Show UTAH CROP PROSPECTS with this issue the weekly weather crop bulletin ot the utah weather per fer resumed for the season of 0 1895 the season opens earlier than beual aua and with condit conditions ious favorable to the farmers ot of utah the past pasi winter was wae nota not a severe one although temperatures as aa low as ae 83 do degrees rose below zero were rep reported during the mouth month 0 fe luary from the see tion of the terris ry the jose JOBS ot of took stock from cold anti anil starvation was waa In during the cold period li it Juts january uary anu anti F breary the snow on the round around was wag DL for tue krotec aou of the winter wheat toe rue snow anew fall during the winter was slightly above the ahe normal amoust duel UK the past week the tempera ture lure aver averaged agod below the noial 1 form farm work which had bad been progressing so in all 11 II districts dietric lt was waa interrupted Interrupt eu by a turn enter clienter which past paired ad over the be territory from the ath to the fth accompanied by rain anu snow ani and followed by a moderately cold wave which chocked ati the or of tation anti alu some borne to fruit trees and early in ID the south hall ball of the be territory plowing and see seething tsing hab bob been done already in all an it the weather permits ermida farm arm operations operation i will be in full blast during the coming week bux box elder county box elder the jbf folli fill grain has bae wintered well and the warm weather tn maren march lured the vegetation tation which la iss now being behig chocked checked by trout ane first brt part of the week was all that con chuu J his be desired lur fur g operations the da das a were wrin warm anu and pleasant pla aDt sod aud no frost mt at ight but on the ah 4 b it tur turned tied deiy colu with wind irom tue north I 1 cot COL that way until tue lue alb abt lh nights since the have been very eid e id but the weather to la mo now BOW and it la is warm and pleasant plea saLt there has baa been plowing ibid stud a eding dua done here during the tb week cache county benkoc the weather for the me pass week web lias been fine fla lot lor thet tb faraca fara cr who are luay busy putting ti ii grain night tests rests are having a UI si aff rot on lall grain and lucern lord very little littie weather unfavorable newton hard froot friday and Saiu ruay small amount of grain graid PUL pui la in so 80 for jle lewiston Lt wiston wi the Is all gone and I 1 nm braid a raid that tua toe hard baru trust i is going duink to K be hard on winter wheat which ie 11 looking well weli better than I 1 ezie jut just a 0 plowing on some 0 the tb MY larme heavy tain rain lall fall the past week davis Counts The storms of aba pt week have berniot great bigue benefit fit to uie the farmers had it IL not been fullow eu by a eid drying wind the resulting reaul ting blint aou gouid ad have been much greater ground is IB deiy dry anu is not in deou co 0 o for grains or leedo fruat float destroyed da troyed trust fruit wait buds lay too mot most of the post week has bu been exceedingly colo cold snow oo on the 4 b alfalfa has haa started to grow spring pring grain nearly all it crops look well garfield county orton no plowing for spring pring crops done yet ground too io wet heavy northwest winds and very cold prospects Proe for abundance ol of water good J juab aab con county nty but very little oprina work duse dune as yet jel bard frost every night burough the week especially eth and no vegetation fr far enough advanced to be hurt millard cuu cou ity casts crops are being put in moderately fast fact oon i nat we are visited by a storm every or nearly so eo lubern fields and anter grains are making their appearance peara pe arance uce scipio nice floe fine weather except aub aud bbb on the ath a aull squall of snow ury dry cold days and nigal nig bL grain uel net being put in winter grain out not showing much yet yer mearow wheat barley and osep oata all sown high cold north winds during week retarded vegetation aau work burk cut down early gar gardens dous bul appears to have not injured fruit of an kiad water li Is increasing Ino in the irn gatin gil tobes morgan county croydon Croy dor sum some wheat was wa sown last week aud and a gitlit garden tug done lucern has baa no carted to show bow itself yet all farming is ia apt back ou on account of the ex extreme cold weather peterson very