Show OLD TIMER A VISITOR I OGDEN PIONEER RELATES SOME INTERESTING HISTORY Mr Langlois Strong Advocate of Good Roads Proposition and An Enthusiastic 51 Fruit Grower George Langlois Thirtieth street ox cart pioneer foot racer mill one ono of the tho boat best known old timers of or orthis this region legion called at tho the office of the tho I Standard Friday to lenow a ances and amid swap yarns aI I with the report reporters ers ors Mr Langlois is always alwa s a welcome visitor and his tales antI and adventures are without number He Ho was WilS one olio of ot the tho first white men to cross ross Into Ogden valley anO vIa sla Ia North Ogden canyon can on and amid was associated with Captain Jofferson Hunt Html of the tho famous Mormon battalion when tho the village of o Huntsville was wan laid out Mr Mi Langlois Is a native of the time Isle of Jersey off the tho north coast of or France near Ute time Isle 1810 his father being a native natho of the latter Is Island land a miller millor by br trade In speaking of o his native land Mr al ai always always ways ays reminds his hearers that tont Jersey although a small spot on tho the map wap is isa Isa Isa a place with a n history And so it is having been a favorite dwelling Place for many centuries before Roman times Caesar landed there thoro In tho the tholar year lar A D and left ten of or his men to divide tho the Island Islam Between naming it after himself The Roman word has hns since been cor corrupted corrupted corrupted by b later Inhabitants and an mummy many stages to lo the tho word Jersey Mr lr Langlois who was born in St Johns Parish Mount fount Meadow lived for twenty yeras within sight of or orthe the time coast of France Francc yet Jet never nover visited It elto r did his father before him who spent his entire life 1110 on tho ho is islands islands islands lands Jersey Jorse and antl Guernsey without ever evor visiting tho the great continent so EO near them Mr Langlois assisted J his father in tho the stone stono quarry business for some ers and was identified with the tho building of the tho lamous lam us Long Pier In too the harbor of St S1 Hellers Jer Jersey sex sey 80 which is a mile and a Bali l aH long and took five fie years jears ears to complete In Mr Longlois became con COli converted converted to the tho Mormon faith and em oni emigrated to America sailing In tho the ship Chimborazo from Liverpool to Phila Philadelphia Philadelphia delphia The trip across tho the Atlantic In those days do 8 says Mr lIr Langlots Langlois was rather a It tedious proposition Wo We ro wore were five fie weeks making the Iho voyage and u it ship B lp which crossed at al about the tho same samu I I I time Ume was out nine nino weeks between ports They did however maho somo groat records even cen In those days dars I remember a couple of lads from my m home homo at Mount Meadow lendow who had a lit little littie tie tle schooner called tho tIme John Johnny Johnn ny fly n about n out foot feet In length In which they thc made a voyage n agO from the tho Isle Islo of Guernsey to tho the coast const of Jf t Labrador In fourteen days das That was wasa a remarkable record considering tho time boats constructed at tt that time Arriving A In America Mr made his way wa to Kansas and then Mn crossed the time plains with an ox team to Utah whore ho has since made mado his home homo In tho the year Poor 1811 Mr lr returned to time Mormon settlements in Kansas for a party part of newly arrived immigrants and again crossed the tho great Erl t desert with his four our yoko yoke of or oxen axOn that being tho time third time It was wa on the thc latter trip that hat the thc romance In Mr los life took look on a II now phase Ho met a fair daughter of Sweden In tho the person of or Mary Char Charlotte lotte and the ibe long trip overland BO o captivated tie the young lad lady with his tales of breadth by b flood and field new that she became his wife 10 won nomi after their arrival In lii Utah und anti blesses his declining years at fit the age of He tic n ha has since Inco visited I his native land 1802 J 2 re ro remaining thorn thom part of oC a R year tr Mr lr wa prominently Idem Iden Identified fifed with tho the founding of when the tho only wagon Va Oll route from Og OJ Ogden Ogden den was W II by way of North Ogden can cnn you Ho II H Captain Hunt wore tho fortunate possessors of the only two plows suitable for ditching purposes and with wita these rude rudo homo home made Implements Implements ments tho the two Iwo pioneers constructed the first Irrigation ditch h in Ogden val valley Icy ley 10 Their Th lr molo were of oC strap iron Iroll and the tho plow frames of wood Tho The Indians wore were numerous In those lays days but gave sao the settlers settlors trouble Mr tells lolls t alls of a fa famous famous moos battle which took place In ia Og OS Ogdon OSden Ogden den don canyon on a n half hail mile above the tile mouth between bot t two o hostile bands of ot Indians In which two noted chiefs wore killed the story of which told In picture painting upon the tho walls walla of or ortho tho the north side sid of tho Limo canyon high lm up upon upon on tim the side Ido of the rne cliff remained for Cor Corman many man years oars and amid could bo be deciphered by b the tho early pioneers I Mr Langlois Is IB an nn fruit grower and has lucas Ideas hl of r his hi own as aa asto asto to superior methods of tree growing I which he ho hopes hOJI S to lo in thIs thin vicinity One is I the tho training of a ayoung ayoung I young oung tree to lo grow fiat upon the time side i of a n house by b fastening each year nr tho ho young shoots a as they ther the branch He lie tolls of the famous Jersey cattle also gi gl giant glant giant ant cow cabbages of his hit native laIc Isle which grow to a height of or twelve feet feel feeland f ot I and exhibits photographs photo to late Hale his Imis statements lIe He Is IB also ulso fond of oC telling toiling of the Iho celebrated Lillian Langtry the Jersey Lily who was waH born on his native nalle soil and who was a favorite at one time with King Ed Edward Edward Edward ward then the time Prince of Wales WaloN until she hc playfully slipped a piece of ice down that g back one ono day dR much to the discomfiture and mortification ni ort lOcation Mr Tr lr Is IB known throughout tho the countryside as aim a L champion foot footracer footracer footracer racer and miami sUIl still challenges at tho time ago age of or anyone lu in his class Ho lIe Howan Howan wan handily all nil races raCOR In Ills his class at atthe atthe the time recent annual I outings of oC the time Out Old Folks and anil Is 19 sUll able alile to make a goodly showing s on time the cinder path patim This accounts for his enthusiasm on time the good roads proposition of oC which he Is a strong advocate advocat liana anda and a long bug long bug life for George |