Show i 1 LAD STEALS A LARGE SUM St SL Louis Jan 9 A money moncy bag of or 3 3 amazing proportions which a small p boy pulled from his bosom to pay his hisa a bill bm at a shooting gallon gallery last night nIghtS S 5 attracted the attention of a 3 patrol finn ninn who questioned qu him as to how Ilow hown I 1 h be n got it The boy bo confessed the theS S g mount Amount in the tho bag represent i 1 od d Iii what was left leCt of ot money mone ho he i 1 bUnted from the Brool Milling II office in Brookport Ills IUs J 1 Ho Rc gave his name nam as S Mitchell Har Haray HarI I 1 ay d 11 years coars old of or Brookport ill z s Ho tola tho police ho lie was about to re J rn homo home and give up was wan left let letl l Oh or tho e money when tho the police found n I I Il 1 l ii |