little farming dooe done ebli abi week 0 id iuorio wind witt snow on the 4 h b au ath 6 12 aau fth let lc on the creeks oua inch biluk a d land arzen quite hard until buu asui ise summit county coalville Co alville no plowing dotie doie yet except a italo ou land snow on ca two inches tseu cold winds pecia owing to ibe bo late storm larau farm work will not commence for a ceeil or ii ore county Mo moroni royal farmer in iii bruli grant Bi sar aried ted geniac goatee aquor a general looking well after a ari w winter inter fourtin Fou utin oreen green first part of weep stormy oulu and saturday and peasant p farmere corn com mended fenced putting in grain friday ald dalt lake cogut the rue past pani week hue baa been very colo coin alu irm work and stopping topping top the grow td ati oi 01 ve to station we sate re ar af muon beuink now as aa we were ahead bea beaure re the ibe last laet storm and colts cold spell apell M ciuch non ot of the am email amli li grains are in the got ground the best beet drill in r busy buny drill i g the is very dry and aid colu cold the are backward only the try and lilac in lest leaf sevier bevier county biard mard plowing and sowing flowing spring grain in full blast goern has hag started to grow a little high north and northwest north winds wind on eth an ab mouroe monroe temperature dropped t 20 above on still bild bu 6 richfield rich field farmers buby jutting ii gran tall all wheat up where it ha bas beet beel protected from cattle during grasia Is ia beginning to peep out vi 01 ground cou D ty th the 1 e apra pring nt very and gola ool aid l d 6 5 u the SP and harant trust we have had this year pall fall wheat loolu looks average but no DO growth gardening in full blast we need more spring weather vernon lucern just showing green some grain sown but done up yet cold north northwest went winds with snow on OD jtb seep have done well but need grass and warm weather utah aou coulty u ty pleasant grove most ot 01 the wheat la in in the ground lucern to ia showing show lug quite green and the grass Is starting in the meadows farmers are very buy putting in crops first of the week we had snow and freezing sing weather with high northwest wind lake snore shore most all small email grain i Is own COWD aud and some borne are planting garden sod need pall fall wheat is showing bowing up nice ani an ni i greef lucern Is ie beginning to 0 look greo green it 11 the weather keeps fine all the grain will be in the ground in a ew w days day lake view coll col I 1 on the ath and jtb with severe trust fruat which destroyed a asparagus and other tender plants just coming up lucern fields are green and sug eug r beets are being rapidly planted many farmers farmer have their arieus planted payson pall fall grain drain doing finely late storm at rm retarded farm work beiso beet rup late on account of non arrival of sad aeed not very much small grain will beahn abla some Som abow esnow ju in ground y t from last just tonu lehi best planting well along hut but ruurd aground gettig getti g dry lucern just bat nt arteo bus baa been beba cold and const unfavorable for growth of crops hilgh wina ainu with snow anuw on the ch j county heber plowing commenced oommen ced on the be list lat instant with breaking up of bench land low laude laud too wet yet gardening done hardy vogA vegetable table tables such buob as aa carrots aud and cabbages sown own april let lat teams starting arting at out in all ail diree tous to plow C anty toquerville march 4 am cold rain the past week vory vary change teve ft everi raj cloudy adayr some warm layt moderately lair tor for fruit anu gar jeu jen crepe or pi bhae caru curu planted heavy north wind afternoon and evening of april 40 4 ta reou ting in heavy frost froat of 61 q ice i inch wick thick some amage to truit trees by frost and wind plots since my last report march dub we have haa baj a low few flue fine days day but to dry ou the ground to any ny areat extent tue too wild hay bay meadows begin tu look green gram gra on be hi at la in in IB starting arting at nicely weber cu aty huntsville very little litile plowing uno yo yi nothing grow lof li being too to wet wag ululau wheat looks splendid good prue pros for far a dirgo arge crop of lucern prin when wheat in now all to in if sue cue leovy fim boot ot of the dib an ah have not the me bujo buds the fruit crop will us be large J H SMITH observer ud bureau |