Show Ip I i LI L Mr and Mr R E Thompson of 0 I Colfax Washington spent a ft few fow days das during tho week visiting frienda in Ia Ogden i i Mr and Mrs George E Maule and andi i brother David Maulo Maule loft left during tho k week ook for tor Honolulu where they the will wil spend pend tho Ui winter months Mr Mi and Mrs Thomas Jackman and an anUSH Miss USH Susie Jackman havo ho returned to toMina Mina Nevada Novada after visiting hIlling relatives I lb l Ogden for a week A cablegram received In Ogden Ogdon dur durIng d Ing tho the week that Mr and Mrs 1118 Patrick Henly are arc Income In Romo Bomo and Dr Drand DrI I and md Mrs rd Rich aro are in Vienna A R McIntyre entertained a 3 aI I few tew i w friends on 01 Monday night at din dinner dinnel nor ner the occasion ocea lon being In honor ot of other oCher I her birthday Miss Luella Almos Aimes of Logan who has been beon visiting her Mrs Wil WH Willard lard H B Israelson Sr has returned homo home and will resume her studies at atthe tho the Agricultural college e Thomas E McKay former Carmer superintendent of or count county schools left leCt on I Thursday for br Europe whore where ho will have charge of or the mis mission son ion Wednesday afternoon at tho the homo home of 01 Dr and Mrs Irs R It S Joyce Miss Fiances Joyce JOco gave gae a tin shower In honor of Miss lIss Dessle Dessie Spencer at j which about young oung ladles Indies were present Mrs C H Gosling and Miss Emma Herschler left on Tuesday afternoon for San Sun Francisco from rom which place they the will sail for Manila whore where wb rc they wm spend four months W V A Turner has returned from a 1 several weeks visit In California I Mrs Irs Turner and children will wm remain I at Maricopa and will spend the re remainder remainder remainder of o the winter with her sister Mrs W D B Isaacs IS la S Mrs iffs is J C Armstrong visited her fl t rs In Salt Lake Lako City CIt this week er ert t t Orson Douglas and Royal Eccles left I Friday f morning for Cor Germany I Mrs C E W WT Davis will leave next jJ week for California j A meeting of or the tho Tolstoi circle was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of o Mrs Chancy Cha nc ncr r The Tho Martha society s will meet Mon Monday ManI I I day dat afternoon at the home homo of or Mrs 1 A r U B Corey Carey r IJ t c Clinton G Smith of tho the forest ser service serIce service vice Ice at Pocatello spent nt a n few days In 1 Ogden this week j The Womans Alliance of the Uni Unitarian J c tarlan church met mot with Mrs E A Ai 1 i r I eld on Thursday afternoon 4 Mr and Mrs S E Ludberg of ot i Idaho Falls spent a few Ce days In Og den this week visiting friends i cj I Brigham Robinson left on Friday YA for fol San Francisco where ho he will I J spend pond a couple of or weeks visiting friends v S Mrs Irs H C Bigelow was hostess at atan an na afternoon a affair at tho Virginia Friday Frida afternoon C r Tho The juniors of o the Weber Academy will give gio a character ball baU next Friday at the tho academy Dr Gordon G G Ives has returned to Ogden after several months visit on I tho the coast Mrs hes and son will re ro turn within a few Cew weeks Albert Read Rend and Preston Badger I tV were accompanied by b many friends to the depot Friday Frida night when they the de do departed departed 11 parted for England and Holland Mr rr and Mrs Frank Cochron of or Den Denver iI ver vcr were In the city yesterday on iI J i their way from tho coast and were wore en on entertained t at lunch by Mr and Mrs J Frank Peterson Mr Cochron Is one ono I I of or Domers post most prominent real rc l os j I 1 tato tate men menThe menThe The Toe Martha society will meet with Mrs Mary Armstrong Twenty fourth street Monday January 11 I Mr and Mrs Jr r H Wright of o Twin Falls Idaho are arc spending a fow days das i with Ogden friends i S E B Ludberg and wife wiCe of o Idaho Falls Fas Idaho are aro Ogden visitors 11 I 11 t J T J Grout and wife of Butte Mont Montare 1 9 are arc sojourning In Ogden for a short t