Show A For the Luncheon nEn IB Is nothing that makes make n rt 11 luncheon BO so 1 0 attractive as os pretty pratt table linen and tho centerpiece Is the most Important of ot nil It should ho bo approximately 21 Inches In diameter plate dollies doilies ten Inches nod and the smaller size eight Inches The smaller ones are aro needed for tor tho tile glasses and the bread brend and ond butter plates Heavy rIca Ij firm linen worked with mercerized cotton not too tine One should bo be used Great Grent caro bo ho exercised In embroidering It U and ond cope cape especially chilly in regard to the tho padded scalloped edge If It It rough rou h and shows 1 n fringe o of ot threads the beauty of the tho I Is spoiled i |