Show ADMIRAL EVANS TALKS AT CAR CARNEGIE CARNEGIE NEGIE NEGI HALL Now New York Jon Jan 9 Among tho the thoI I many amity Interesting and picturesque statements made by br Rear Admiral D Evans In his talk lost night at Carnegie Hall under tho the aus atis auspices of tho the Navy Nn league was wr one ont oncoming concerning tho conversation con with resident President Roosevelt Just before tho the department of the tho Atlantic battle battleship battleship ship fleet 1 lt for COl or Its Iti cruise cruls Admiral the President Pr said Bald ac according according cording to 10 Admiral Evam Evant remember her ber 11 1 that you are arc on a peaceful expo dillon hut but If It should turn out other wi n you ou know your position po During hh praise of the skilL of oC ofIn the In Yankee C sailors Bailors at target practice Admiral Evans imparted some Inor information mation lon with regard I gard to tho the recent tar target tart target get t work at Manila What he ho had hail hi aid he hO sold said was but hr lu understood r that after aHer one ono of tho the battleships hail had fired Ored a n gun sun 15 I mien at 1 a target tarnet five miles away awn awa awat there t h r were W fa found Cound to be exactly fifteen holes holos In tho the target Fighting Bobs Bohs reference to Japan so far ar as the tho pos pas possibility of war was concerned brief Indeed |