Iw time lime Dr W G has bas returned from tram froman 1 It an extended visit In the tho east IJ I iL I Mr and Mrs W VT C loft lert I J I Tuesday on their wedding trip to Call Cal I fonda They Thoy The probably will be gone gonea I a month i I Mr and md Mrs J 3 R Kelly KeUy left lert Tues Tuen day for tor an un extended trip In the east cast f f Miss Vorna Verna Koepp has hM returned to Salt Snit Lake Lako City where she sho Is doing col co 1 work at tho the University of Utah I Mrs 0 O E B Wattis nae returned to California for a visit of a month or six si weeks with her husband if e I Mr and 1 Mrs Dennis Sheehan and little daughter Helen left leCt Friday for or thu tho coast where they hey will sojourn for j about six weeks il ELECTRICAL WORKERS BALL 1 l I Tho The first party of a n series to be bo beI I i II given by bythe Electrical Ei Workers of o America was that thul of o Friday FrIda evening at nt tho the N G U Armory and It proved to tu ho bo the tho largo large nodal of or the week An interesting and beautiful feature of or tho thc affair was Wag tho the electrical ol display which formed the tho decorations riis unique display readily eclipsed anything of or f tho the kind over oen Jeon in tho the city In the tho decorative art arL Hundreds or lights In variegated colors colore used In tho the center of o tim the hair hung g an nn chandelier containing three globes above which wItS was ita on nn artistically designed motto hearIng bearing tho the Inscription lOA A Happy Happ New cw YearS Year From this center conter fes lea festoons toon of hundreds of 16 candle power lights reached out In a n hexagon touch Ins Ing largo large electrical stars on olther either I side sido of or the tho hull hail From these brilliant ly lr lighted stars continued and varied flash lights were wore thrown upon the tho merry makers as they the glided over the tho floor At tho the roar rear end ond of o the tho hall hail was wasa wasn a n largo motto made of oC countless Incandescent lights Excellent o music was furnished and andI anda a n largo large number of people enjoyed themselves during the tho evening r RICAN I WAR VETERANS I Tho rho ao installation of or officers WItS was the theo occasion o aslon for Cor tho the gathering Thursday evening at nt the city elt hall hail of or tho t e members of the war voter veter veterans ans Invited guests were members of oC tho the Grand Army Armr of o the tho the Ladles Ladies Relief Corps Lincoln Cirelo and Ladles Ladies Auxiliary of or Spanish War Veterans Tho officers rs installed wore J K Knight commander George Sea Seaman man ranni senior rice cc commander Leo A AHurst AHurst AHurst Hurst Junior vice commander G C W Y McCreory McCreery chaplain William Wiiliam Hampton adjutant taut Joseph Josoph Walton quarter quartermaster quartermaster master Charles officer of or the day Edward Hanson Hausen and George Georgo Goshen trustees The Tho Installing orn ocr was A N Walters the tho master of or ceremonies being Isaac Isa Carr Alter Altor the tho installation ceremonies an Interesting program was given in which addresses wore made mado by b Com Corn Commander Commander mander Russell Rug ell of or the Grand Army of the tho Republic Commander Knight Senior Vice Commander Seaman Chap Chaplain Chaplain lain Mrs and Mrs Knight A violin solo was given givon by Comrade Comrado White a recitation by Mrs 18 Bachelor Bac and arid a I duet duel was sung by b om Officer OffiCer of or the Day Manzel and wife The evenings program was con can concluded eluded by br a banquet much d by bytho bytho bythe tho the participants More than fifty per persons persons perSons sons attended tho the function Including tho the members of the War Veterans and the tho invited guests I INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS The Tho installation of at the foe officers of ot the tho I 1 O 0 0 O F lodge of o Ogden took place Tuesday evening at the lodge hall haJJ Those who were Installed Into office were James McBeth noble grand