Show NEWS MEWS NOTES alaska papers paper say ay five times as a many immigrants granta are going to the yukon as can find a living at the city election at liander lander wyo the people will vote vole on the question tiou to Is iesue of water works work bonds bonda the santa cruz gal cal electric light and power company la Is about to let a contract for a plant paint for a new process of gas gae manufacture the casper caper wyo derrick says bay the boys boya are turning out over 2000 shorn horn beep from the theCa casper aper creek pens every day now and work la is fine ly ht bt both the other shearing peca L the nov nev record says ay a twelve ton lot or ore was wai shipped hipped from the yuba tuba mine the first of the week to the bait liae lake market marker the ore to la sold to average junoes silver allver to the ton the school teachers teacher of phoenix A T reached the end of their publio public compensation about a week ago age in stood of loning school abool however they onse arwed mad each gal pupil one ie dollar a month and aad jog merrily long along the preston idaho standard says ay prot so sor wor edwards edwardc has haa received an aa ufler uffer from scofield utah to come came and take charge of the musical pars pan for a two days daya eisteddfod to be hold held there on the and of june next over 1000 trees have been ordered to beautify the streets of green river biver wyo the city council hae ban also sp money tor for the maintenance of a public park on the union right of way between the depot and the freight house houie E C bartlet writes a friend in lian lan der wyo says aya the be laramie Ijar amle boomerang that his hia now new oil company has haa sold old worth of treasury eBury lr took and that the oil industry Indu atry will boom in wyoming this thin season eastern capital let isto will probably drill two oil wells oear near douglas during the present ea son OD |