Show Ogden ff Directory Advertisements In this column cost coot por per line JInO per month payable In ad nd advance adVance vance ITA 4 Tick but C Jh A 1000 od things In a 1000 nu ways waya wayaI I Nearly like finding em Ubet It pays ke tack kc c J ABSTRACTORS t The D W Ellis Abstract Company Inc Licensed and Bonded Abstractors of oC Title to any land In coun county county county ty Office under First Nat Bank ARCHITECTS ii G A Graves GraTes tho the architect lisa has moved moed to rooms 86 BS and 39 Lewis Blk Bik A G Q HORN Offices orr o r BaUcon Drug Store I seek cock tho the business ot or oraU all aU parties am attorney against all corporations and Pre Pro Prepared Prepared pared to 10 transact any and all l kinds of ot legal E T Rooms Room First National Bank building General practice 8 T CORN First Bank BUg BMg i JOSEPH CHEZ Attorney and Coun L color at Law 40 and 41 First Na National Bank Ogden Utah Both Phones Phon Notary I L R IL S FARNSWORTH Attorney at Law and Eccles DENTISTS DR A W WATSON room Eo Ec Eccles Eodes Eodes des cles Bide Office hours 9 to 5 6 HAm HAIR GOODS COSTUMES HAIR SWITCHES for tor sale Bale at reduced prices Hair chains a d specialty Masquerade costumes costume to rent for tor balls hIla and theaters All mall mail orders promptly attended to Mra Mrs C B Eo BLee BLee Lee ue 21 P O 0 Box 43 87 INSURANCE W N PIERCE Notary Public Real Ron Estate Fire Life Lite and Accident In Insurance Buran co St JUNK IF YOU have hace any kind of or Junk to Ogdon Junk House wo will call caU for tor It Bolt Boll phone Ind lad 72 LEADING PLUMBERS L W S Doneldson Sons practical plumbers steam and hot 1 water fitters Ind lad t OSTEOPATH ATH DR GORDON G IVES Osteopath Kirksville graduate Room Reed Hotel both phones 65 Every Eyer week day da 9 II n a m to 5 p m PAINTER AND PAPER PAPERHANGER PAPERHANGER PAPERHANGER HANGER J R It DRANE Painting and Paper Paperhanging Paperhanging hanging 2219 Madison Bell PARCEL DELIVERY J Merchants Parcel Delivery and Ex Express press prees elS Co 17 12 St Phone Bell Be 1465 1466 PIANOS M Id G Barnes tho the music dealer dreIer 2243 Wash Ave AYe PHOTOGRAPHERS I THE THOMAS STUDIO High grade I portraiture in Facial Crayon and In India India indin dia din Ink 2157 2457 Washington two aye Both Phones PHYSICIAN SURGEONS DR A FERNLUND Physician and Sargeon Office hours 10 and 12 a n am nm 7 m In 12 to 4 p m Tn St Office omco phones phonce Bell Ind lad Real Reel dence deace Wash Ind lad phone SLADES BLADES TRANSFER Vans Vane Drays Baggage Bag ago Wagons Pi Pl Piano Plano ano sno Furniture and Sate Saro Moving Prompt carriage 40 Bell lieU Ind lad 10 15 U a TRANSFER COMPANIES r ALLEN TRANSFER CO Album Albern Al AI Allen Allen len leu Proprietor Furniture Vana and 4 Storage Cabs Caba at a moments no notice notice 1 tice Office St 22 TRANSFER ER VANS Pi Piano 11 ana ano moving a specialty 12 St Both Phones 4 UMBRELLA REPAIRING REF AIRING UMBRELLA repairing and recovering Ind phone Bell Boll finx 6 11 U tt Ur r UPHOLSTERING REPAIRING REPAIRING 1 PARLOR furniture upholstered and ro re repaired paired varnishing mattress mattre making malting carpets c pets cleaned fit and laid Esti Estl Estimates 0 J mates submitted on request Phones 4 Ind md Boll Ben K Van Yan ir Kam Kara I pen 2769 2760 Volker Ave Avo DELINQUENT NOTICE The Weber County Mining Milling Co principal place of or business Og Ogden Ogden Ogden den Utah Notice There are aro delia delin delinquent quent upon the following described stock on account of assessment No 3 of oC 1 mill per por share sharo levied on the day of or May 1908 the tho dale date of delia delin delinquency quency being extended by b order of the tho Board of oC Directors to December 15 1908 the several amounts set et opposite the names of the tho t o respective share shareholders shareholders shareholders holders as follows Z rn m g mg 8 NAME t g n 6 GM f F 1710 OA lA Wm Watson 10 Joseph Bingham 12 E F Bratz 16 15 John Bosgieter Seager 2000 20 Fred Williams 20 21 3 A SmIth 10 24 Martha Shields 50 28 Isaac 32 Sumner P Nelson 1100 35 Andreas 1 John S 