A Shumaker treasurer Henry Henn Henr Kissel secretary A Fisher right sup supporter sup supporter supporter porter E Blackman left leCt supporter E West cst guardian E war warden warden warden den denA A banquet was given glyen after aCter the tho In Installation proceedings p were over oer and those in attendance spent a couple of o hours In a social way war Grand officers of o the order present were Grand GrandMaster Master A Stuart of Sandy SantI Deputy Grand Master W J Moore of or Salt Lake Grand Warden arden John Morely of at Eureka Grand P A kIn lin of or Salt SaIl Lake Grand Treasurer J 7 W V of Salt Lake Past P sl Grand Master J 3 J Thomas of or Salt SuIt Lake and Past Grand Master H C of or Ogden MR WARDLAW ENTERTAINS Tho The members of the tho Second Ward Dramatic company compan held hold a n very er enjoy enjoyable enjoyable able reunion Wednesday evening some Borne twenty members and their friends participating In the tho theater party part of or the early earl part of or the oven even evening Ing and the tho luncheon which w followed The Tho party part attended the Utahna thea theater theater theater ter In a body boty bo and witnessed a very creditable performance of tho Moore Stock company compan in tho the four act drama entitled The Tho Lightning Rod Agent with Frederick Moore in the tho title role Following the tho close of the piece Mr Ir Irand and Mrs Moore accompanied the party pany to tho th home of George Georgo B IL Wardlaw street whore where a dainty luncheon had been prepared by b blIra Mrs lIra Wardlaw assisted by Miss Meda The remainder of oC the evening and a portion of o Thursday morning was then passed In social Intercourse consist consisting consistIng ing lag largely in relation to reminiscences reminiscences of past productions by the com corn company pany panr This organization has h s pleased local audiences for many years and gained for tor itself an nn enviable for Cor histrionic ability t An additional pleasure of the tho evening was wa an examination examination nation of o the numerous Spanish war relics brought from Crom the Philippines by Mr Ir Wardlaw while a member of o the tho famous Utah battery hattory The collection collection collection tion of curios Is a valuable ono one and Mr Wardlaw has haa many Interesting anecdotes to lo relate In connection with each cacho Those present at al the function were and George Goorge Shor Shorten Shorten ten ton George Davis William Purdy Purd Frederick Moore George Wardlaw Dent Mower Mrs Irs Lettie MiSs Minnie Drown Brown Miss Meda Mc Mrs John L HerrIck and Norman Shorten A W Had ley Icy and George Shorten Jr TZ Tho The marriage of oC Miss Jennio Gary Can Canto I Ito to Mr S G was WIl J solemnized Tuesday at high noon at the residence of tho the brides parents Washing ton avenue The home was prettily decorated with ferns and flowers and anda a largo large number of or relatives gathered to witness tho the ceremony mon read rend by b He Ilov John E Carver Carer which made them thorn ono one The rho bride was wan gowned In a dress of or heavy golden silk trimmed In cream lace and was WitS attended by br Miss while hUe Mr Mack Garr waited waito l upon the tho groom After the ceremony an elaborate and tasty wedding dinner was waa served Mr and Mrs Mis have won many mau friends In Ogden and they thoy the Wore recipients mt of many ninny beautiful and ox ex expensive pensive presents WHITMAN WH LECTURE COURSE On Friday evening January 16 at nt Carnegie halt hall William Thuraton Thurston Brown will give gie tho first of or a series or of lectures on work worle of Walt Whit Whitman Whitman man Tho Ulloa of or the Uie lectures are aro areas an no follows Tho Religion of Whit Whitman Whitman Whitman man A Religious Interpretation of or Sex Religion and anil Democracy In tho lecture given givon before beCore the tho Wo mons moa clubs of or Ogden Ogdon O den a tow row weeks ago O I entitled Tho Spiritual Significance of or Walt Wait Whitman Mr Drown Brown said Tho The