Show Ft UI t l LooK Looh Loo Ahead I i AT a 11 vision You b do tb not know where you will bo be and andin in m what wh lt position you will wUl occupy five ti years ears hence bence but hut you yon do know and m what you 00 would like Ilko to be Keep your youree yourI I eye ee on that mark and aim straight at it 1 every cery day doy and all 01 the time ii it I Tho The man mon who looks no farther than tho week after otter next Is not likely to do mach t good In the tho world either cither for himself or re I others Tho The Scriptural direction to take bIko takeno ml no thought for the tho morrow which 13 is i sometimes sometime mode made nn nl excuse for careless carelessness i S I C P I ness Is 11 directed against tho the trivial anile 5 tIes of ot tho ho moment In reality It Is 18 nn en I Injunction to view the work of ot today todor In rv J Its relationship to the tho remote rather rother than L t the Immediate future futuro It IH lIS hard to Impress upon a n young youn torr man Just entering upon business life that T his hid position and nut earnings In 1000 will t be 00 o of ot Importance mainly In their bearing I upon hut hili position mind earnings in 1010 His natural tendency Is ls to Jump to tho the conclusion that tho ho post with tho ho best beat pay puy ta is necessarily the host best for him hini to take tah H It does doca ij not always follow tollow that this is the case B Here are arc two Instances 9 In point V A clerk clork In a 0 New Ness cw York Yoh office was earn cora ing big 8 a 0 week weale He lie heard of ot another berth nt at a week applied for It H and got ot It Two dollars n a week extra seemed a n largo large rise to him but his confidence eon In his good fortune was waB somewhat BI when whoa he learnt that one of ot his new colleagues re reputed reputed putted to bo ha tho the smartest t Junior In the omco anti nud earning en ruin tho the same salary hUll had relinquished It to take up the berth which ho himself haul hod Just vacated A Inquiry showed him hIm when too toolate toolate toolate late tho ho reason Tho The berth had prospects of ot advancement the tho ton dollar berth had none noneA A wealthy man had two sons Aa As each loft school the father offered him the choice of ot immediately entering business or first go goIng lug Ing to college collego The elder eider brother chose tho tima first alternative which offered the time larger Income for tor personal expenditure the younger brother chose tho second When the younger brother left lett college the elder hUll hud had five yearn practical experience of or business null and had hod canted n a considerable sum Bum hut but b t tho brother meanwhile had been learning how to In three moro more years ho bo had hall acquired OB os complete completo a n grasp graap of or time ilio business D as ns his older either brother and ond In five fie he was wait the better hotter man end nd time the more prosperous If It you want W ut to get on In 10 the tho world worM you yon always ho bo ready rendy to sacrifice tho the present to tho the future i |