whets whether or this purported to ib authentic or not nor that thai abts in a sort us dissension diMe naion in the ranso ranks cannot be denied we again express the hope that even this division may ultimately result lo in benefit to t ti honest in heart the revelation inteli states with reference to the loop in the presidency preil denoy that it she abal be well tor for my work in the slide end it would be well indeed it if it should prove drove to be a means whereby many of those who love the ibe gospel and yet pur gas a course separate from that of the church fur for which joseph the prophet lalu aown his hia life were led back into union adion with wilb their brethren Int in the heend end it will be apparent that what leads leada tu to division and diaB diser naion nalon among the fol lowera lower of the divine master is not from ff him im and must result in error weakness and defeat |