Show UNUSUAL COLD AND STORM UNABATED Salt Sail Lake City Jan 9 Tho unprecedented unprecedented storm of or the last tow few days dara over OC the northwestern Pacific states slates gives no Indication of an abatement rho Tho unusual cold continues and 1 the tho snow fall Is 18 beginning to impede rail railway railway way W r traffic The Frazer I river Is frozen frozen en over aboe above New Westminster B BC BC BC C and navigation is closed Friday Harbor county count seat Boat of or San SanJuan SanJuan SanJuan Juan county Washington Is without water valor anti and light the water mains being frozen n Ice lee Interferes with navigation in the Columbia river At Jl Spokane the thermometer Is below zero and the snow sno fall tall Is 14 11 Inches The Tho Transcontinental railroads r aro fairly fa I 11 successful In maintaining schedules dules It IB is feared that the cold has killed tho the peach buds In Spokane Valley but It Il IB is believed the winter wheat has been protected by br snow Helena reports a temperature of or 20 below zero Bui Butte to was as without car service until roon noon today todar Missoula reports ports l seven soyen delayed passenger trains standing on tho the tracks Of these theBe three were Vero duo due duoto to arrive January 7 and three thieo yes yesterday Passenger service on branch linen has been discontinued 1 |