00 37 C A 39 Jane Ellis 1000 1 00 41 B Van dor Schult 1100 42 Ephraim Tillotson 2150 44 Hermann Sander 1000 45 Isabrand Sander IS Eliza B Hume HOme 1000 1 00 50 Archie L I Drown Brown 1000 62 52 Wm Wm Nm Smalley 1000 65 55 Wm W RUb Ruby 1000 1 20 66 56 Peter 60 50 57 W F C 1000 1 00 58 Julius 1 A Rounds 1000 59 Gee Geo 62 Martha 1000 64 Henry 65 John Crezee 2000 66 Isabrand Sandor jr 1000 67 Calab parry John C Hunter 69 Maggie Sander 50 30 20 70 Dma 71 Charlotte Sander 20 76 C W Curtis GOO 72 Albert Bell 50 77 Paul G BurdIck 1000 And In accordance with law and or order order der ot of the Board of oC Directors mado on tile the l th da day or of May Maj 1908 so many shares or of each parcel of stock as may maybe be bc necessary will bo be sold Bold at public auction at the office dt df the company on Thursday January Januar H 14 1909 at 2 p Ui In to pa pay the delinquent an 13 together with the costs of advertising and the expense or of sale saleA I A G MA MAW W Secretary Ogden Utah c t CLASSIFIED NJ ADVERTISEMENTS I ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS DEPARTMENT PAYABLE STRICT STRICTLY LV LY IN ADVANCE ONE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTO NO FIRST INSERTION LESS LE a TH AN 26 25 2 CENTO CENT 25 CENTS PER p LINE LIMa g PER WEEK 75 CENTS PER PEa LINE PER MONTH HELP WANTED FEMALE stenographer with refer once caro care J Standard llOtA A LADY LADY to teach 2 Greeks the tho English language California Fruit stand 2 th and Lincoln 1911 GOOD coon COOK 12 11 14 tl U DISH washer r at the tho Virginia 12 14 11 tr U SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALI WORK by br the tho day da Address Now New Newman Nowman Nowman man Grocery Store both phones Nellie Borch 1 9 line Imo DRESSMAKING G and plain sowing reasonable prices 2256 Washington avenue HELP WANTED MALE GOOD tailor State Industrial School 16 U WANTED W A boy bo with horse to carry carr Examiner route In north part of or city Inquire at office 12 31 tf U SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Young man nina wants a position with a chance of ot advancement or any steady work clerking In store pre pro preferred preferred Address T caro care Standard A Young Japanese boy bo wants a po position position as ns school boy bo Call Ca Boll Bell 1262 1202 after 1 p m in or P 0 O Box 66 CO G Ogata SALESMAN WANTED WANTED A real genuine salesman a man who has ability and who will work for us as hard and conscientiously as he lie would for himself to represent us exclusively In Utah and nd Idaho Wo Vo have a large well we known and In every way line of or Calendars Advertising Specialties and Druggists Labels and Boxes and our line Is so attractive and varied that each and anti every sery business In every overy town In the coun country country try without regard to size can be successfully solicited Our goods are very attractive but no more moro so than our reasonable prices and we wo know from the experiences of oth others others othera ers era who have been and are now In Incur Incur incur cur employ that any an blight bright husti hust hustlIng Ing man who has good average Hy ity and Is willing to work worl can make with us from 50 to per week Our company was organized l In 1882 We are aro capitalized for We Wo state this simply to show that we weare weare weare are responsible and anu mean business If H you ou do BO so It will pay pa you ou to write Sales Manager MERCHANTS PUBLISHING CO KALAMAZOO MICH MICI Enclose this advertisement with your application i WANTED TO BUY aUY We Va want to buy buya n few rew dozen pure purebred bred Rhode Island Reds Reus and White Plymouth Rocks Rocles pullets and cock Barrows Commission Co 22 4 Wash 1741 LEGAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice Is hereby given gion that the an annual annual annual nual meeting of the stockholders of oft the t Standard Publishing Co will be behold behold behold hold at the office of the company No street Ogden Utah Mon Monday Monday on day January 1909 at 2 p pm m ni for the purpose of electing officers for Tor