koy to an understanding of or Whitman Is tho the knowledge that his motive was solely a religious ono This is 18 set forth by b Whitman himself In his prof preface ace nce to Leaves Lenes of Grass And unless we road him with a n belief baud In hl his hiM re religious purpose wo so 0 road him to Lo no good purpose whatever Nothing over ever given before an nn Ogden audience has given rise to lo so much dis discussion discussion as the tho above mentioned lee lec lecture ture tire To miss the forthcoming series of oC Whitman lectures will he be to miss missa a n fresh Impetus toward a higher re 10 religion religion ligion saner sanor living and purer demo dem democracy LUCKY THIRTEEN CLUB The Lucky Luck Thirteen club was en entertained entertained Wednesday afternoon by h I Miss Gullihur High five nrc was pIn eli and prizes wore were won by b Mrs Jackman Mrs and Mrs Stilwell A dainty luncheon followed the Ule card games The fhe guests of oC tho the club were Mrs Wright and Mrs Irs Jackman Tho The next meeting will ill be bo held In two weeks at tho homo home of o Mrs Davis Dals OFFICERS INSTALLED January second the following fo officers were wore installed In Calanthe Temple No 1 by Installing Officer Mrs Glasmann assisted by b Mrs Irs Fulton and Mrs An Anderson Andorson Anderson derson dorson P C Miss LouIse RItter flitter M 1 E C Mrs Hannah Eklund E B S So Mrs Rona Rena WInans E J Mrs Sena Tray Tracy Tra y yM M N of o T Mrs Irs Amy Barry Barr M 1 of oC F Mrs Lucy M 1 Hedge Hodge HodgeM HedgeM M of or R n and C Mrs Lottie McGaw P of T Mrs Lillie LIllIo Robb G of 0 O T 1 Mrs Airs Ella BUn Brown Trustee Mrs 11 rs S J Turner Tu CHILD CULTURE CLUB Tho The Child Culture club mot met January 5 at tho the home homo of or Mrs Irs I J P An article on discipline entitled More Than Conqueror was given glyen by br Mrs Lynch A discussion of o this paper was followed by a talk on the sanitary con condition condition of or the homo home Tho The hostess served sered delicious refreshments and the thc club ad adjourned adJourned adjourned for Cor two weeks we place of moot moet mootIng Ing lag to be bo announced later In tor PAST NOBLE GRAND CLUB Mrs Koons entertained tho Past No blo bio Grand club last after afternoon afternoon noon at nt her home After ACtor tho business session cards and a delicious lunch were w re enjoyed Those present wore were Mrs Irs Mrs Irs Bogart Mrs Lansing Mrs Moon Mrs Irs Royal Ro al Mrs Baker Mrs Myers Mrs Sawyer Mrs Irs Meld Mold Mrs Bock Dock Mrs Irs Turner Mrs Irs Miss Bogart Mrs Matthews The next meeting mooting will be bo hold hoM at nt atthe tho the home of Mrs Irs Beck Bock Twenty second February 4 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS At the meeting of Queen City CIt Re Ra lodge Friday Frida evening District Deputy President Emma Mold Maid assist assisted assIsted ed by b Past Palt Grands E C M 1 Moon K Bogart A Baker B D BRoyal BRoyal Royal ROII Installed the following officers Virginia Matthews noble grand Amanda Lansing recording score secre secretary tary Esther Randall financial secretary Helen Ellsworth treasurer Kate Bogart warden Addle Addie Baler Baker chaplain Mrs Inside guard Mr Ir outside guard After Alter the meeting closed a banquet was served by b the now new officers to nit nIl present MISSIONARIES SURPRISED One Ono of the tho most enjoyable and de do delightful events of tho the week was wag a n sur surprise surprise prise party given glen Saturday oven een lag Ing January Januar 2 b by Miss Viola tola Road Rond at nt ather her hex home 1116 Washington avenue In honor of nor brother Albert E Road Rend and Proston Badger prior to their de do departure to the European mission The homo home was beautifully decorated Pink and green was tho the color scheme pink carnations and ferns terns being used effectively Tho The Road Rend orchestra rendered a anum aura num number her ber of oC choice selections Splendid pi pl piano plana piano ano ana solos eolos were given ghen by b Miss Mias Maud Barker |