Show A TRIP TO IDAHO SALT LAKE CITY april 8 1895 just juat previous to our late conference I 1 returned from a short abort tour into our neighboring state idaho and into the counties of bingham and fremont idaho idabo falls or eagle ruck buck la Is a lovely location on snake river tion about 1000 altitude feet et A stroll over one long substantial bridge and back over the railroad bridge rv rt healed how much nature had done for the construction of those excellent crossin gpo A natural pier of black volcanic rock of which the entire walls walla of wim this deep gulch is composed divides the snake river giving the bridge builder a superior adva advantage tage to in build ing his hia roadways roadway over this most moat valuable river I 1 should judge from the looks while in the center calter of these bridges that it was about fifty feet down to the water between those black sod almost perpendicular walls there were some large colendar like pots washed out in the rooks below doubtless made so BO from the strong current of this confined river which after p ing through this long rock bed opens out more than four times its ita width at this point I 1 give it ais ae my opinion that a loose rook rock began ue its work in a hollow space apace gradually wearing its if way until after a lout time the current formed so an eddy and a rotary cotlov thus in high tide for at times this river roars roan and rabea the process of caldron making went i merrily on at all events those occa dional great pots were a curiosity man many are the freaks of nature at these falls alls and who can tell the great future of this famous opportunity for water I 1 power for manufacturing etc I 1 am credibly informed that an anvil was wae attached to a rupe and ott into these roaring tall falb and at the end of feet of rope the anvil yet swam in the stream below for want of 0 a 8 lodging place alter a very utia factory visit and arranging for a series of meetings meeting the mall mail carrier tend and acting mentor president of the be quorum of seventies took me to ions IonaR a bout five miles milea north east of the falls where I 1 held meeting the same evening with seventies and others and for the short bort notice we had a large and good meeting on the following day elder aaron beach took me 12 miles north to sheldon Bb eldon where we hold held another meeting and on the following day we traveled 15 miles milea west to louisville jardine when only eleven years yeara old crossed the plains in a company which I 1 brought over in 1859 the numerous canals which we passed over and the level fertile soil attracted m my y attention very much all of them tapping snake river which to a goa send to those be broad valley some of these theme canals canala with their bell laterals literals late rals run 80 30 to 75 miles mile and now still another one to la being taken out which with its ita laterals literals late rals will extend over miles ailee under this canal are thousands ot of acres of land easily obtained this it 16 the blackfoot country and le is fast fait being settled ur up the farmers hold bold largo large of land say nay to acres and will divide with many who by ard by will be glad to leave the crowded cities and make home bome after geat louisville eagle back shelley and riverside all largely attended we had a pleasant journey home agman STEVENSON |