forthe forthe the ensuing year ear and transacting such other othor business as aa may way come before the tho meeting D T Secretary Dated Ogden Utah December 2 1908 1905 NOTICE Tho The annual meeting of oC the stock stockholders stockholders holders of or the Ogden Fruit Growers association will be held at the court courthouse courthouse courthouse house in Ogden Orden on January 12 1 at 10 a m for tho the purpose ot or o electing a board of or seven directors and Ind to transact such other business us its may mar regularly come como before the too I meeting It is desired that all stock stockholders stockholders holders hoMers be present at this meeting J E B WRIGHT Secretary NOTICE In Ta the district court of oC the Second judicial district dI of oC the state stale of oC Utah in and for the county of oC Weber WeberIn In ro re application of Saburo Ilda to change chango his name namo to Saburo Ichimura Notice Is hereby given that Saburo Ilda has filed his verified petition In Inthis inthis I this court praying that the above on en entitled titled tilled court make mako and anti enter Its order herein permitting him to change his to Saburo Ichimura and refer reter reference reference ence is hereby horob made to said petition so on file filo as to the tho cause for which the change of ot name is sought and anu for further farther particularly and that said pe pc petition petition will be heard by b said court on Saturday January 16 1909 at 10 a m in at the court room bf r said court in tho the county court house housein in Ogden City county coult state of or Utah Witness my 01 hand and tho the seal or of orthis this court hereunto affixed this thia day of December A D 1908 Seal DAVID MATTSON C R Clerk Attorney for lor Petitioner PetitionerS S j t tr r Ti FOR RENT I FURNISHED FURNISH ROOMS FOR RENT One nicely furnished room modem modern 2340 2310 Lincoln FOUR rooms furnished for Cor housekeep housekeeping ing 2126 Wash Inquire 2211 Wash 1 9 tf tr TWO front rooms with board next door 3 4 St 19 1 9 1 NICELY furnished room In private modern modem home Reference required requited Call Ind md FURNISHED warm front room for gentleman on Bench D References required Inquire of ot E Auth Auto agent First Nath Bank Dank 1 I 6 I PLEASANT front room in private family 2554 2654 Jefferson ave ae FOR RENT Two furnished light housekeeping rooms 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms st at FURNISHED rooms for housekeep housekeeping p pIng ing tog Washington ave avo 1 LARGE front room suitable for two or three gentlemen modern with I board st at wit PARLOR and bedroom nice board boan door wk NEWLY VLY furnished light housekeep housekeeping lug ing rooms Cheap 1 2 1 wk HOUSEkeepIng rooms also modern I sleeping rooms Colonial I 12 29 line Imo I NICELY furnished front housekeeping rooms steam heat heal gas range Room 56 Opera House 12 FURNISHED and unfurnished flats tint 2634 Grant 12 22 Gmo Gino FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping ONE housekeeping room street FOR FOK RENT Elegant ewry furnished modern rooms street Ind md FOR OR RENT FURNISHED FU HOUSES furnished d house honse Phone 1386 K 1101 wk I FURNISHED HOUSE FOUR room furnished house Apply Lamar Nelson Eccles building FOR RENT Furnished modern housekeeping flats fiats fl ts 2563 Grant av nv avenue ernie If FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED rooms with board hoard 2333 2332 Adams i 1 g s ROOM and board 2351 2354 Grant 1 7 Imo ROOM and board modern conven conveniences lences Ind md phone 12 29 FURNISHED rooms with or without board St 10 5 1 wk ROOM nOO r and board G 5 1 tf U dOARD OARD AND A D ROOM street WANTED BOARDERS WANTED Boarders st FARM ARM F WANTED I want to rent a small farm tarm close to Ogden good land good water right and fairly well wen Improved Prefer Preter ono one with some seine fruit on Roy L Smith general delivery city TO EXCHANGE CALIFORNIA ranch for tor lots lota within two blocks and south of Twenty fifth firth street on the bench Gordon G G Ives hes Reed hotel w PERSONAL PERSON AL ALf