Show ALFRED METTLE I WILL BE TESTED IN A RACE New York Jan 9 On the same track on which Mathew Maloney won the tIme amateur Marathon race last night Alfred the tho English lance tance anco crack will go so 12 miles mIlos tonight against a n relay rela of three mon men who will run rim four milos miles each The TIme men who are aro to test the British professionals mettle arc are Fred Simpson an 10 OJibwa Indian from tho Hiawatha reserve In Canada Tom Toni Williams of Somerville Mass and Frank Fronk Kanalay of Cam Cambridge Cambridge bridge Mass Tom rom Longboat the tho Canadian In Indian Indian Indian dian will fire re the tho starting shot ahot As Asa a preliminary to the event eventa a handicap will be run Inasmuch as ns Is to meet Longboat for tor tho the full Marathon die tanco in the garden on on January 26 20 hl l tonight will be bo watch watched watched ed d with Interest by that portion of the Ule sporting element which has been following revival of ot run running mug ning in this country countr primarily duo clue to the contest some time ago ngo |