Show I E IS ARRESTED ON LARCENY ChARGE IT IS BELIEVED BY POLICE CHIEF THAT IS INVOLVED Frederick Fre crick Richardson Squandered red For Fortune Fortune Fortune tune Left Him By Father F and I Then Bankrupted Shoe Co Chicago Jan 9 Frederick Richard Richardson son formerly president of ot the J Rich lUck Richardson ardson Shoe Shioo company compan of Elmira N Y 1 was as arrested nere here today on a fugitive I warrant charging him with the Jar lar larceny ceny cony of or 7 o from the Chemung Canal Trust company of Elmira While Is Js the sum mentioned In the Police Chief Cassaday of Elmira said I Is involved Elmira N Y Jan 9 After having squandered the fortune left heft him Dim by his father Cather Jackson Richardson Fred Frederick crick erick Richardson became involved in financial difficulties which led two years cars ago to his bankruptcy and that of oi the shoe shoo manufacturing firm Inn of J Richardson Co of which he was vas president Tho The liabilities were with assets not more than The bankruptcy proceedings brought out the fact that Richardson obtained accommodations at the banks on the representation that his affairs were m lb in first class condition The arrest atTest today toda Is the result of this revelation Rich Richardson Richardson ardson loft left Immediately after aCter I in instituted the he bankruptcy proceedings were ted I Marital difficulties developed as the tho result of certain revelations in tho I bankruptcy proceedings |