FRENCH RENCH f LESSONS Private French lessons Edmond Pascal an hour sUii street Ogden Utah LEGAL L GAL GALi i NOTICE The stockholders or of the tho Oregon Lumber company win will meet at the com coin office in Utah at 2 p in m inon mon inon on Monday Monda January 25 1909 to elect directors fo ensuing year ear and to transact any an other business that may properly rl be done clone at said meeting mooting H H Secretary NOTICE Regular annual meeting of tho the share shu shareholders holders of o tho the Superior Brick Tile and Milling Co will be hold held at their 2438 2 38 12 Washington avenue at Ogden Utah Tuesday the day a of or Jan January nary uary 1909 at nt 11 a m in for tho the purpose directors to sen for tor the ensuing year ear and for tor tho trans trana transaction transaction action of ot such auch other business as ns ma milt may properly come before the tho meeting I D C LAWSON Secretary I Ogden Utah Jan 8 1909 1903 0 J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE house for sale salo saloon on Install Installment Installment ment meat plan Inquire ot of owner 1980 Jackson Ave Aye Independent phone No 1 9 D iwIc HOUSE for sale Eale cheap on easy In Installments O 0 J Stilwell both phones 1 9 wk 1 modern brick house well situated on Bench Donch 2700 modern brick house South Wash Aye Ave 2500 6 Groom room I frame house hOUf O North Wash Ave Avo 1600 A few nice residence lots on Bench are arc being offered away below mar market market market ket value In order to raise ralso some Gome quick money mono Investigate it will pay you each 00 KELLY Y HERRICK 1 6 tf U SPECIAL LOT SALE SALEA A GROUP OF choice lots on the Bench near car carline carUno carline line Uno and amI public school offered at about half hail price Must ha have haye o money mone for other purposes Will sell one or more as M desired Price 00 A great snap Enquire at 2349 12 Wash Va h Aye Ave house pantry and clothes closet also furniture Tracy Ave house lot feet Cor Jeff and Cook Coole Ave Five Points Bargain 12 6 C ROOM house 12 acre land Bell 1243 FOK FOlt SALE Springs Ice Co CD with facilities tor Ice raising and cold storage brick res residence resi resIdence i ence fine fino lawn and fruit and shade hade splendid valley vaHey valleyview valleyview view Enquire of or G 0 G U on premises 1219 5 24 tf tt ON street bet tot Wash and Grant house lot ft tt great groat bargain 12 cash balanco on time Call Ca at room 1 I Lincoln Hotel in 10 C Ii tr tf FOR SALE ALE MISCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale salo 2214 Jackson HIGH grade Conover piano price reasonable second floor room 5 6 w Choice red r a winter apples cheap Inquire William Hopple Hoppie 2468 Wash Washington WashIngton Washington ington avenue 1 nio me HOUSEHOLD furniture for salo sale cheap House for or rent reaL 1016 Street 1 4 nOOD buggy 3 OO at blacksmith shop and anu Wash 1 4 CANARIES CANARIE 50 cents s up 2070 Lin Lincoln Lincoln coln coin 12 21 Imo WE OFFER ER for sale salo a n number or 0 yearling Jersey J orse heifers Also a number numb Or of or selected Gel Jersey Calves alves at reasonable prices T f W tv V Horn Son phones Bell No Y Ind lad No 10 M 1 4 tr U WANTED MISCELLANEOUS LADYS railroad ticket et to San Fran Francisco Francisco Francisco cisco Mr Walters at European ho hotel hotel hotel tel FOR FOt RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSES HO ONE new modern terrace two apart apartments apartments apartments ments Inquire 2759 9 Grant Ave 2 2 houses 4 I 1 and 5 room with barn Inq Christensen Shoo Shoe Store Two jwo houses on Adams avenue Inquire street Bell Den phone ISte m cottage close In 2849 Childs Ave Avo FOR RENT Three room crIck orick house Bell DeH 12 l 15 line Imo MODERN Rj five room house with cellar and summer kitchen Inquire Washington avenue LOST LOST LOSTA A gold bracelet between GUI Cul leys loys drug store and Washing Washington J ton ave avo Finder return to Standard receive suitable reward LOST LOSTA LOSlA A mink collar between and anu Grant Gr nt and and Lincoln Return to and anu receive lib Hb |